(b) Discuss the relevance of each of the following actions as steps in trying to remedy performance measurementproblems relating to the ‘365 Sports Complex’ and suggest examples of specific problem classifications thatmay be reduced or eliminated by each


(b) Discuss the relevance of each of the following actions as steps in trying to remedy performance measurement

problems relating to the ‘365 Sports Complex’ and suggest examples of specific problem classifications that

may be reduced or eliminated by each action:

(i) Focusing on and improving the measurement of customer satisfaction

(ii) Involving staff at all levels in the development and implementation of performance measures

(iii) Being flexible in the extent to which formal performance measures are relied on

(iv) Giving consideration to the auditing of the performance measurement system. (8 marks)

更多“(b) Discuss the relevance of each of the following actions as steps in trying to remedy performance measurementproblems relating to the ‘365 Sports Complex’ and suggest examples of specific problem classifications thatmay be reduced or eliminated by each ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    5 Astrodome Sports Ltd was formed in December 2000 by seven engineers who comprise the board of directors of the

    company. The seven engineers previously worked together for ‘Telstar’, a satellite navigation company.

    In conjunction with one of the three largest construction companies within their country they constructed the ‘365

    Sports Complex’ which has a roof that opens and uses revolutionary satellite technology to maintain grass surfaces

    within the complex. The complex facilities, which are available for use on each day of the year, include two tennis

    courts, a cricket pitch, an equestrian centre and six bowling greens. The tennis courts and cricket pitch are suitable

    for use as venues for national competitions. The equestrian centre offers horse-riding lessons to the general public and

    is also a suitable venue for show-jumping competitions. The equestrian centre and bowling greens have increased in

    popularity as a consequence of regular television coverage of equestrian and bowling events.

    In spite of the high standard of the grass surfaces within the sports complex, the directors are concerned by reduced

    profit levels as a consequence of both falling revenues and increasing costs. The area in which the ‘365 Sports

    Complex’ is located has high unemployment but is served by all public transport services.

    The directors of Astrodome Sports Ltd have different views about the course of action that should be taken to provide

    a strategy for the future improvement in the performance of the complex. Each director’s view is based on his/her

    individual perception as to the interpretation of the information contained in the performance measurement system of

    the complex. These are as follows:


    (a) ‘There is no point whatsoever in encouraging staff to focus on interaction with customers in efforts to create a

    ‘user friendly’ environment. What we need is to maintain the quality of our grass surfaces at all costs since that

    is the distinguishing feature of our business.’

    (b) ‘Buy more equipment which can be hired out to users of our facilities. This will improve our utilisation ratios

    which will lead to increased profits.’

    (c) ‘We should focus our attention on maximising the opening hours of our facilities. Everything else will take care

    of itself.’

    (d) ‘Recent analysis of customer feedback forms indicates that most of our customers are satisfied with the facilities.

    In fact, the only complaints are from three customers – the LCA University which uses the cricket pitch for

    matches, the National Youth Training Academy which held training sessions on the tennis courts, and a local

    bowling team.’

    (e) ‘We should reduce the buildings maintenance budget by 25% and spend the money on increased advertising of

    our facilities which will surely attract more customers.’

    (f) ‘We should hold back on our efforts to overcome the shortage of bowling equipment for hire. Recent rumours are

    that the National Bowling Association is likely to offer large financial grants next year to sports complexes who

    can show they have a demand for the sport but have deficiencies in availability of equipment.’

    (g) ‘Why change our performance management system? Our current areas of focus provide us with all the

    information we need to ensure that we remain a profitable and effective business.’

    As management accountant of Astrodome Sports Ltd you have recently read an article which discussed the following

    performance measurement problems:

    (i) Tunnel vision

    (ii) Sub-optimisation

    (iii) Misinterpretation

    (iv) Myopia

    (v) Measure fixation

    (vi) Misrepresentation

    (vii) Gaming

    (viii) Ossification.


