
7._________ the young trees is our duty.

A. Take good care

B. Taking good care of

C. Taking good care

D. Take good care of




30. Which of the following is TRUE about Hip-hop dancing?

A.It's not a good way to exercise.

B.It shows that young people feel bad about life.

C. Young people use this dance to show their love for life.

D. It shows that young people are afraid of problems.








假设检索与某一主题相关的文献,系统中的文献总量为 2000 篇,与该主题相关的文献总量为 100 篇, 系统检索出文献 80 篇,其中与该主题相关的文献 为 60 篇。系统的查全率是 ______。

A. 3%

B. 60%

C. 75%

D. 80%


话题11方案与安排主题语篇阅读.2022昌平二模 完形填空Young Scottish brothers take on a list of 500 adventuresFor Ollie and Harry Ferguson, life is an adventure. For the past four years, the brothers have been working to 1 a list of 500 challenges and experiences. “The idea came about actually from the boys, their father, MacNeill Ferguson, said. “The boys were just asked one day if they could 2 some cool things for us to do as a family. They put forward some impossible ideas firstly, like going on a trip to Mars, International Sausage Day and all kinds of 3 kids requests. They built the list to a hundred, then kept finding new things we wanted to do and tryuntil it got up to 500. Theyre all listed on the brothers Facebook page. So far they have built an igloo, explored the wilderness, and sent their Lego men to the depths of the ocean and into outer space. Perhaps their biggest 4 is playing out right now on the high seas. Last year, Ollie and Harry launched(使下水) a toy ship from the Scottish coast. The ship named “Adventure sailed across the North Sea to Scandinavia. It then began a ride on a Norwegian boat and was launched 5, this time off the coast of west Africa. Its equipped with a tracking device(跟踪器), allowing the brothers to 6 every step of the sailing. But the battery(电池) on the tracking device is becoming weak, so Harry and Ollie hope a passing ship 7 their boat and is able to recharge(充电) its battery, allowing the adventure to continue. “Harry, where would you like the boat to go? Mr. Ferguson asked. “Without (a) 8, that would be China because we all love China, Harry answered. He thinks that even there are so many difficulties, the boat will reach China.()1.A.finish B.chooseC.check D.change()2.A.hear ofB.keep off C e up withD.get used to ()3.A.shy B.strangeC.uselessD.traditionalB.journeyC.invention D.adventureB.againC.evenD.ever B.take C.copy D.followB.leaves C.notices D.protectsB.trust C.mistakeD.surprise.2022西城二模阅读理解After the holiday season, our guess is that you are tired of visiting the store and buying gifts.It is easy to get stuck, both spiritually and physically by having too much.This is why minimalism and living simply should be your resolution for 2022.Economic development results in a lot of consumerism(消费): get a good job, get a nice car, and settle into a beautiful house.But some people say that our lives could use a little lightening these days: We work and work and work only to buy and buy and buybut does all that material wealth really lead to our happiness? Are we filling our time with unnecessary things, when we should be filling our time with friends, value, and service?An article from the website, Becoming Minimalist, points out the problem with 、this cycle(循环) in the best way, “Nobody really believes happiness is directly tied to the number of things we own.Yet almost all of us live like it.We get stuck in it.We work more hours than ever before, earn more income, but save less.Minimalism isnt all about ridding(摆脱) consumerism and products f、rom your life.Minimalism is about finding your own sense of self and focusing on the things you love.It is about creating a lifestyle that is focused on only those people and things that enrich you.These days, minimalistic living can come in many forms.We think the most practical form of minimalistic living for us is to follow our list: How You

you've probably read the books.You've probably seen the movies.But have you heard the music?The latest Harry Potter news is that bands have been forming to play what is called "wizard rock" or sometimes just "wrock."

The new kind of music began when Joe DeGeorge and his brother Paul decided that the characters from Harry Potter would make a great band.Ron on guitar,Hermione on bass,Hagrid on drums and Harry singing up front would make for an excellent group.In one day,the brothers wrote,practised and performed six songs about life at Hogwarts.After the first performance,Paul decided that "we're Harry and the Potters."

