It becomes a common practice to insert a clause in the bills of lading for vessels trading to and from the United States,expressly declaring ______ the Shipowner could recover in general average in the event of negligence,provided that due diligence has b


It becomes a common practice to insert a clause in the bills of lading for vessels trading to and from the United States,expressly declaring ______ the Shipowner could recover in general average in the event of negligence,provided that due diligence has been exercised to make the ship in all respects seaworthy.





更多“It becomes a common practice to insert a clause in the bills of lading for vessels trading ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    As in the case of a voyage charter-party,it is implied in all bills of lading that ______ will be made from the contractual route unless such deviation is justified.

    A.deviation deviation

    C.navigation navigation


  • 第2题:

    There is a ______ when one or more vessels are towing or pushing another vessel or vessels,provided that they are all involved in commercial activities and not in a salvage operation.

    A.private safety

    B.private maritime adventure

    C.common safety

    D.common maritime adventure


  • 第3题:

    翻译:The charterer shall indemnify the Owners against all consequences or liabilities that mayarise from the signing of bills of lading as presented to the extent that the terms or contents of such bills of lading impose or results in the imposition of more onerous liabilities upon the Owners than those assured by the Owners under this charter party


  • 第4题:

    翻译:all bills of lading issued under this charter party shall be endorsed“the printed clauses of the bill of lading shall stand null and void of they are not in conformity with the charter party.”


  • 第5题:

    genera paramount clause in a bill of lading issued pursuant to a charter party


  • 第6题:

    There are several forms of bills of lading such as straight bill of lading, shipped bill of lading, clean bill of lading and order bill of lading etc.()confirms that the goods are actually loaded on board the vessel.

    • A、Straight bill of lading
    • B、Shipped bill of lading
    • C、Clean bill of lading
    • D、Order bill of lading


  • 第7题:

    Shipped bills of lading state definitely that the goods have been loaded.They confirm that the goods are actually on board the vessels.


  • 第8题:

    翻译:The charterer shall indemnify the Owners against all consequences or liabilities that mayarise from the signing of bills of lading as presented to the extent that the terms or contents of such bills of lading impose or results in the imposition of more onerous liabilities upon the Owners than those assured by the Owners under this charter party

    正确答案: 如果签发的提单的条款和内容加重了船东在本租约下的责任和义务,则承租人应保证船东免除在加重的限度内由于该提单所产生的一切后果和责任
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    As in the case of a voyage charter-party,it is implied in all bills of lading that()will be made from the contractual route unless such deviation is justified.



    no deviation




    no navigation

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    翻译:all bills of lading issued under this charter party shall be endorsed“the printed clauses of the bill of lading shall stand null and void of they are not in conformity with the charter party.”

    正确答案: 在本合同下签发的提单应注明,凡印就的提单条款如与本租船合同不相符合的均为无效
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    In which four clauses can a subquery be used? ()

    in the INTO clause of an INSERT statement


    in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement


    in the GROUP BY clause of a SELECT statement


    in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement


    in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement


    in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement

    正确答案: C,D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    genera paramount clause in a bill of lading issued pursuant to a charter party

    正确答案: 租船下签发的提单中的首要条款。一般而言,各国法律对租船合同的约束都以“意思自治”为原则,但大量标准合同中都订有出租人对其雇员或代理的行为不负责任的条款,而租船合同下签发的提单又往往以“并入条款”并入合同内容。提单持有人会因此而承担巨大的损失,故而不愿接受此种提单。为促进提单的流通性,加入首要条款,使承运人能够按该条款指明的国际公约或国内法的规定承担义务和责任,保护收货人或提单持有人的利益。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    One of the signed bills of lading is accomplished,the others shall ______. returned to the shipper

    B.stand void accomplished by other contract obtained and destroyed by the Shipowner


  • 第14题:


    In a bill of lading there might be a clause known as general liberty to carry on deck clause which reads“Carrier has liberty to carry GOODs on deck”.This clause frequently gives the carrier the option of stowing the cargo either on or under deck,while also exempting the carrier from all liability for loss of or damage to cargo stowed on deck.