    (a) Explain FOUR of the above-mentioned performance measurement problems (i-viii) and discuss which of the

    views of the directors (a-g) illustrate its application in each case. (12 marks)

    (a) Candidates may choose FOUR problems with performance measures from those listed below:
    Tunnel vision may be seen as undue focus on performance measures to the detriment of other areas. For example ‘There is
    no point whatsoever in encouraging staff to focus on interaction with customers in efforts to create a ‘user friendly’
    environment. What we need is to maintain the quality of our grass surfaces at all costs since that is the distinguishing feature
    of our business.’
    Sub-optimisation may occur where undue focus on some objectives will leave others not achieved. For example, ‘We should
    focus our attention upon maximising the opening hours of our facilities. Everything else will take care of itself.’ This strategy
    ignores the importance of a number of other issues, such as the possible need to increase the availability of horse-riding and
    bowling equipment for hire.
    Misinterpretation involves failure to recognise the complexity of the environment in which the organisation operates.
    Management views have focused on a number of performance measures such as ‘spend the money on increased advertising
    of our facilities which will surely attract more customers.’ This fails to recognise the more complex problems that exist. The
    town is suffering from high unemployment which may cause population drift and economic decline. This will negate many
    of the initiatives that are being suggested by management. This may to some extent be offset by the good transport links to
    the ‘365 sports complex’.
    Myopia refers to short-sightedness leading to the neglect of longer-term objectives. An example would be ‘We should reduce
    the buildings maintenance budget by 25% and spend the money on increased advertising of our facilities which will surely
    attract more customers.’
    Measure fixation implies behaviour and activities in order to achieve specific performance indicators which may not be
    effective. For example, ‘Buy more equipment which can be hired out to users of our facilities. This will improve our utilisation
    ratios which will lead to increased profits.’ Problems of unemployment and lack of complaints from customers may mean that
    more equipment will not improve profit levels.
    Misrepresentation refers to the tendency to indulge in ‘creative’ reporting in order to suggest that a performance measure
    result is acceptable. For example ‘Recent analysis of customer feedback forms indicate that most of our customers are satisfied
    with the facilities. In fact, the only complaints are from three customers – the LCA University who use the cricket pitch for
    matches, the National Youth Training Academy who hold training sessions on the tennis courts, and a local bowling team.’
    This ignores the likely size of capacity share occupied by these three customers. In this regard it should be acknowledged
    that complaints represent a significant threat to the business since ‘bad news often travels fast’ and other customers may then
    ‘vote with their feet’.
    Gaming is where there is a deliberate distortion of the measure in order to secure some strategic advantage. This may involve
    deliberately under performing in order to achieve some objective. For example, ‘We should hold back on our efforts to
    overcome the shortage of bowling equipment for hire. Recent rumours are that the National Bowling Association are likely to
    offer large financial grants next year to sports complexes who can show they have a demand for the sport but have deficiencies
    in availability of equipment.’
    Ossification which by definition means ‘a hardening’ refers to an unwillingness to change the performance measure scheme
    once it has been set up. An example could be ‘Why change our performance management system? Our current areas of focus
    provide us with all the information that we need to ensure that we remain a profitable and effective business.’ This ignores
    issues/problems raised in the other comments provided in the question.

  • 第2题:

    5 A management accounting focus for performance management in an organisation may incorporate the following:

    (1) the determination and quantification of objectives and strategies

    (2) the measurement of the results of the strategies implemented and of the achievement of the results through a

    number of determinants

    (3) the application of business change techniques, in the improvement of those determinants.


    (a) Discuss the meaning and inter-relationship of the terms (shown in bold type) in the above statement. Your

    answer should incorporate examples that may be used to illustrate each term in BOTH profit-seeking

    organisations and not-for-profit organisations in order to highlight any differences between the two types of

    organisation. (14 marks)

