更多“请根据下面提示,写一篇短文,词数不少于50 In your spoken English class, your teacher ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    What's ( )job? Are ( ) British?

    A. your, your

    B. you, your

    C. your, you


  • 第2题:



    The best example of universally understood body language may be the smile.A smile can help us get through difficult situation and find friends in a world of strangers.A smile can open doors and tear down walls.





    One possible version

  • 第3题:

    【单选题】下面程序的输出是。 main() {enum team {my,your=4,his,her=his+10}; printf("%d%d%d%dn",my,your,his,her);}

    A.0 1 2 3

    B.0 4 0 10

    C.0 4 5 15

    D.l 4 5 15

    DDBBCC C语言对枚举的定义规定:在枚举中声明的各个枚举元素,如果没有明确指出某个枚举元素的值,它的上一个元素存在并有明确值的情况下,这个枚举元素的值为其上一个元素的值+1。在本题中,没有明确说明枚举元素em3的值,则em3=em2+1=1+1=2,进而可知,在printf()打印函数中,要打印的数组元素是aa[3]、aa[1]、aa[2],因此最后的打印结果应当为“DDBBCC”。

  • 第4题:

    下列程序的运行结果是【 】。 include class SomeClass { public: SomeClass(int va

    下列程序的运行结果是【 】。

    include <iostream. h>

    class SomeClass



    SomeClass(int value) { some_value=value;};

    void show_data(void) { cout<<data<<"<<~some_value<<endl; };

    static void set_data(int value) {data=value; }


    static int data;

    int some_value


    int SomeClass::data

    void main(void)


    SomeClass my_class(1001),your_class(2002);

    your_class. set_data(4004);

    my_elass. show_data()


    正确答案:4004 1001
    4004 1001 解析:本题考查静态成员变量在不同对象间的共享现象。无论哪个对象修改了其静态变量的值,其他对象再访问该变量时已经发生了变化。

  • 第5题:

    外籍教师Richard想了解一下你所在班级学生的到校方式。假如你是李华,请以“Theway l go to school”为题,写一篇英语短文,向Richard介绍自己到校的方式。

    提示:(1) How do you go to school?

    (2)Why do you prefer to go in that way?




    The way I go to school

    I'm Li Hua.___________________________

    The way I go to school
    I'm Li Hua.I go to school on foot.I have several reasons for that.
    First,my home is near to my school,only about two kilometers. It takes me about 20 minutes to get there. Second,walking to school is a kind of exercise. It's good for my health. Third,it's pretty safe to walk to school because there is a lot of traffic on the road at this time of day. S0 1 prefer going to school on foot. It's really a good choice.