更多“(c) Using the information contained in Appendix 1.2, compare the performance of HLP and MAS incorporatingrelevant percentage and ratio statistics under the following headings:(i) Competitiveness; (5 marks)”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (b) Using the information contained in Appendix 1.1, discuss the financial performance of HLP and MAS,

    incorporating details of the following in your discussion:

    (i) Overall client fees (total and per consultation)

    (ii) Advisory protection scheme consultation ‘utilisation levels’ for both property and commercial clients

    (iii) Cost/expense levels. (10 marks)


    (ii) As far as annual agreements relating to property work are concerned, HLP had a take up rate of 82·5% whereas MAS
    had a take up rate of only 50%. Therefore, HLP has ‘lost out’ to competitor MAS in relative financial terms as regards
    the ‘take-up’ of consultations relating to property work. This is because both HLP and MAS received an annual fee from
    each property client irrespective of the number of consultations given. MAS should therefore have had a better profit
    margin from this area of business than HLP. However, the extent to which HLP has ‘lost out’ cannot be quantified since
    we would need to know the variable costs per consultation and this detail is not available. What we do know is that
    HLP earned actual revenue per effective consultation amounting to £90·90 whereas the budgeted revenue per
    consultation amounted to £100. MAS earned £120 per effective consultation.
    The same picture emerges from annual agreements relating to commercial work. HLP had a budgeted take up rate of
    50%, however the actual take up rate during the period was 90%. MAS had an actual take up rate of 50%. The actual
    revenue per effective consultation earned by HLP amounted to £167 whereas the budgeted revenue per consultation
    amounted to £300. MAS earned £250 per effective consultation.
    There could possibly be an upside to this situation for HLP in that it might be the case that the uptake of 90% of
    consultations without further charge by clients holding annual agreements in respect of commercial work might be
    indicative of a high level of customer satisfaction. It could on the other hand be indicative of a mindset which says ‘I
    have already paid for these consultations therefore I am going to request them’.
    (iii) Budgeted and actual salaries in HLP were £50,000 per annum, per advisor. Two additional advisors were employed
    during the year in order to provide consultations in respect of commercial work. MAS paid a salary of £60,000 to each
    advisor which is 20% higher than the salary of £50,000 paid to each advisor by HLP. Perhaps this is indicative that
    the advisors employed by MAS are more experienced and/or better qualified than those employed by HLP.
    HLP paid indemnity insurance of £250,000 which is £150,000 (150%) more than the amount of £100,000 paid by
    MAS. This excess cost may well have arisen as a consequence of successful claims against HLP for negligence in
    undertaking commercial work. It would be interesting to know whether HLP had been the subject of any successful
    claims for negligent work during recent years as premiums invariably reflect the claims history of a business. Rather
    worrying is the fact that HLP was subject to three such claims during the year ended 31 May 2007.
    Significant subcontract costs were incurred by HLP during the year probably in an attempt to satisfy demand and retain
    the goodwill of its clients. HLP incurred subcontract costs in respect of commercial properties which totalled £144,000.
    These consultations earned revenue amounting to (320 x £150) = £48,000, hence a loss of £96,000 was incurred
    in this area of the business.
    HLP also paid £300,000 for 600 subcontract consultations in respect of litigation work. These consultations earned
    revenue amounting to (600 x £250) = £150,000, hence a loss of £150,000 was incurred in this area of the business.
    In contrast, MAS paid £7,000 for 20 subcontract consultations in respect of commercial work and an identical amount
    for 20 subcontract consultations in respect of litigation work. These consultations earned revenue amounting to
    20 x (£150 + £200) =£7,000. Therefore, a loss of only £7,000 was incurred in respect of subcontract consultations
    by MAS.
    Other operating expenses were budgeted at 53·0% of sales revenue. The actual level incurred was 40·7% of sales
    revenue. The fixed/variable split of such costs is not given but it may well be the case that the fall in this percentage is
    due to good cost control by HLP. However, it might simply be the case that the original budget was flawed. Competitor
    MAS would appear to have a slightly superior cost structure to that of HLP since its other operating expenses amounted
    to 38·4% of sales revenue. Further information is required in order to draw firmer conclusions regarding cost control
    within both businesses.