    5 (a) Objectives may be viewed as profit and market share in a profit-oriented organisation or the achievement of ‘value for money’
    in a not-for-profit organisation (NFP). The overall objective of an organisation may be expressed in the wording of its mission
    In order to achieve the objectives, long-term strategies will be required. In a profit-oriented organisation, this may incorporate
    the evaluation of strategies that might include price reductions, product design changes, advertising campaign, product mix
    change and methods changes, embracing change techniques such as BPR, JIT, TQM and ABM. In NFP situations, strategies
    might address the need to achieve ‘economy’ through reduction in average cost per unit; ‘efficiency’ through maximisation of
    the input:output ratio, whilst checking on ‘effectiveness’ through monitoring whether the objectives are achieved.
    The annual budget will quantify the short-term results anticipated of the strategies. These results may be seen as the level of
    financial performance and competitiveness achieved. This quantification may be compared with previous years and with
    actual performance on an ongoing basis. Financial performance may be measured in terms of profit, liquidity, capital structure
    and a range of ratios. Competitiveness may be measured by sales growth, market share and the number of new customers.
    In a not-for-profit organisation, the results may be monitored by checking on the effectiveness of actions aimed at the
    achievement of the objectives. For instance, the effectiveness of a University may be measured by the number of degrees
    awarded and the grades achieved. The level of student ‘drop-outs’ each year may also be seen as a measure of ineffectiveness.
    The determinants of results may consist of a number of measures. These may include the level of quality, customer
    satisfaction, resource utilisation, innovation and flexibility that are achieved. Such determinants may focus on a range of nonfinancial
    measures that may be monitored on an ongoing basis, as part of the feedback information in conjunction with
    financial data.
    A range of business change techniques may be used to enhance performance management.
    Techniques may include:
    Business process re-engineering (BPR) which involves the examination of business processes with a view to improving the
    way in which each is implemented. A major focus may be on the production cycle, but it will also be applicable in areas such
    as the accounting department.
    Just-in-time (JIT) which requires commitment to the pursuit of ‘excellence’ in all aspects of an organisation.
    Total quality management (TQM) which aims for continuous quality improvement in all aspects of the operation of an
    Activity based management systems (ABM) which focus on activities that are required in an organisation and the cost drivers
    for such activities, with a view to identifying and improving activities that add value and eliminating those activities that do
    not add value.
    Long-term performance management is likely to embrace elements of BPR, JIT, TQM and ABM. All of these will be reflected
    in the annual budget on an ongoing basis.

  • 第3题:

    6 Discuss how developments in each of the following areas has affected the scope of the audit and the audit work


    (a) fair value accounting; (6 marks)

    General comments
    Tutorial note: The following comments, that could be made in respect of any of the three areas of development, will be given
    credit only once.
    ■ Audit scope – the scope of a statutory audit should be as necessary to form. an audit opinion (i.e. unlimited).
    ■ Audit work undertaken – the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures should be as necessary to implement the overall
    audit plan.
    (a) Fair value accounting
    ■ Different definitions of fair value exist (among financial reporting frameworks or for different assets and liabilities within
    a particular framework). For example, under IFRS it is ‘the amount for which an asset could be exchanged (or a liability
    settled) between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction’.
    ■ The term ‘fair value accounting’ is used to describe the measurement and disclosure of assets and/or liabilities at fair
    value and the charging to profit and loss (or directly to equity) of any changes in fair value measurements.
    ■ Fair value accounting concerns measurements and disclosures but not initial recognition of assets and liabilities in
    financial statements. It does not then, for example, affect the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures to confirm
    the existence and completeness of rights and obligations.
    ■ Fair value may be determined with varying degrees of subjectivity. For example, there will be little (if any) subjectivity
    for assets bought and sold in active and open markets that readily provide reliable information on the prices at which
    exchange transactions occur. However, the valuation of assets with unique characteristics (or entity-specific assets) often
    requires the projection and discounting of future cash flows.
    ■ The audit of estimates of fair values based on valuation models/techniques can be approached like other accounting
    estimates (in accordance with ISA 540 ‘Audit of Accounting Estimates’). However, although the auditor should be able
    to review and test the process used by management to develop the estimate, there may be:
    ? a much greater need for an independent estimate (and hence greater reliance on the work of experts in accordance
    with ISA 620);
    ? no suitable subsequent events to confirm the estimate made (e.g. for assets that are held for use and not for
    Tutorial note: Consider, for example, how the audit of ‘in-process research and development’ might compare with that
    for an allowance for slow-moving inventory.
    ■ Different financial reporting frameworks require or permit a variety of fair value measures and disclosures in financial
    statements. They also vary in the level of guidance provided (to preparers of the financial statements – and hence their
    auditors). Under IFRS, certain fair values are based on management intent and ‘reasonable supportable assumptions’.
    ■ The audit of management intent potentially increases the auditor’s reliance on management representations. The auditor
    must obtain such representations from the highest level of management and exercise an appropriate degree of
    professional scepticism, being particularly alert to the implications of any conflicting evidence.
    ■ A significant development in international financial reporting is that it is no longer sufficient to report transactions and
    past and future events that may only be possible. IAS 1 ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’ (Revised) requires that
    key assumptions (and other key sources of estimation uncertainty) be disclosed. This requirement gives rise to yet
    another area on which auditors may qualify their audit opinion, on grounds of disagreement, where such disclosure is
    incorrect or inadequate.
    ■ Perhaps one of the most significant impacts of fair value accounting on audit work is that it necessarily increases it.
    Consider for example, that even where the fair value of an asset is as easily vouched as original cost, fair value is
    determined at least annually whereas historic cost is unchanged (and not re-vouched to original purchase

