更多“Life is like a long race_____we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.A. why B ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    —What a lovely day! Why not go swimming this afternoon? —()

    A、Because it’s raining.

    B、Have a good time!

    C、Why do you go swimming?

    D、It sounds nice!


  • 第2题:

    We have to stay at home for a whole day. Why not go out and have a walk?()

    A. It likes a good idea.

    B. It sounds like a good idea.

    C. How is a good idea?


  • 第3题:

    It is a nice day to me.Why not ( ) for a picnic?

    A.go for

    B.go to

    C.go out

    D.go in


  • 第4题:

    [A]go beyond [B]set out [C]come around [D]spread over


    本题考查动词短语的辨析。空格处填入的动词短语与using its commercial spaces for shops and restaurants搭配,应符合文意。首先[B]、[C]两项的用法分别为set out to do sth.“打算、试图做某事”,如He failed in what he had set out to do(他没有做到自己原来想做的事);come around to sth.“平息,苏醒,改变观点、立场”,如It will take him a while to come around to the idea(他需要时间来接受这个观点),可排除。[D]项指时间上的扩展,如The economic unrest spread over several years(经济的动荡不安延续了数年之久),不符合文意。[A]项go beyond“不止,超出”与状语extending them to呼应,意为“不仅把它的商业空地用于开商店和餐馆,而且还……”。

  • 第5题:

    ---Peter , where did you guys go for the summer vacation?

    ----We________ busy with our work for months, so we went to the beach to relax ourselves.

    A. were

    B. have been

    C. had been

    D. will be


  • 第6题:

    Often heard people complain about, why not my face, why so bad weather today, why do I livein such a poor family, why God told me ... why should we complain about it complained that it?Life was not all the best, life was not perfect, on the contrary, the ups and downs, is the routine. Do not complain, evervone's life will not be easy, but precisely because of these?twists and turns?infolding wave, acquired a colourful life.
    If we can often look at the issue from another angle, you might easily find the life is still veryexciting. You can't change the face, smile, why don't you think about indulgence; you can'tchange the weather, why don't you change the mood? As the saying goes: after the storm. The sameis true of life, after training can often make life wonderful.
    China, a writer came to the United States, he saw a flower of the old lady is always veryhappy, very strange. He would pick a flower asked:"Why are you always so happy?" Replied theold lady. And it made the writer stand in amazement."That Jesus was crucified is the world'sdarkest day, three days later to Easter. All the trouble to wait for three days as long as the right notto vanish into thin air?" Writer for the old lady answered and moved an old lady could look at thisfree and easy life, could see so thoroughly to life. King inventors--Edison filament do in order tofind the best materials have been done a 1,000 experiment many times and failed. Have a laugh athis neighbour, "Do you know to do 1,000 experiments have failed many times?" Edison said, "I amnot found more than 1,000 kinds of inappropriate material filament so it?" Edison failed to look atfrom another angle, he is quite sure that it can be the most suitable materials, is precisely becauseof this self-confidence, they are able to make unremitting efforts, finally successful.
    People to love life, love life, to have self-confidence, it is necessary to make unremitting effortstowards the target, like Ai Qing said, "Even if we are a candle, wax should be dry before the torchashes tears; even though we are a match should be at the crucial moment there is a ray of light," ifso, will the meaning of our lives, our lives will be able to issue a strange glory. Finally, I had toremind you that in the face of setbacks, do not complain about it complained that the old, and tolearn how to transform the issue of perspective, so that life is not susceptible to "rain" by knockout.

    What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

    A.People are accustomed to complaining life.
    B.People are not satisfied with their lives.
    C.Life is not perfect and don't complain.
    D.The life of everybody is miserable.


  • 第7题:

    Very few of our birds stay with us the year round.Some come to us in the winter from the cold?north.Others come from the south to spend the summer with us.How do they know the way?Suppose?you were told to find your way to a place hundreds of miles away,do you think you could do it?
    Yet birds travel over mountains,forests,lakes and even across the oceans,and do not stray from?the path.They find their way back in the spring to the same orchard(果园)and the very trees where?they nested the summer before.
    It is wonderful how quickly birds travel such long distances from their summer homes to their?winter ones.Some birds have been known to fly hundreds of miles in a day.But others travel much?more slowly.
    Why do birds undertake these long journeys twice a year?Perhaps cold weather and lack of?food drive them from us in the autumn,but we cannot tell why they leave the sunny south to come?back to us in the spring.We know only that many of them like to make their nests and rear their?young in the north.
    We are sorry to see them go,but we know that when winter is over they will come back to us.

