更多“Which of the following areas are addressed in risk identification:A environmentalB technicalC legalD All of the above.E A and B only”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Project Risk Management is based on which of the following premises:

    A the future is unknown.

    B unknowns can result in risks or opportunities.

    C we cannot control risk events.

    D project risk impact can be measured and controlled

    E All of the above.


  • 第2题:

    Which of the following does not contribute to increased Schedule Risk?

    A labor shortage

    B contractor claims

    C lack of access

    D sponsor scope changes

    E all may increase schedule risk


  • 第3题:

    Which of the following activities can be considered as part of risk mitigation

    A risk identification

    B purchasing insurance

    C assessment of outcomes

    D assessment of probabilities

    E C and D only


  • 第4题:

    Which of the following is most closely associated with pure risk:

    A profit and loss

    B personnel turnover

    C insurance

    D market fluctuations

    E A and D only


  • 第5题:

    Which of the following is equivalent to a lump sum contract:

    A fixed price contract

    B price fixing contract

    C purchase order

    D All of the above.

    E B and C only


  • 第6题:

    Standard of purchased material:

    A Simplifies inventory control

    B reduces the risk of obsolescence

    C reduces cost of purchasing and storage

    D All of the above.

    E A and C only.


  • 第7题:

    184 Which of the following activities can be considered as part of risk mitigation

    A. risk identification

    B. purchasing insurance

    C. assessment of outcomes

    D. assessment of probabilities

    E. C and D only


  • 第8题:

    113 Risk mitigation involves all but which of the following:

    A. developing system standards (policies, procedure, responsibility standards)

    B. obtaining insurance against loss

    C. identification of project risks

    D. performing contingent planning

    E. developing planning alternatives


  • 第9题:

    166 Risk mitigation includes all but which of the following:

    A. Developing system (policies, procedures, responsibilities)

    B. Obtaining insurance against loss

    C. performing contingent planning

    D. developing planning alternatives

    E. identification of project risks


  • 第10题:

    14 In acceptance sampling, if the sample size is kept the same but the acceptance number is increased, which of the following will be true:

    A. buyer's risk will decrease

    B. vendor's risk will decrease

    C. producer's risk will decrease

    D. consumer's risk will increase

    E. C and D only


  • 第11题:

    ● Which of the following can affect network durations?

    A Skills of the resource pool

    B Calendar dates

    C Constraints

    D All of the above

    E A and B only


  • 第12题:

    Concerning the identification signal for a pilot vessel, in fog, which statement is TRUE?___.

    A.When at anchor, the pilot vessel is only required to sound anchor signals

    B.The identification signal must be sounded any time the pilot vessel is underway

    C.The pilot vessel may only sound the identity signal when making way

    D.All of the above


  • 第13题:

    Risk mitigation includes all but which of the following:

    A Developing system (policies, procedures, responsibilities)

    B Obtaining insurance against loss

    C performing contingent planning

    D developing planning alternatives

    E identification of project risks.


  • 第14题:

    Risk mitigation involves all but which of the following:

    A developing system standards (policies, procedure, responsibility standards)

    B obtaining insurance against loss

    C identification of project risks

    D performing contingent planning

    E developing planning alternatives


  • 第15题:

    Which of the following utility functions reflects risk-aversion:

    A uniform

    B increasing

    C decreasing

    D exponential

    E B and D only


  • 第16题:

    Which of the following is most closely associated with business risk:

    A profit and loss

    B personnel turnover

    C workmen's compensation

    D liability insurance

    E All of the above.


  • 第17题:

    Which of the following are part of the purchasing cycle:

    A define need

    B prepare and issue purchase order

    C inspect incoming goods

    D All of the above.

    E A and B only


  • 第18题:

    162 Which of the following utility functions reflects risk-aversion:

    A. uniform.

    B. increasing

    C. decreasing

    D. exponential

    E. B and D only


  • 第19题:

    36 Which of the following areas are addressed in risk identification:

    A. environmental

    B. technical

    C. legal

    D. All of the above.

    E. A and B only


  • 第20题:

    125 Which of the following does not contribute to increased Schedule Risk?

    A. labor shortage

    B. contractor claims

    C. lack of access

    D. sponsor scope changes

    E. all may increase schedule risk


  • 第21题:

    15 Which of the following is most closely associated with pure risk:

    A. profit and loss

    B. personnel turnover

    C. insurance

    D. market fluctuations

    E. A and D only


  • 第22题:

    ● Creation of project objectives:

    A allows for data collection and analysis and progress reporting against which standards of performance can be measured.

    B is accomplished by selection of measurable variables against which performance can be judged.

    C is required before funding of the project by the project sponsor.

    D all of the above.

    E A and B only


  • 第23题:

    ● The critical path in a network is the path that:

    A Has the greatest degree of risk.

    B Will elongate the project if the activities on this path take longer than anticipated.

    C Must be completed before all other paths.

    D All of the above.

    E A and B only.