  • 第4题:

    An IT manager is concerned about server administrators having to be cross-trained to work on every server. Which of the following is the BEST way to correct this problem?()

    A. Ensure that server baselines are documented for each server.

    B. Ensure that all server documentation is completed and up to date.

    C. Ensure that each server is accessible via a KVM over IP.

    D. Ensure that each server is processed through the change control board.


  • 第5题:

    Decide the meaning of the following affixes and give each affix two examples. re- ;un-; anti-; super-; -wise ;-itis ;-ize ;-age

  • 第6题:

    Which of the following steps in the troubleshooting and repair process is MOST effectivereduce redundant effort? ()

    • A、Discuss the problem with the user and identify any recent changes.
    • B、Identify the root cause of the failure.
    • C、Verify the problem resolution.
    • D、Document activities and outcomes of repair steps.


  • 第7题:

    Which two steps are required for a Kompella Layer 2 VPN?()

    • A、Configure a site id for each ce.
    • B、Configure a VPN label for each VPN.
    • C、Configure a MP-bgp session to each pe.
    • D、Configure an Extended LDP Session to each pe.


  • 第8题:

    What are two benefits of the modular design of the Junos OS?()

    • A、Each module uses application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).
    • B、Each module runs in its own protected memory space.
    • C、Each module can be individually restarted.
    • D、Each module is supported across all Junos platforms.


  • 第9题:

    Which of the following actions will occur once the reorgvg command is used?()

    • A、The allocation policy for each logical volume will be set.
    • B、The given allocation policy for each logical volume will be adhered to.
    • C、Each logical volume's physical partitions will be moved to another volume group.
    • D、Each logical volume's physical partitions will be moved to match its allocation policy, if there is sufficient space.


  • 第10题:

    Which of the following actions should normally be taken during each watch when the auxiliary boilers is in operation?()

    clean the flame scanner photocell window


    Inspect and clean all solenoid valves


    lift the safety valves by hand


    Inspect for oil or water leaks

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    Decide the meaning of the following affixes and give each affix two examples. re- ;un-; anti-; super-; -wise ;-itis ;-ize ;-age

    正确答案: re-:again,e.g.retype,reorganize
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Which two steps are required for a Kompella Layer 2 VPN?()

    Configure a site id for each ce.


    Configure a VPN label for each VPN.


    Configure a MP-bgp session to each pe.


    Configure an Extended LDP Session to each pe.

