【语言素材】 Topic: My Friends A: She's short and thin. She has two big eyes. She's cute. B: What's her name? She's short and she has long hair. She has an orange schoolbag. C: It's me, Sarah. B: Guess! He's strong and he has two big eyes. He's very friendly. C

Topic: My Friends
A: She's short and thin. She has two big eyes. She's cute.
B: What's her name? She's short and she has long hair. She has an orange schoolbag.
C: It's me, Sarah.
B: Guess! He's strong and he has two big eyes. He's very friendly.
C: It's Zhang Peng.
B: Who's he?
C: Wu Yifan! He's tall and thin. He has glasses.
J: Mum, I have a new friend.
M: Really? A Chinese friend?
J: Yes, he's very friendly.
M: What's his name?
J: His name is Zhang Peng.
J: Look! He's tall and strong.
M: Yes, he is.
① Knowledge objectives:
Students can recognize, read and use some adjectives about describing friends.
Students can master the sentence pattern: What's his name? His name is ..., He's ...
② Ability objectives:
Students can introduce friends to others by practicing the sentences.
Students can improve their ability of speaking.
③ Emotional objectives:
Students can find the beauty of others and learn to cherish friendship.
Key words: tall, strong, short, thin, friendly, quiet
Target language: What's his name? His name is ... He is ...
How to use these words and sentences to introduce others?
Step 1 Warming-up
Greet the students.
Ask the whole class to stand up, sing and act the song "Friend Together".
Step 2 Leading-in
Show the pictures of two cartoon figures: Peter and Lily.
Tell students Peter is our friend, write "friend" on the blackboard, and ask students to greet Peter. Then tell them Peter and Lily are our friends, plus "s" in the blackboard. Students read "friends" 3 times.
Lead in today's class and write down the topic "My Friends" on the blackboard.
Step 3 Presentation and Practice
① Words learning and practice
② Sentence learning and practice
Step 4 Consolidation
Step 5 Summary & Homework
One student acts as an assistant teacher to guide all the students to read the words and sentences together.
Ask students to finish the following homework.
① Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.
② Introduce one classmate to your parents.


更多“【语言素材】 ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    · teaching objectives
    · teaching contents
    · key and difficult points
    · major steps and time allocation
    · activities and justifications