  • 第2题:

    (c) Using sensitivity analysis, estimate by what percentage the life cycle of the Snowballer would need to change

    before the recommendation in (a) above is varied. (4 marks)




  • 第3题:

    (ii) evaluates the relative performance of the four depots as indicated by the analysis in the summary table

    prepared in (i); (5 marks)

    (ii) The summary analysis in (a)(i) shows that using overall points gained, Michaelangelotown has achieved the best
    performance with 12 points. Donatellotown and Leonardotown have achieved a reasonable level of performance with
    eight points each. Raphaeltown has under performed, however, gaining only four out of the available 12 points.
    Michaelangelotown is the only depot to have achieved both an increase in revenue over budget and an increased
    profit:revenue percentage.
    In the customer care and service delivery statistics, Michaelangelotown has achieved all six of the target standards,
    Donatellotown four; Leonardotown three. The Raphaeltown statistic of achieving only one out of six targets indicates the
    need for investigation.
    With regard to the credit control and administrative efficiency statistics, Leonardotown and Michaelangelotown achieved
    all four standards and Donatellotown achieved three of the four standards. Once again, Raphaeltown is the ‘poor
    performer’ achieving only two of the four standards.

  • 第4题:

    (b) A summary of the information needed to satisfy our obligations under the money laundering legislation and

    any action that should be taken before agreeing to become tax advisers to the Saturn Ltd group. (5 marks)

    (b) Before agreeing to become tax advisers to the Saturn Ltd group
    Information needed:
    – Proof of incorporation and primary business address and registered office.
    – The structure, directors and shareholders of the company.
    – The identities of those persons instructing the firm on behalf of the company and those persons that are authorised to
    do so.
    Action to take:
    – Consider whether becoming tax advisers to the Saturn Ltd group would create any threats to compliance with the
    fundamental principles of professional ethics, for example integrity and professional competence. Where such threats
    exist, we should not accept the appointment unless the threats can be reduced to an acceptable level via the
    implementation of safeguards.
    – Contact the existing tax adviser in order to ensure that there has been no action by the Saturn Ltd group that would, on
    ethical grounds, preclude us from accepting appointment.

  • 第5题:

    KFP Co, a company listed on a major stock market, is looking at its cost of capital as it prepares to make a bid to buy a rival unlisted company, NGN. Both companies are in the same business sector. Financial information on KFP Co and NGN is as follows:

    NGN has a cost of equity of 12% per year and has maintained a dividend payout ratio of 45% for several years. The current earnings per share of the company is 80c per share and its earnings have grown at an average rate of 4·5% per year in recent years.

    The ex div share price of KFP Co is $4·20 per share and it has an equity beta of 1·2. The 7% bonds of the company are trading on an ex interest basis at $94·74 per $100 bond. The price/earnings ratio of KFP Co is eight times.

    The directors of KFP Co believe a cash offer for the shares of NGN would have the best chance of success. It has been suggested that a cash offer could be financed by debt.


    (a) Calculate the weighted average cost of capital of KFP Co on a market value weighted basis. (10 marks)

    (b) Calculate the total value of the target company, NGN, using the following valuation methods:

    (i) Price/earnings ratio method, using the price/earnings ratio of KFP Co; and

    (ii) Dividend growth model. (6 marks)

    (c) Discuss the relationship between capital structure and weighted average cost of capital, and comment on

    the suggestion that debt could be used to finance a cash offer for NGN. (9 marks)


  • 第6题:

    The following exhibit displays the NetFlow statistics for a CIS router, which will be helpful for a network administrator to collect IP traffic information.Which two numbers separately refer to the percentage of packets sized between 32 and 64 bytes and the number of flows in progress?()

    A. 24.9%, 980

    B. 6.94%, 980

    C. 69.4%, 35

    D. cannot be determined from this output

    E. 69.4%, 4061


  • 第7题:

    The United States Department of Agriculture and the food industry( )sales statistics and keep accurate records.This information tells us what people are eating and their changes in attitudes and tastes.



