Earned value management(EvM) integrates the scope baseline with the( )baseline, along with schedule baseline, to form the performance baseline, which helps the project management team assess and measure project performance and progress.挣值管理(evm)将范围基线与( )基

Earned value management(EvM) integrates the scope baseline with the( )baseline, along with schedule baseline, to form the performance baseline, which helps the project management team assess and measure project performance and progress.挣值管理(evm)将范围基线与( )基线以及进度基线结合起来,形成绩效基线,帮助项目管理团队评估和衡量项目绩效和进度。


更多“Earned value management(EvM) integrates the scope baseline with the( )baseline, along with schedule baseline, to form the performance baseline, which helps the project management team assess and meas”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Management plans include all of the following except:

    A.Organization of project.

    B.Job descriptions.

    C.Policies and procedures.

    D.Linear responsibility charts.

    E.Scope baseline.



  • 第2题:

    During project execution, the customer authorizes and funds a scope change which requires a major change in the schedule. The baseline schedule:

    A.Now becomes the new schedule, including the changes, and the original baseline is disregarded.

    B.Is still the original baseline but annotated to reflect that a change has taken place.

    C.Is amended to reflect the scope change, but the original baseline is still maintained for post-project review.

    D.Is meaningless since every schedule update changes the baseline (i.e., a rubber baseline.)

    E.Is the same since baseline schedules cannot change once the development phase is completed.



  • 第3题:

    156 During project execution, the customer authorizes and funds a scope change which requires a major change in the schedule. The baseline schedule:

    A. Now becomes the new schedule, including the changes, and the original baseline is disregarded. B. Is still the original baseline but annotated to reflect that a change has taken place.

    C. Is amended to reflect the scope change, but the original baseline is still maintained for post-project review.

    D. Is meaningless since every schedule update changes the baseline (i.e., a rubber baseline.)

    E. Is the same since baseline schedules cannot change once the development phase is completed


  • 第4题:

    ● The scope baseline/project charter is prepared by the:

    A Project manager

    B Project manager and project office

    C Project manager, project office and functional team

    D Project manager, project office, functional team and project sponsor

    E Project manager, project sponsor and customer/user


  • 第5题:

    ● Management plans include all of the following except:

    A Organization of project.

    B Job descriptions.

    C Policies and procedures.

    D Linear responsibility charts.

    E Scope baseline.


  • 第6题:

    ● Schedule development can require the review and revision of duration estimates and resource estimates to create an approved(74)that can serve as a baseline to track progress.


    A.scope statement

    B.activity list

    C.project charter

    D.project schedule


      计划进展需要对持续时间和资源的评估和修改创建一个被核准的  (74)  ,它可以作为基线,有助于跟踪进展。
      A.范围说明        B.活动列表        C.项目章程        D.项目计划

  • 第7题:

    ● The earned value technique is a commonly used method of performance measurement. It integrates project scope, cost, and schedule measures to help the project management team assess project performance. If a project’s Schedule Performance Index(SPI=EV/PV) value less than 1.0, it means that __(74)__.

    (74)A.the project is ahead of its planned schedule

    B.less work was completed than was planned

    C.the cost overrun for work completed

    D.the cost under-run of performance to date


  • 第8题:

    ( )is a project management technique for measuring project performance and progress.It has the ability to combine measurements of the project management triangle: scope , time and costs.

    A.Critical path method(CPM)

    B.Earned value management(EVM)

    C.Net present value method (NPVM)

    D.Expert judgment method(EIM)


  • 第9题:

    ( )is a project management technique for measuring project performance and process. It has the ability to combine measurements of the project management triangle; scope time and costs.

    A.Critica path method(CPM)
    B.Earned value mangagemengt(EVM)
    C.Net present value method(NPVM)
    D.Expert judgment method(EJM)


  • 第10题:

    ()describes the configurable items of the project and identifies itcms that will be recorded and updated so that the product of the project tins consistent and operable
    A.The configuration management plan
    B.The change management plan
    C.The requirements traceability matrix
    D.The change baseline


  • 第11题:

    A project manager believes that modifying the scope of the project may provide added value service for the customer. The project manager should ( ) .