    Teaching Content: Some dialogues about giving advice and making conversations about it. Teaching Objectives :
    Knowledge objective
    (1) Key Vocabulary
    pimple, trouble
    (2) Target Language
    A: I can't sleep the night before an exam. Then I'm too tired to do well. What should I do?
    B : If I were you, I' d take a long walk before going to bed.
    A: I really want a dog, but my parents won't let me have one.
    B : Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble. Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.
    A: That's a good idea.
    Ability objective
    Students can improve their reading and integrating skills.
    Emotional objective
    Students can know that everyone may have some trouble, and tell them not to worry about that.
    Teaching Key Points:
    Understand the content of the dialogue and master the vocabulary and target language.
    Teaching Difficult Point:
    Use the target language properly.
    Teaching Aid: The blackboard
    Teaching Procedures :
    Step 1 Revision (3 minutes)
    Check homework. Get students to talk about what they learned last time.
    (Justification: The revision will examine students' learning effect and easily lead in the text.)
    Step 2 Presentation (25 minutes)
    3a (10 minutes)
    Point to the problems on the left. Ask different students to read them to the class.
    Point out the pieces of advice on the right. Get different students to read the problems and the pieces of advice to the class.
    SA: I'm really shy and I just don't enjoy parties. I don't know what to say or do.
    Ss : If I were you, I' d like talk to someone who looks friendly. Then you won' t feel so shy.
    T: Please match each problem on the left with the correct advice on the right.
    Get students to complete the activity on their own. As they work individually, move around the room answering any questions students raise and offering help as needed.
    Check the answers.
    1. C 2. a3. b
    (Justification: The process of this step provides reading practice using the target language.)
    3b (15 minutes)
    Read the instructions to the class. Invite a pair of students to read the sample conversation.
    SA: I can't sleep the night before an exam. Then I'm too tired to do well. What should I do?
    SB : If I were you, I' d take a long walk before going to bed. That would help you relax.
    T: Please think of different advice for the problems in Activity 3a.
    Collect suggestions from students. For example, for the third problem, a student might say, "if I were you, I' d watch TV to relax my mind."
    Ask students to make conversations with partners using new suggestions to each problem. As they work in pairs,walk around the room offering language support as needed.
    Mter each student has a chance to play both parts, stop the activity. Get several pairs of students to show their
    (Justification: The process of this step provides oral practice using the target language.)
    Step 3 Practice (12 minutes)
    Read the instructions to the class. Get a pair Of students to show the sample conversation to the class.
    SA: I really want a dog, but my parents won't let me have one.
    SB : Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble. Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.
    SA: That's a good idea.
    Write the conversation on the blackboard.
    Point out the sample answers in the chart.
    T: What problems do you have at home or at school?Make a list in the chart. Then ask your classmates for advice and write their advice in the chart too.
    Get students to complete the activity in groups of four. As the groups work together, move around to make sure students discuss the topic in English and know how to fill in the chart.
    Check the answers by asking different pairs of students to show their conversations to the class.
    Answers will vary.
    Optional activity
    T: What would you do if there were no classes tomorrow?
    Ask students to write as many answers as they can. Then get students to work in pairs.
    (Justification: The process of this step provides writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language. )
    Step 4 Summary and Homework (5 minutes)
    Summary : In this class, we' ve done a lot of reading, speaking and writing practice using the target language.
    Homework :
    (1) Review the target language by reading the conversations in Activity 3a.
    (2) Write a composition entifled"What would you do when you in trouble".
    (Justification: The summary gives a specific conclusion of this class and the justification of homework is to cultivate the students' ability of writing down their ideas.)
    Blackboard Design :
    Unit 4 What would you do?
    Section A
    The Third Period
    Target Language:
    A: I can't sleep the night before an exam, Then I'm too tired to do well, What should I do?
    B : If I were you, I' d take a long walk before going to bed.
    A: I really want a dog, but my parents won't let me have one.
    B: Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble. Maybe you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.
    A: That' s a good idea.

  • 第2题:

    ·teaching objectives
    · teaching contents
    · key and difficult points
    · major steps and time allocation
    · activities and justifications

    Teaching Content: This lesson is about the new sentence pattern"by doing". It can help the students to talk about how they study. Teaching Objectives :
    ( 1 ) Knowledge objective
    Students could master some expressions of English learning methods and sentence patterns like "I study ... by ...".
    (2) Ability objective
    Students could talk about how to learn English and describe their study in sentence pattern "by doing".
    (3) Emotional objective
    Students could help others to learn English while communicating. It can strengthen their confidence.
    Teaching Key Points:
    (1) Master the usage of sentence patterns like "How do you study ... I study ... by ...".
    (2) Express their ideas in the "by doing" structure.
    Teaching Difficult Points:
    Describe English learning methods with abundant vocabulary and use these methods effectively.
    Teaching Aids :
    Multi-media, some related pictures.
    Teaching Procedures :
    Step 1 Leading in and Warming up (5 minutes)
    The teacher will play a video and lead in the topic"learning to learn". Students will talk about some learning methods they know with the language structure "by doing"
    (Justifications: Playing a related video will help students recall their old times of studying and make preparations for the next step.)
    Step 2 Presentation (10 minutes)
    (1) Students use the pictures on Page 1 to predict phrases about learning methods with the language structure "by doing".
    (2) Students will do exercise from la.
    (Justifications: Students will understand the usage of"by doing" better through this part. They can also master some phrases related to English learning methods.)
    Step 3 Listening (10 minutes)
    Students will do some listening exercises from lb, 2a and 2b. They can gain some methods to learn English while listening.
    (Justifications: Students will know the usage of"by doing" completely through listening materials. Also, they can imitate pronunciation from listening materials and gain key phrases from listening exercises.)
    Step 4 Practice (10 minutes)
    Two students work in a group to do a conversation exercise according to the content from 2a and 2b.
    (Justifications: Students can practice making conversations according to listening materials and enhance their understanding of the usage of "by doing".)
    Step 5 Consolidation (5 minutes)
    Two students work in a group to practice the conversation. Then change their roles.
    (Justifications : Students will enhance their understanding of English learning and improve the skills of listening and speaking.)
    Step 6 Summary and Homework (5 minutes)
    Summary: Students will recall what they have learned today. The teacher can repeat them.
    Homework: Students will do some exercise on the textbook and make sentences with "by doing".
    (Justifications: This will help students recall what they have learned today and check whether they have mastered the knowledge.)
    Blackboard Design :
    New sentence patterns:
    How do you study for a test
    I study by working with a group.

