更多“[A] on [B] in [C] with [D] about ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    [A] over [B] along [C] on [D] about


     本题考查短语动词辨析。move over意为“挪开,让位置”,如He felt he should move over in favor of a younger man.(他觉得他应该让位给一个更年轻的人。)move along意为“向前移动(以腾出空间)”,如The people in the bus moved along, to make room for others.(公车里的人往前挪以便给别人腾地方。)move on意为“往前走;开始做(新的事情)”,如Can we move on to the next item on the agenda?(我们可以接着讨论下一项议程吗?)move about意为“不停地走动”,如You will be warm enough if you move about.(如果你到处走动一下你就会感到很暖和的。)上文提到,“最初的参议院拥有行使权利所必须的宗教特质”,本句则提到,“参议员们将权利再进行分割”,显然,两个分句之间是“继续,接着”的含义,应选[C]。

  • 第2题:

    [A] about

    [B] around

    [C] to

    [D] from

    34.C get about四处走动,旅行;get around劝服(某人),应付(某问题); get to到达;没有get from这个搭配。这句话要表达的意思是“最大的难题是如何到达黄金所在的位置。”故选C。

  • 第3题:

    [A] on

    [B] from

    [C] at

    [D] about

    28. A 
    Having a good self-image is based on a realistic assessment of one’s own worth and value and capabilities. 对自己的形象有积极的认识,是建立在对自己的价值和能力的符合实际的评价基础上的。

  • 第4题:

    How many hours of housework did men do every week in the 1970s?

    A.About 23.

    B.About 26.

    C.About 13.

    D.About y.


  • 第5题:

    how many newspapers are there in britain?

    A. About 1400.

    B. 140.

    C. About 150.

    D. About 100.
