Rather to allow the apples to go rotten, Joe sold them at half price.()此题为判断题(对,错)。

Rather to allow the apples to go rotten, Joe sold them at half price.()


更多“Rather to allow the apples to go rotten, Joe sold them at half price.() ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Joe came to the window as the crowd chanted“Joe,Joe,Joe.”


    题干意为“乔伊走到窗边听到人群中重复喊着:‘乔伊!乔伊!乔伊!’” 句中划线词意为“反复有节奏地喊叫(或唱等)”。C项repeated意为“重复”;例句:She re-peated what she had said.她重复了自己说过的话。A项意为“跳”。B项意为“保持,保养,坚持”。D项意为接近,走近。故选C。

  • 第2题:

    以下哪个语句可以打印出语句“rest apples are less than 9”且仅打印一次?

    A.apples = 100 while True: if apples < 9: break print("rest apples are less than 9") apples -= 9

    B.apples = 100 while True: if apples < 9: continue print("rest apples are less than 9") apples -= 9

    C.apples = 100 while apples >= 1: if apples < 9: print("rest apples are less than 9") break apples -= 9

    D.apples = 100 for a in reversed(xrange(apples)): if a < 9: print("rest apples are less than 9") continue

    apples = 100while apples >= 1: if apples

  • 第3题:

    以下哪个语句可以打印出语句“rest apples are less than 9”且仅打印一次?

    A.apples = 100 while True: if apples < 9: break print("rest apples are less than 9") apples -= 9

    B.apples = 100 while True: if apples < 9: continue print("rest apples are less than 9") apples -= 9

    C.apples = 100 while apples >= 1: if apples < 9: print("rest apples are less than 9") break apples -= 9

    D.apples = 100 for a in reversed(xrange(apples)): if a < 9: print("rest apples are less than 9") continue appl

    apples = 100while apples >= 1: if apples

  • 第4题:

    Joe came to the window as the crowd chanted "Joe!Joe!Joe!"


    本句意思:乔走到了窗户那里,人们竞相喊着:“乔!乔!乔”。单词repeat意思为“重 复”,和chant(咏唱,反复有节奏地喊叫)意思接近。单词jump意思为“跳跃”;maintain意思为 “保持,维护”;approach意思为“接近,处理”。

  • 第5题:

    以下哪个语句可以打印出语句“rest apples are less than 9”且仅打印一次?

    A.apples = 100 while True: if apples < 9: break print("rest apples are less than 9") apples -= 9

    B.apples = 100 while True: if apples < 9: continue print("rest apples are less than 9") apples -= 9

    C.apples = 100 while apples >= 1: if apples < 9: print("rest apples are less than 9") break apples -= 9

    D.apples = 100 for a in reversed(xrange(apples)): if a < 9: print("rest apples are less than 9") continue appl

    apples = 100while apples >= 1: if apples

  • 第6题:

    变量赋值 将变量apples赋值为7,并输出apples的值