  • 第8题:

    A technician wants to compare a new server performance over a period of time. Which of the following should the technician do FIRST?()

    • A、Monitor processor performance logs
    • B、Constantly check the task manager
    • C、Use performance server logs
    • D、Establish a baseline for the server


  • 第9题:

    When analyzing disk I/O performance, which of the following metrics and/or statistics should be included in the study?()

    • A、 Disk size, stock availability, VHDCI
    • B、 Disk size, distance, temperature, and compatibility
    • C、 Disk fragmentation, MTBF, and maintenance
    • D、 Disk configuration, throughput, transactions, queues, and latencies


  • 第10题:

    The application workload on your database is same between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. on weekdays. Suddenly you observe poor performance between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. in the middle of the week. How would you identify the changes in configuration settings, workload profile, and statistics to diagnose the possible causes of the performance degradation?()

    • A、by using the SQL access advisor
    • B、by using the Automatic Workload Repository report
    • C、by running the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)
    • D、by using the Automatic Workload Repository Compare Period report
    • E、by analyzing the output of the V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY view


  • 第11题:

    The application workload on your database is same between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. on weekdays. Suddenly you observe poor performance between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. in the middle of the week. How would you identify the changes in configuration settings, workload profile, and statistics to diagnose the possible causes of the performance degradation?()

    by using the SQL access advisor


    by using the Automatic Workload Repository report


    by running the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)


    by using the Automatic Workload Repository Compare Period report


    by analyzing the output of the V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY view

    正确答案: E
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    You notice a performance change in your production Oracle database and you want to know which change has made this performance difference. You generate the Compare Period Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report to further investigation. Which three findings would you get from the report?()

    It detects any configuration change that caused a performance difference in both time periods.


    It identifies any workload change that caused a performance difference in both time periods.


    It detects the top wait events causing performance degradation.


    It shows the resource usage for CPU, memory, and I/O in both time periods.


    It shows the difference in the size of memory pools in both time periods.


    It gives information about statistics collection in both time periods.

    正确答案: B,A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    (b) Using sensitivity analysis, estimate by what percentage each of the under-mentioned items, taken separately,

    would need to change before the recommendation in (a) above is varied:

    (i) Initial outlay;

    (ii) Annual contribution. (4 marks)


  • 第14题:

    (ii) Briefly discuss THREE disadvantages of using EVA? in the measurement of financial performance.

    (3 marks)

    (ii) Disadvantages of an EVA approach to the measurement of financial performance include:
    (i) The calculation of EVA may be complicated due to the number of adjustments required.
    (ii) It is difficult to use EVA for inter-firm and inter-divisional comparisons because it is not a ratio measure.
    (iii) Economic depreciation is difficult to estimate and conflicts with generally accepted accounting principles.
    Note: Other relevant discussion would be acceptable.

  • 第15题:

    (iii) assesses TSC in terms of financial performance, competitiveness, service quality, resource utilisation,

    flexibility and innovation and discusses the interrelationships between these terms, incorporating

    examples from within TSC; and (10 marks)

    (iii) The terms listed may be seen as representative of the dimensions of performance. The dimensions may be analysed into
    results and determinants.
    The results may be measured by focusing on financial performance and competitiveness. Financial performance may
    be measured in terms of revenue and profit as shown in the data in the appendix of the question in respect of TSC. The
    points system in part (a) of the answer shows which depots have achieved or exceeded the target set. In addition,
    liquidity is another aspect of the measurement of financial performance. The points total in part (a) showed that
    Leonardotown and Michaelangelotown depots appear to have the best current record in aspects of credit control.
    Competitiveness may be measured in terms of sales growth but also in terms of market share, number of new
    customers, etc. In the TSC statistics available in (a) we only have data for the current quarter. This shows that three of
    the four depots listed have achieved increased revenue compared to target.
    The determinants are the factors which may be seen to contribute to the achievement of the results. Quality, resource
    utilisation, flexibility and innovation are cited by Fitzgerald and Moon as examples of factors that should contribute to
    the achievement of the results in terms of financial performance and competitiveness. In TSC a main quality issue
    appears to be customer care and service delivery. The statistics in the points table in part (a) of the answer show that
    the Raphaeltown depot appears to have a major problem in this area. It has only achieved one point out of the six
    available in this particular segment of the statistics.
    Resource utilisation for TSC may be measured by the level of effective use of drivers and vehicles. To some extent, this
    is highlighted by the statistics relating to customer care and service delivery. For example, late collection of consignments
    from customers may be caused by a shortage of vehicles and/or drivers. Such shortages could be due to staff turnover,
    sickness, etc or problems with vehicle maintenance.
    Flexibility may be an issue. There may, for example, be a problem with vehicle availability. Possibly an increased focus
    on sources for short-term sub-contracting of vehicles/collections/deliveries might help overcome delay problems.
    The ‘target v actual points system’ may be seen as an example of innovation by the company. This gives a detailed set
    of measures that should provide an incentive for improvement at all depots. The points system may illustrate the extent
    of achievement/non-achievement of company strategies for success. For example TSC may have a customer care
    commitment policy which identifies factors that should be achieved on a continuing basis. For example, timely collection
    of consignments, misdirected consignments re-delivered at no extra charge, prompt responses to customer claims and
    compensation for customers.