    The underlined part"stray from the path"means__________.

    A.lose its way
    B.stay on the path
    C.keep away from the path
    D.fly along the path

    由文章第二段第二句“They find their WaY?hack in the spring to the same orchard and the very trees?wile,e they nested the sui'Ilmer before.”可知鸟能找到自己的巢,故不会迷路,选A项。

  • 第8题:

    Very few of our birds stay with us the year round.Some come to us in the winter from the cold?north.Others come from the south to spend the summer with us.How do they know the way?Suppose?you were told to find your way to a place hundreds of miles away,do you think you could do it?
    Yet birds travel over mountains,forests,lakes and even across the oceans,and do not stray from?the path.They find their way back in the spring to the same orchard(果园)and the very trees where?they nested the summer before.
    It is wonderful how quickly birds travel such long distances from their summer homes to their?winter ones.Some birds have been known to fly hundreds of miles in a day.But others travel much?more slowly.
    Why do birds undertake these long journeys twice a year?Perhaps cold weather and lack of?food drive them from us in the autumn,but we cannot tell why they leave the sunny south to come?back to us in the spring.We know only that many of them like to make their nests and rear their?young in the north.
    We are sorry to see them go,but we know that when winter is over they will come back to us.

    Why do birds undertake those long journeys twice a year?

    A.It is because of cold weather in winter.
    B.It is because of lack of food in autumn.
    C.It is because of the hot weather in summer.
    D.There's some reason that is still not known clearly.

    从文章第四段第二句“...but we eannnt tell?why the,leave the SlJnny south to colne back to US in the?spring.…可知有很多原因还不知道。故选D项。

  • 第9题:

    You hear a man trying to persuade his friend to go to the cinema. Why won’t she go to the cinema tonight?    

    She is too busy.


    She hasn’t got any money.


    She doesn’t like the cinema.

    正确答案: A
    解析: 根据I must get this report finished by tomorrow可知,女士拒绝男士的主要原因是要完成报告,没时间去看电影。
    M: Come on. You will enjoy it.
    W: No, really I can’t. I must get this report finished by tomorrow if I want to get paid this month. And I do as my bank balance is not in a healthy state at the moment.
    M: But you’d work better after a break.
    W: Oh, I know. But in any case I don’t like big Hollywood-type films, you know that.
    M: Ok, well, if I can’t persuade you.
    Q: You hear a man trying to persuade his friend to go to the cinema. Why won’t she go to the cinema tonight?

  • 第10题:

    Overcoming Difficulties ① Life is full of difficulties and obstacles, from birth to death. At times, Life seems like a hurdle race. We are sure of encountering hurdles, but almost always we are taken by surprise. It is necessary to accept that life in general is full of difficulties and adversities. This recognition is the first step. When faced with problems, we often feel, "I am the only one having such problems" Or, we tend to exaggerate our problems and regard them as most complex, most painful,and as an extreme case. But if we look around us, we find people in much worse conditions. As St. Augustine said, "I cried for boots, till I saw a man who had no legs." ② When faced with difficulties, we either complain or seek to dodge them. We behave like as ostrich in the desert. It is said that when there is a storm in the desert, the ostrich buries his head in the sand-hoping that the storm will go away if he ignores it-and finally gets buried under a heap of sand and dies. Some of us choose to pretend that the problems do not exist. We fail to realize that confronting and solving the problem-no painful the process-makes us grow. ③ Accept the woes of birth. It has many implied meanings. First, it means "accepting," i.e., being able to say that it is "my" problem and it is up to me to solve it. Many times we find ourselves putting the blame on others-parents, society or the circumstances of life. Nothing happens by chance, but all is the result of our past actions. There are times when what is needed is patience. We seek to come out of an unpleasant situation quickly. We must understand that if the cause had been operating for a long time, the effect also would last long-as even when the gas has been turned off, the burner remains hot for a long time. Similarly, we expect quick results; having put in the effort, we must be willing to wait. Patient acceptance of what is due to us makes us makes us take a step further in our development. ④ Once we have learnt to deal with a difficulty, the next time we encounter it, it ceases to be a difficulty. But, more often than not the cause of the problem is internal, i.e., within us, and often, it calls for a change. Often the difficulty is solved when we are willing to change—our way of thinking, our feelings, our likes and dislikes—and ready to adapt or adjust ourselves to a problematic situation or a person in life. We must realize that realize that change is inevitable, and always be mentally prepared for it. ⑤ Not all life's problems are such that they need to be dealt with all at once. Sometimes it is possible to take a step and wait for a long time. For instance, if the tap is leaking then we need to call a plumber as soon as we can. But having called him and having found that he can come only the following morning, we should wait patiently for the next 24 hours. In this period, people can get very anxious and go on talking about it to others. There are many such problems in life. While waiting for a long time,people tend to become()