    正确答案: C,D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    (b) Discuss ways in which the traditional budgeting process may be seen as a barrier to the achievement of the

    aims of EACH of the following models for the implementation of strategic change:

    (i) benchmarking;

    (ii) balanced scorecard; and

    (iii) activity-based models. (12 marks)

    (b) Benchmarking
    Benchmarks enable goals to be set that may be based on either external measures of ‘best practice’ organisations or internal
    cross-functional comparisons which exhibit ‘best practice’. A primary aim of the traditional budgeting process is the setting of
    realistic targets that can be achieved within the budget period. The setting of realistic targets means that the extent of
    underperformance against ‘best practice’ standards loses visibility, and thus short-term financial targets remain the
    predominant focus of the traditional budgeting process. It is arguable that because the budgetary reporting system purports
    to give managers ‘control’, there is very little real incentive to seek out benchmarks which may be used to raise budgeted
    performance targets. Much depends upon the prevailing organisational culture since benchmarking may be viewed as an
    attempt by top management to impose impossible targets upon operational managers. The situation is further exacerbated
    where organisations do not measure their success relative to their competition.
    Balanced scorecard
    The Balanced scorecard is often misunderstood as a consequence of the failure by top management to ensure that it is
    implemented effectively within the organisation. Thus it may be viewed as the addition of a few non-financial measures to
    the conventional budget. In an attempt to overcome this misperception many management teams now establish a
    performance-rewards linkage based upon the achievement of Scorecard targets for the forthcoming budget period.
    Unfortunately this can precipitate dysfunctional behaviour at every level within the organisation.
    Even in situations where the Scorecard has been well-designed and well-implemented it is difficult for it to gain widespread
    acceptance. This is because all too often there exists a culture which places a very high value upon the achievement of the
    fixed annual targets in order to avoid the loss of status, recognition and rewards.
    A well-constructed Scorecard contains a mix of long-term and short-term measures and therefore drives the company in the
    direction of medium-term strategic goals which are supported by cross-functional initiatives. On the other hand, the budgeting
    process focuses the organisation on the achievement of short-term financial goals supported by the initiatives of individual
    departments. Budgets can also act as an impediment to the acceptance of responsibility by local managers for the
    achievement of the Scorecard targets. This is often the case in situations where a continued emphasis exists on meeting shortterm
    e.g. quarterly targets.
    Activity-based models
    Traditional budgets show the costs of functions and departments (e.g. staff costs and establishment costs) instead of the costs
    of those activities that are performed by people (e.g. receipt of goods inwards, processing and dispatch of orders etc). Thus
    managers have no visibility of the real ‘cost drivers’ of their business. In addition, it is probable that a traditional budget
    contains a significant amount of non-value-added costs that are not visible to the managers. The annual budget also tends
    to fix capacity for the forthcoming budget period thereby undermining the potential of Activity-based management (ABM)
    analysis to determine required capacity from a customer demand perspective. Those experienced in the use of ABM
    techniques are used to dealing with such problems, however their tasks would be much easier to perform. and their results
    made more reliable if these problems were removed.

  • 第14题:

    (b) Identify and discuss the appropriateness of the cost drivers of any TWO expense values in EACH of levels (i)

    to (iii) above and ONE value that relates to level (iv).

    In addition, suggest a likely cause of the cost driver for any ONE value in EACH of levels (i) to (iii), and

    comment on possible benefits from the identification of the cause of each cost driver. (10 marks)