  • 第16题:

    You notice a performance change in your production Oracle database and you want to know which change has made this performance difference.You generate the Compare Period Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report to further investigation.Which three findings would you get from the report?()

    A. It detects any configuration change that caused a performance difference in both time periods.

    B. It identifies any workload change that caused a performance difference in both time periods.

    C. It detects the top wait events causing performance degradation.

    D. It shows the resource usage for CPU, memory, and I/O in both time periods.

    E. It shows the difference in the size of memory pools in both time periods.

    F. It gives information about statistics collection in both time periods.

    参考答案:A, B, E

  • 第17题:

    The following information is available for a manufacturing company which produces multiple products:

    (i) The product mix ratio

    (ii) Contribution to sales ratio for each product

    (iii) General fixed costs

    (iv) Method of apportioning general fixed costs

    Which of the above are required in order to calculate the break-even sales revenue for the company?

    A.All of the above

    B.(i), (ii) and (iii) only

    C.(i), (iii) and (iv) only

    D.(ii) and (iii) only


    The method of apportioning general fixed costs is not required to calculate the break-even sales revenue.

  • 第18题:

    All of the following can be found on a Pilot Chart EXCEPT information concerning the ______.

    A.percentage of frequency of wave heights

    B.percentage of poor visibility conditions

    C.sea surface temperatures

    D.amounts of precipitation


  • 第19题:

    Using the following information: Performance data from an existing system that a new system will replace; Performance estimates that anticipate future workloads; Micro-partitioning and logical partitioning implementations. Which of the following allows a technical sales representative to create a system design which can be imported into an HMC?()

    • A、IBMeConfig
    • B、IBM Performance Monitor
    • C、IBM Workload Estimator (WLE)
    • D、IBM System Planning Tool (SPT)


  • 第20题:

    When the length of the run queues, process or thread dispatches interrupts, and lock contention metrics and statistics are analyzed for performance, which of the following resources is being analyzed?()

    • A、 CPU
    • B、 Memory
    • C、 Disk I/O
    • D、 Network I/O


  • 第21题:

    You find today’s performance of your production database to be the best ever. Therefore, you want to be notified in the future whenever the performance degrades by 10% of today’s performance. What is the first step that you would take to ensure this?()

    • A、create baseline metrics for today’s performance
    • B、write the current database metrics to a database table and create a trigger to compare with future database statistics
    • C、write the current database metrics to a flat file and create an operating script to compare with future database statistics
    • D、write the current database metrics to a database table and create a procedure to compare with future database statistics
    • E、write the current database metrics to a database table and submit a job using DBMS_JOB to compare with future database statistics


  • 第22题:

    You notice a performance change in your production Oracle database and you want to know which change has made this performance difference. You generate the Compare Period Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report to further investigation. Which three findings would you get from the report?()

    • A、It detects any configuration change that caused a performance difference in both time periods.
    • B、It identifies any workload change that caused a performance difference in both time periods.
    • C、It detects the top wait events causing performance degradation.
    • D、It shows the resource usage for CPU, memory, and I/O in both time periods.
    • E、It shows the difference in the size of memory pools in both time periods.
    • F、It gives information about statistics collection in both time periods.


  • 第23题:

    When the length of the run queues, process or thread dispatches interrupts, and lock contention metrics and statistics are analyzed for performance, which of the following resources is being analyzed?()





     Disk I/O


     Network I/O

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析