    正确答案: D
    解析: 本题根据原文第五段倒数第二句In this period,people can get very anxious and go on talking about it to other可得出答案。答案为E。

  • 第11题:

    According to the author, scientists  ______.

    have already proved that coffee is good for human health


    have a long way to go before they find a way to study coffee


    have avoided the cause-and-effect approach to study coffee


    are still unable to figure out why coffee is good for us

    正确答案: A

  • 第12题:

    Why do some frogs change the pitch of its calls?

    To be different from others.


    To attract a female frog.


    To tend out messages.


    To go against traffic noises.

    正确答案: C
    由第三段“…further away from the traffic noise and this increases the distance over which it can be for heard,”得知青蛙改变音高是为了避免噪音干扰。

  • 第13题:

    —Why don’t we go get coffee somewhere? —()

    A、Good idea. Let’s go to the coffee shop on the corner.

    B、No, I don’t like coffee.

    C、Sorry, you can’t.

    D、Yes, help yourself.


  • 第14题:

    Why not to go shopping with us?()


  • 第15题:

    why is it so difficult for the democrats to _________ on the issue of mismanaging the economy______.

    A、go for the jugula

    B、go for the eye

    C、go for the ear

    D、go for the cheek


  • 第16题:

    25. Why didn’t Michael go to the island for picruc?

    A. He had to go to school.

    B. He did not like the island.

    C. Something was wrong with his foot.

    D. The weather was bad that day.

    25.C【解析】他没去野炊是因为he cut his foot and couldn't walk very well,故选C.

  • 第17题:

    .Why do Americans like to go to fast food restaurants?

    A.It is because fast food restaurants are fast,informal,and inexpensive.

    B.It is because people can easily find fast food restaurants.

    C.It is because people like to eat hamburgers.

    D.It is because fast food restaurants sell nearly every kind of food.

    根据文章第三自然段中的内容“customers can wear any type of dress whenthey go to a fast food place”可以推断到快餐店就餐可不拘礼节;“Second,they are fast”表示(第二点)快餐店食品供应速度快;“Finally most food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive”说明快餐店的又一特点是大多数食物都不贵。由此可选择出正确答案。

  • 第18题:

    Why did she go for long walks along the country roads? __________

    A.Because she enjoyed the country’s fresh air
    B.Because she was afraid to disturbed the rest of the family
    C.Because she lived in a small house far away
    D.Because she was afraid to practice the tones

    根据第一段“As she lived in a small house,where she could not practice.without disturbingthe rest of the family”可推知她是怕打扰其他人。故答案为B。

  • 第19题:

    David like country life and has decided to_______farming.

    A.get hold of
    B.get along with
    C.go in for
    D.go thorough


  • 第20题:

    Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? --()

    • A、Excuse me,my friend sent me a flower
    • B、Fine,I never go to birthday parties
    • C、Well,I don’t like birthday parties
    • D、Sorry,but my wife had a car accident


  • 第21题:

    Overcoming Difficulties ① Life is full of difficulties and obstacles, from birth to death. At times, Life seems like a hurdle race. We are sure of encountering hurdles, but almost always we are taken by surprise. It is necessary to accept that life in general is full of difficulties and adversities. This recognition is the first step. When faced with problems, we often feel, "I am the only one having such problems" Or, we tend to exaggerate our problems and regard them as most complex, most painful,and as an extreme case. But if we look around us, we find people in much worse conditions. As St. Augustine said, "I cried for boots, till I saw a man who had no legs." ② When faced with difficulties, we either complain or seek to dodge them. We behave like as ostrich in the desert. It is said that when there is a storm in the desert, the ostrich buries his head in the sand-hoping that the storm will go away if he ignores it-and finally gets buried under a heap of sand and dies. Some of us choose to pretend that the problems do not exist. We fail to realize that confronting and solving the problem-no painful the process-makes us grow. ③ Accept the woes of birth. It has many implied meanings. First, it means "accepting," i.e., being able to say that it is "my" problem and it is up to me to solve it. Many times we find ourselves putting the blame on others-parents, society or the circumstances of life. Nothing happens by chance, but all is the result of our past actions. There are times when what is needed is patience. We seek to come out of an unpleasant situation quickly. We must understand that if the cause had been operating for a long time, the effect also would last long-as even when the gas has been turned off, the burner remains hot for a long time. Similarly, we expect quick results; having put in the effort, we must be willing to wait. Patient acceptance of what is due to us makes us makes us take a step further in our development. ④ Once we have learnt to deal with a difficulty, the next time we encounter it, it ceases to be a difficulty. But, more often than not the cause of the problem is internal, i.e., within us, and often, it calls for a change. Often the difficulty is solved when we are willing to change—our way of thinking, our feelings, our likes and dislikes—and ready to adapt or adjust ourselves to a problematic situation or a person in life. We must realize that realize that change is inevitable, and always be mentally prepared for it. ⑤ Not all life's problems are such that they need to be dealt with all at once. Sometimes it is possible to take a step and wait for a long time. For instance, if the tap is leaking then we need to call a plumber as soon as we can. But having called him and having found that he can come only the following morning, we should wait patiently for the next 24 hours. In this period, people can get very anxious and go on talking about it to others. There are many such problems in life. We often put our problems()

    seek to dodge them


    immediate reaction


    waiting for a long time


    difficulties and adversities


    very anxious


    on others

    正确答案: F
    解析: 本题根据原文第三段第四句Many times we find… of life可得出答案。答案为F。

  • 第22题:

    Overcoming Difficulties ① Life is full of difficulties and obstacles, from birth to death. At times, Life seems like a hurdle race. We are sure of encountering hurdles, but almost always we are taken by surprise. It is necessary to accept that life in general is full of difficulties and adversities. This recognition is the first step. When faced with problems, we often feel, "I am the only one having such problems" Or, we tend to exaggerate our problems and regard them as most complex, most painful,and as an extreme case. But if we look around us, we find people in much worse conditions. As St. Augustine said, "I cried for boots, till I saw a man who had no legs." ② When faced with difficulties, we either complain or seek to dodge them. We behave like as ostrich in the desert. It is said that when there is a storm in the desert, the ostrich buries his head in the sand-hoping that the storm will go away if he ignores it-and finally gets buried under a heap of sand and dies. Some of us choose to pretend that the problems do not exist. We fail to realize that confronting and solving the problem-no painful the process-makes us grow. ③ Accept the woes of birth. It has many implied meanings. First, it means "accepting," i.e., being able to say that it is "my" problem and it is up to me to solve it. Many times we find ourselves putting the blame on others-parents, society or the circumstances of life. Nothing happens by chance, but all is the result of our past actions. There are times when what is needed is patience. We seek to come out of an unpleasant situation quickly. We must understand that if the cause had been operating for a long time, the effect also would last long-as even when the gas has been turned off, the burner remains hot for a long time. Similarly, we expect quick results; having put in the effort, we must be willing to wait. Patient acceptance of what is due to us makes us makes us take a step further in our development. ④ Once we have learnt to deal with a difficulty, the next time we encounter it, it ceases to be a difficulty. But, more often than not the cause of the problem is internal, i.e., within us, and often, it calls for a change. Often the difficulty is solved when we are willing to change—our way of thinking, our feelings, our likes and dislikes—and ready to adapt or adjust ourselves to a problematic situation or a person in life. We must realize that realize that change is inevitable, and always be mentally prepared for it. ⑤ Not all life's problems are such that they need to be dealt with all at once. Sometimes it is possible to take a step and wait for a long time. For instance, if the tap is leaking then we need to call a plumber as soon as we can. But having called him and having found that he can come only the following morning, we should wait patiently for the next 24 hours. In this period, people can get very anxious and go on talking about it to others. There are many such problems in life. It′s of great necessity to accept that life in general is full of()

    seek to dodge them


    immediate reaction


    waiting for a long time


    difficulties and adversities


    very anxious


    on others

    正确答案: D
    解析: 本题根据原文第一段第四句It is necessary to accept that life in general is full of difficulties and adversities 可得出答案。答案为D。

  • 第23题:

    Why are coral reefs called the rainforests of the sea?

    Because they are home to a wide varie of sea life.


    Because they can protect our coasts from storms.


    Because they might supply natural medicines.


    Because they look like rainforests.

    正确答案: A