  • 第3题:

    teaching objectives
    teaching contents
    key and difficult points
    major steps and time allocation
    activities and justifications
    A: Is this your ruler?
    B: No, it isn't. It's her ruler.
    C: Is this your pencil?
    D: Yes, it is. It's my pencil.

    Teaching Contents: This listening and speaking class is about the sentence pattern "Is this your ... "
    Teaching Objectives:
    (1) Knowledge objective
    Students can recognize and read the new words about stationery--"pencil, ruler" and know how to use the sentence "Is this your ... ".
    (2) Ability objective
    Students can understand the sentence"Is this your ... " and use it to ask others about the ownership of something.
    (3) Emotional objective
    Students will be more interested in sharing their ideas with others and can cooperate with their partners well.
    Teaching Key Point:
    How to make students master the new words and new sentence structure.
    Teaching Difficult Points:
    (l) How to make students communicate with others correctly and fluently.
    (2) How to make students get the key information after listening.
    Teaching Procedures:
    Step 1 Presentation and Practice (8 minutes)
    Firstly, the teacher lets students listen to the tape recorder and try to guess the meaning of new words according to the pictures that the teacher shows them. After the first listening, the teacher teaches the new words "ruler,pencil". Students master the meaning and spelling of these words by missing-letter game.
    Secondly, the teacher plays the tape again and leads students to pay attention to the conversation in the listening. After this listening, the teacher asks students the questions appeared in the recorder, like "Is this your pencil ls this your ruler " and encourages them to answer these questions by using the sentences they get during the listening.
    (Justification: At this step, students can learn the meaning of the new words by pictures, and know how to read them by listening to the tape recorder. The missing-letter game can help students to participate in the class actively and practice the new words. The second listening activity can help students know how to use the new sentences and practice their listening skills.)
    Step 2 Consolidation (7 minutes)
    Pair work: The teacher asks students to play the dialogue in pairs, and encourages them to use more words of stationery. Then several pairs are asked to show their dialogues to the class, and the teacher will give them proper assessment on their presentations.
    (Justification: This step can provide students with the opportunity to speak English in real situations and their speaking ability can also be improved.)

  • 第4题:


    • A、发音体不灵活
    • B、不能控制声带的松紧造成的
    • C、听力障碍影响接收语言素材的结果
    • D、理解性语言发展得不充分
    • E、辨音能力差,自己不能控制声带


  • 第5题:



  • 第6题:


    • A、语言知识
    • B、政策法规知识
    • C、史地文化知识
    • D、心理学知识


  • 第7题:


    • A、视频素材放在视频轨上,边框素材放在覆叠轨上,且两者同步
    • B、视频素材和边框素材都放在视频轨上
    • C、视频素材和边框素材都放在同一个覆叠频轨上
    • D、视频素材放在覆叠轨上,边框素材放在视频轨上,且两者同步


  • 第8题:


    • A、按钮素材
    • B、线条素材
    • C、表格素材
    • D、符号素材


  • 第9题:



  • 第10题:









    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    导游人员应具备的丰富知识中被称为“最重要的基本功”和“导游讲解素材”的知识分别是(  )。








    正确答案: D,A

  • 第12题:


    正确答案: A

  • 第13题:

    teaching objectives
    teaching contents
    key and difficult points
    major steps and time allocation
    activities and justifications
    My Family
    I have a happy family. My family have five people
    E: grandpa, grandma, father, mother, and me. My grandparents live in countryside. They. have six rooms. The room is big. There are two apple trees in the ground. They have sixteen goats and three cows. The goat is white. The cow is yellow. They are healthy.