    A clause of this type is an option,not a statement.The problem arises when the bill of lading contains this clause,but the face of the bill of lading does not state that the cargo was loaded on deck.Under such circumstances,it would appear that deck carriage is unjustifiable for at least two reasons:a)The general liberty to carry on deck clause is merely an option to carry on deck,a choice which the carrier ordinarily does not make.If the bill of lading does not bear a statement on its face giving notice that the cargo is actually stowed on deck,then by default the option has been exercised in favour of under deck carriage.b)The typewritten or handwritten wording on the face of a bill of lading has precedence over the bill&39;s printed clauses.And a clean bill of lading,because it implies under-deck stowage,is functionally equivalent to a typewritten or handwritten notation on the face of the document calling for carriage below deck.A clean bill of lading therefore overrides the printed liberty to carry on deck clause.

    A general deck carriage clause without a statement on the face of the bill of lading that cargo is carried on deck is merely an option not exercised and the deck carriage is therefore a fundamental breach of the contract and the Rules.


    A clause which reads“Carrier has liberty to carry GOODs on deck”contained in B/L is ________.

    A.a statement

    B.a problem option

    D.a typewritten or handwritten wording on its face

    If there is no deck stowage statement on the face of B/L,it is implied that ________.A.all cargoes are stowed under deck

    B.all cargoes are stowed on deck

    C.cargoes are stowed either on or under deck can not be decided whether cargoes are stowed on or under deck

    If a handwritten wording on the face of B/L is in conflict with one of its printed clause,________.A.the handwritten wording shall prevail

    B.the printed clause shall prevail

    C.both the handwritten wording and the printed clause shall be ignored

    D.the B/L shall become null and void

    The deck carriage is justifiable only when ________.A.there is a general liberty to carry on deck clause in the B/L and a statement on its face that the cargo is actually stowed on deck

    B.there is either a general liberty to carry on deck clause in the B/L or a statement on its face that the cargo is actually stowed on deck

    C.there is neither general liberty to carry on deck clause in the B/L nor a statement on its face that the cargo is actually stowed on deck

    D.only when the carrier is exempted from all liability for loss of or damage to cargo stowed on deck


    问题 1 答案解析:C

    问题 2 答案解析:A

    问题 3 答案解析:A

    问题 4 答案解析:A

  • 第15题:

    In which four clauses can a subquery be used?()

    • A、in the INTO clause of an INSERT statement
    • B、in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement
    • C、in the GROUP BY clause of a SELECT statement
    • D、in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement
    • E、in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement
    • F、in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement


  • 第16题:

    Ocean Bill of Lading is the ()between carrier and shipper

    • A、evidence of the contract of carriage  
    • B、Document  
    • C、Trading record  
    • D、Bill


  • 第17题:

    In practice, a set of()original bills of lading is the most common.

    • A、one
    • B、two
    • C、three
    • D、four


  • 第18题:

    When one of the original bills of lading being surrendered to the carrier, the others become ().

    • A、invalid
    • B、valid
    • C、clean
    • D、dirty


  • 第19题:

    Ocean bill of lading is the() between carrier and shipper.

    • A、evidence of the contract of carriage
    • B、Document
    • C、trading record
    • D、Bill


  • 第20题:

    Shipped bills of lading state definitely that the goods have been loaded.They confirm that the goods are actually on board the vessels.


    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    ()anything provided for in Clause 7 and 8 of this bill of lading and subject to Clause 17,if it can be proved where the loss or damage occurred the carrier and the merchant shall,as to the liability of the carrier,be entitled to require such liability to be determined by the provisions contained in any relevant international convention or national law.








    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    One of the signed bills of lading is accomplished,the others shall().

    be returned to the shipper


    stand void


    be accomplished by other contract


    be obtained and destroyed by the Shipowner

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    The mere inclusion of an arbitration clause in a bill of lading to which the Hague Rules apply as a matter of contract does not deprive the carrier()the one year time limit.








    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析