Wizard rock is pretty much what it sounds like:rock 'n' roll inspired by and set in the world of Harry Potter.The DeGeorges started a trend.Today,there are dozens of wizard-rock bands:the Whomping Willows,the Remus Lupins and the Moaning Myrtles to name a few.Rockers dress like Hogwarts students and play at conventions and festivals.

People who like Harry Potter think wizard rock music is totally awesome.The songs can be funny,but the music is not a joke.It's serious.Just ask the DeGeorge brothers.They've played more than 500 shows in 49 states.They dress in Hogwarts house colors,and their hit songs are inspired by characters from the books:"Save Ginny Weasley" and "Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock!" The themes of their music are the same as the themes of Rowling's books:love and friendship,upset and struggle.

Wizard rock is just one more spin-off in the Harry Potter craze.Two years after J.K.Rowling published her last book in the series,Potter popularity continues to grow.There are Potter conventions and Potter clubs that try to get kids and grown-ups to help fight hunger,for example.And the fact that they may do it while humming "Wizard Chess" or "Platform. 9" makes those meetings fun.

1、Which of the following is a band’s name?


B、The Whomping Willows

C、Harry Potter

D、Save Ginny Weasley

2、Which of the following is wizard rock’s characteristic?

A、A funny and joking

B、joking and serious

C、funny and serious

D、serious and dull

3、Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A、The DeGeorge has been popular in the USA.

B、People think highly of wizard rock.

C、The wizard rock's themes are related to struggle.

D、Wizard rock is only popular among teenagers.

4、From the last paragraph,we can learn that().

A、Harry Potter has had great effect on American's music

B、Wizard rock has created another hit about Harry Potter

C、Harry Potter continues to be liked by its fans

D、J.K.Rowling will continue to write something about Harry Potter


He inspired many young people to take up the sport.

A: encouraged
B: allowed
C: called
D: advised

题干意为“他鼓励很多年轻人运动起来。” 句中划线词意为“鼓舞,激励”。A项encouraged意为“鼓励,支持”;例句:Her parents encouraged her in her studies.她的父母鼓励她好好学习。B项意为“允许;”C项意为“叫,通电话”;D项意为“建议”;故选A。

The author’s purpose in this passage is to( )

A.list those writers who make up the back bone of a great literature curriculum
B.compare the young reader’s experience with literature to that of the mature reader
C.advocate the adoption of the“life experience” approach to teaching
D.plead for the retention of great literature as a fundamental part of the curriculum

主旨题。文章首段首先提到“life experience”这种方法的狭隘性,使得公立学校课程中的文学作品地位下降。紧接着作者开始论证优秀作品的目的及重要作用,并且在最后一段中提到,需要通过教育来了解优秀作品,克服“经验说”理论。由此可见,本文目的实际上是在呼吁保留文学课程并提高对其的重视,因此D项符合文意。故本题选D。

The author’s purpose in this passage is to( )

A.list those writers who make up the back bone of a great literature curriculum
B.compare the young reader’s experience with literature to that of the mature reader
C.advocate the adoption of the“life experience” approach to teaching
D.plead for the retention of great literature as a fundamental part of the curriculum

主旨题。文章首段首先提到“life experience”这种方法的狭隘性,使得公立学校课程中的文学作品地位下降。紧接着作者开始论证优秀作品的目的及重要作用,并且在最后一段中提到,需要通过教育来了解优秀作品,克服“经验说”理论。由此可见,本文目的实际上是在呼吁保留文学课程并提高对其的重视,因此D项符合文意。


  • A、交际用语和阅读理解
  • B、完形填空和写作
  • C、词汇与结构
  • D、英译汉


更多 “北京专版2022中考英语复习方案第一篇话题分层复习话题11计划与安排试题” 相关考题
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考题 填空题This picture (take) ____ by a young reporter in Beijing last month.正确答案:was taken解析:本题考查被动语态。句意:这张照片是一位年轻的记者上个月在北京照的。picture和take之间为被动关系,因此这里要用被动语态,而这个动作的时间状语是发生在过去,所以要用过去时来表示。故填入was taken。

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