    Teaching Contents: A paragraph about "My family".
    Teaching Objectives:
    ( 1 ) Knowledge objective
    Students could master the new words, such as "grandpa, grandma, father, mother".
    (2) Ability objective Students can improve the four skills of English, especially reading ability.
    (3) Emotional objective
    Students can love not only their family members but also the people around them.
    Teaching Key Points:
    Master the pronunciations of the new words and the phrases and the usage of the sentence patterns.
    Teaching Difficult Points:
    How to put the new knowledge into practice and use it to communicate with others correctly and fluently.
    Teaching Aids:
    Multimedia, word cards, some related pictures
    Teaching Procedures:
    Step 1 Lead-in and Warming up (3 minutes)
    Greet with the students and the teacher will sing a song with them. The song is "Father and Mother".
    (Justification: This step can attract students to involve in the lesson.)
    Step 2 Pre-reading (3 minutes)
    Show the students some pictures, in which are the teacher's family members. Let students guess the people in the pictures and think about their own family members. Then ask some volunteers to share their opinions about their families with the whole class.
    (Justification: Pictures can arouse students' interest. The activity can get students involved in the topic of the lesson. )
    Step 3 While-reading (25 minutes)
    At this step the teacher will ask the students to do two activities.
    Activity 1: Fast reading
    Students will be given one minute to read the short passage quickly, and then conclude the main idea.
    Activity 2: Careful reading
    The teacher will give them 5 minutes to read it again. Then let them do two tasks.
    Task 1: The teacher will show some questions with the help of the PowerPoint which the teacher prepared before the class in order to help the students grasp the specific information.
    Task 2: The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words or phrases. In order to practice their ability to think, the teacher will encourage them to analyze the text by themselves first and then to discuss with their group members. At last the teacher will explain them and give some examples and exercises to help them understand.
    (Justification: Different ways of exploiting the text can help students not merely to cope with one particular text in class but to develop their reading strategies and reading ability.)
    Step 4 Post-reading (6 minutes)
    The teacher asks students to discuss the most interesting story happened in their families in group. After the discussion the teacher asks them to recommend the most interesting story in each group, and let one student share the story with the whole class.
    (Justification: Help the students have a better understanding of the topic of family.)
    Step 5 Summary and Homework (3 minutes)
    Summary: Ask students to summarize what they have learned in this class and make a conclusion about this lesson.
    Homework: Ask students to write a short passage about their family members, and share it with the other students next class.
    (Justification: Summary can help students to consohdate what they have learnt in the class and homework can improve their writing skills.)
    Blackboard Design:
    My family
    grandpa grandma father mother
    Teaching Reflection.

  • 第14题:


    Class Type: Reading class, 1 period
    Teaching Contents: This lesson is an introduction about Charlie Chaplin who is a master of nonverbal humour.
    Teaching Objectives:
    (1) Knowledge objective
    Students can listen, read, and then imitate the jokes.
    (2) Ability objectives
    ①Students can develop their reading ability.
    ② Students can talk about some types of English humour and Chinese humour and then find their differences.
    (3) Emotional objective
    Students can realize that humour is to let people be optimistic about everything around.
    Teaching Key Points:
    How to understand and enjoy English humors.
    Teaching Difficult Points:
    How to understand the differences between English and Chinese in humours.
    Teaching Methods:
    Using pictures, discussion, reading and imitation
    Teaching Aids:
    A recorder, a projector and some pictures
    Teaching Procedures:
    Step 1 Warming up (5 minutes)
    Warm up by defining "Humour".
    T: What is"Humour"? Does anyone of you know anything about Humour? Look at the screen and read the definition of Humour from the Internet.
    Whose job?
    This is the story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done, and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
    Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody When Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
    (Justification: Stimulate students' curiosity about English humour and get students involved in talking about this topic.)
    Step 2 Pre-reading (10 minutes)
    Telling the truth--what do you like to laugh at?
    Sh I like to laugh at cartoons, for they're lovely and fun.
    S2: I like to laugh at fairy tales. They are amusing and interesting.
    T: Many years ago there lived an Emperor who was so exceedingly fond of fine new clothes that he spent vast sums of money on dress. To him clothes meant more than anything else in the world. He took no interest in his army,nor did he care to go to the theatre, or to drive about in his state coach, unless it was to display his new clothes. He had different robes for every single hour of the day.
    (Justification: Through"Telling the truth--what do you like to laugh at?" to stimulate students' curiosity about English humour and prepare them for the reading part.)
    Step 3 While-reading (15 minutes)
    (1) Reading aloud to the recording
    T: Now please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word
    and the pauses twice and you shall read aloud twice, too. I will play the Nonverbal Humour.
    (2) Reading and underlining
    T: Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.
    (3) Reading to identify the topic sentence of each paragraph
    T: Skimming the text and identify the topic sentence of each paragraph. You may find it either at the beginning,the middle or the end of the paragraph.
    (4) Reading and transferring information
    Read the text again to complete the table.

    (5) Reading and understanding difficult sentences
    T: As you have read the text several times, you can surely tell which sentences are difficult to understand.
    Now put your questions concerning the difficult points to the teacher.
    (Justification: Students' reading ability of getting the general ideas and locating the specific information can be trained and improved by skimming and scanning practice.)
    Step 4 Post-reading (10 minutes)
    The teacher asks students to discuss the most humourous story happened in their live in group. After the discussion the teacher asks them to recommend the most humourous story in each group, and let one student share the story with the whole class.
    (Justification: Help the students have a better understanding of the topic of humor.)
    Step 5 Summary and Homework (5 minutes)
    Summary: To end the lesson by watching a silent humourous movie called"Making a Living" by Charlie Chaplin.
    Homework: Do the comprehending exercises in the workbook.
    (Justification: Summary and homework is of importance for students to master the knowledge they have learned in class.)
    Blackboard Design:
    A Master of Nonverbal Humour
    What is nonverbal humour?
    Who is Charlie Chaplin?
    How does he make a sad situation entertainment?
    What is the story of The Gold Rush?
    Facts about Oscar
    A brief life history of Charlie Chanlin
    Teaching Reflection.

  • 第15题:







  • 第16题:


    • A、文字素材
    • B、图形素材
    • C、声音素材
    • D、动画素材


  • 第17题:


    • A、题材与主题
    • B、素材和体裁
    • C、头尾和段落
    • D、结构和艺术语言


  • 第18题:


    • A、收集创意素材→消化创意素材→产生创意→酝酿创意→检测创意
    • B、收集创意素材→消化创意素材→酝酿创意→检测创意→产生创意
    • C、收集创意素材→消化创意素材→酝酿创意→产生创意→检测创意
    • D、收集创意素材→酝酿创意→消化创意素材→检测创意→产生创意


  • 第19题:


    • A、文本素材
    • B、动画素材
    • C、音频素材
    • D、视频素材


  • 第20题:



  • 第21题:


    • A、对新闻素材的重新选择和组合
    • B、对新闻表现内容的再创造
    • C、对新闻表现形式的再创造
    • D、根据常理,添加细节
    • E、根据人物性格,创造可能的语言与行动事实


  • 第22题:



    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:







    正确答案: A
    解析: 鼓励幼儿在生活中细心观察、体验,为艺术活动积累经验与素材。如,观察不同树种的形态、色彩等。

  • 第24题:









    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析