    A.assign change tasks to project members
    B.call A.meeting of the configuration control board
    C.change the scope baseline
    D.postpone the modification until A.separate enhancement project is fundeD.after this project is completeD.according to the original baseline




  • 第12题:

    You have created a baseline metric, DISK_IO_BL, for the disk I/O metrics in your PROD database and you have been getting notifications whenever the database performance degrades. You optimize the database I/O to gain the performance and you decide to remove the baseline metrics. Which method would you use to remove the DISK_IO_BL baseline metrics?()

    The baseline, once created, cannot be removed.


    Disable the baseline metrics in the Database Control Manage Metrics page.


    The baseline will be automatically removed once the database performance has been optimized.


    Drop the baseline metrics by usingDBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.DROP_BASELINE procedure.

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    A comprehensive definition of scope management would be:

    A.Managing a project in terms of its objective through the concept, development, implementation, and termination phases of a project.

    B.Approval of the scope baseline.

    C.Approval of the detailed project charter.

    D.Configuration control.

    E.Approved detailed planning including budgets, resource allocation, linear responsibility charts and management sponsorship.


  • 第14题:

    90 Management plans include all of the following except:

    A. Organization of project.

    B. Job descriptions.

    C. Policies and procedures.

    D. Linear responsibility charts.

    E. Scope baseline.


  • 第15题:

    88 The scope statement provides

    A. A basis for future decisions about a project.

    B. A baseline to accomplish verification measures.

    C. A baseline to evaluate potential scope changes.

    D. All of the above

    E. B and C only


  • 第16题:

    ● The scope management provides:

    A A basis for future decisions about the project.

    B A baseline to accomplish verification measures.

    C A baseline to evaluate potential scope changes.

    D All of the above.

    E B and C only.


  • 第17题:

    ● A comprehensive definition of scope management would be:

    A Managing a project in terms of its objective through the concept, development, implementation, and termination phases of a project.

    B Approval of the scope baseline.

    C Approval of the detailed project charter.

    D Configuration control.

    E Approved detailed planning including budgets, resource allocation, linear responsibility charts and management sponsorship.


  • 第18题:

    The earned value technique is a commonly used method of performance measurement.It integrates project scope,schedule,and cost measures to help the project management team assess project performance.If a project’s Cost Performance Index(CPI=EV/AC)value less than 1.0,it means that( )。 A.the cost savings for work completed B.the project is ahead of its planned schedule C.the cost overrun for work completed D.1ess work was completed than was planned

    挣值管理(EVM)是一种常用的绩效测量方法。它综合考虑项目范围、进度与成本指标,帮助项目管理团队评估项目绩效。如果某个项目的成本绩效指数(CPI=EV/AC)值小于1.0,则说明已完成的工作的成本超支(the cost overrun for work completed)。

  • 第19题:

    The earned value technique is a commonlyused method of performance measurement. It integrates project scope, cost, andschedule measures to help the project management team assess projectperformance.If a project’s Schedule Performance Index(SPI=EV/PV) value less than 1.0, itmeans that (74).

    A.the project is ahead of its planned schedule

    B.less work was completed than was planned

    C.the cost overrun for work completed

    D.the cost under-run of performance to date


  • 第20题:

    Schedule development can require the review and revision of duration estimates and resource estimates to create an approved (74) that can serve as a baseline to track progress.

    A.scope statement

    B.activity list

    C.project charter

    D.project schedule


  • 第21题:

    Schedule development can require the review and revision of duration estimates and resource estimates to create an approved () that can serve as a baseline to track progress.

    A.scope statement
    B.activity list
    C.project charter
    D.project schedule

    计划进展需要对持续时间和资源的评估和修改创建一个被核准的(74),它可以作为基线,有助于跟踪进展。A.范围说明B.活动列表C.项目章程 D.项目计划

  • 第22题:

    Earned value management(EVM)integrates the scope baseline with the()baseline,along with schedule baseline,to form the performance,which helps the project management team assess and measure project performance and progress.



  • 第23题:

    The communication management plan determines the information and communications needs of the stakeholders. In the following statements related to communication management plan. ( ) is false.

    • A、The communication management plan is contained in or is a subsidiary plan of, the project management plan.
    • B、The  communication  management  plan  can  be  formal  or informal, highly detailed or broadly framed, and based on the needs of the project.
    • C、The  communication  manamgement  plan  organize  and summarize the information gathered,and present the results of any analysis as comparedthe performance measurement baseline.
    • D、The communication management plan can include guidelines project status meetings,project team meetings,e-meetines,and e-mail