    (b) A cost driver is the factor that determines the level of resource required for an activity. This may be illustrated by considering
    costs for each of the four levels in Order Number 377.
    Unit based costs:
    Direct material costs are driven by the quantity, range, quality and price of materials required per product unit according to
    the specification for the order.
    Direct labour costs are driven by the number of hours required per product unit and the rate per hour that has been agreed
    for each labour grade.
    Batch related costs:
    The number of machine set-ups per batch is the cost driver for machines used.
    The number of design hours per batch is the cost driver for design work.
    Product sustaining costs:
    The number of marketing visits to a client per order is the cost driver for marketing cost chargeable to the order.
    The number of hours of production line maintenance per order is the cost driver for production line cost.
    Business sustaining costs:
    These costs are absorbed at a rate of 30% of total cost excluding business sustaining costs. This is an arbitrary rate which
    indicates the difficulty in identifying a suitable cost driver/drivers for the range of residual costs in this category. Wherever
    possible efforts should be made to identify aspects of this residual cost that can be added to the unit, batch or product related
    The cost drivers are useful in that they provide a basis for an accurate allocation of the cost of resources consumed by an
    order. In addition, investigation of the cause(s) of a cost driver occurring at its present level allows action to be considered
    that will lead to a reduction in the cost per unit of cost driver.
    Examples of causes that might be identified are:
    Material price may be higher than necessary due to inefficient sourcing of materials. This may be overcome through efforts
    to review sourcing policy and possibly provide additional training to staff responsible for the sourcing of materials.
    The number of machine set-ups per batch may be due to lack of planning of batch sizes. It may be possible for batch sizes
    in this order to be increased to 1,250 units which would reduce the number of batches required to fulfil the order from five
    to four. This should reduce overall costs.
    The amount of production line maintenance (and hence cost) required per order may be reduced by examining causes such
    as level of skill of maintenance carried out – by GMB’s own staff or out-sourced provision. Action would involve re-training of
    own staff or recruitment of new staff or changing of out-source providers.
    (alternative relevant examples and discussion would be acceptable for all aspects of part (b))

  • 第15题:

    The network technician is troubleshooting a network issue by implementing a new security device.After installing and configuring the device, which of the following steps should the technician takeNEXT?()

    A. Verity full system functionality

    B. Identify the main problem and question the user

    C. Document their findings, actions, and outcomes

    D. Escalate the issue to upper management


  • 第16题:

    It can be concluded that

    A.each sport will take only on hour

    B.students will be chaarged for the four sports

    C.all the sports will take place at Kowloon Peak

    D.teachers will accompany students on each sport


  • 第17题:

    When conducting an Assisted Site Survey, the WLSE does which of the following during the Radio Scan process?()

    • A、chooses the least congested channel
    • B、uses the configured channel
    • C、sets all access points to the same channel
    • D、steps through each of the allowed channels


  • 第18题:

    An administrator determines that performance has degraded for a WebSphere Commerce database.  Which of the following steps should be performed to correct this problem?()

    • A、Cleanup obsolete data
    • B、Clear the WebSphere Commerce cache
    • C、Enable WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
    • D、Reindex the database tables
    • E、Run Performance Monitor to monitor SQL statements


  • 第19题:

    The network technician is troubleshooting a network issue by implementing a new security device.After installing and configuring the device, which of the following steps should the technician takeNEXT?()

    • A、Verity full system functionality
    • B、Identify the main problem and question the user
    • C、Document their findings, actions, and outcomes
    • D、Escalate the issue to upper management


  • 第20题:

    An IT manager is concerned about server administrators having to be cross-trained to work on every server. Which of the following is the BEST way to correct this problem?()

    • A、Ensure that server baselines are documented for each server.
    • B、Ensure that all server documentation is completed and up to date.
    • C、Ensure that each server is accessible via a KVM over IP.
    • D、Ensure that each server is processed through the change control board.


  • 第21题:

    Which two steps are required for a Kompella Layer 2 VPN?()

    • A、Configure a site ID for each CE
    • B、Configure a VPN label for each VPN
    • C、Configure a MP-BGP session to each PE
    • D、Configure an Extended LDP Session to each PE


  • 第22题:

    An IT manager is concerned about server administrators having to be cross-trained to work on every server. Which of the following is the BEST way to correct this problem?()

    Ensure that server baselines are documented for each server.


    Ensure that all server documentation is completed and up to date.


    Ensure that each server is accessible via a KVM over IP.


    Ensure that each server is processed through the change control board.

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    An administrator determines that performance has degraded for a WebSphere Commerce database.  Which of the following steps should be performed to correct this problem?()

    Cleanup obsolete data


    Clear the WebSphere Commerce cache


    Enable WebSphere Commerce Accelerator


    Reindex the database tables


    Run Performance Monitor to monitor SQL statements

    正确答案: B,C
    解析: 暂无解析