

  • A、如考生没有中文姓名,可以不填写
  • B、应使用2B铅笔填涂,否则会影响成绩
  • C、考生序号应填涂准考证号的最后5位
  • D、考点代码可选择不填涂



  • A、考生未经监考员同意,在考试过程中擅自离开考场。
  • B、考生将试卷、答题卡、草稿纸等考试用纸带出考场。
  • C、考生用规定以外的笔或者纸答题,或者在答题卡规定以外的地方书写姓名、准考证号。
  • D、考生在答题卡上填写与本人身份不符的姓名和准考证号等信息。



  • A、检查试卷、答题卡袋上封面填写内容是否准确
  • B、缺考考生条形码粘贴区域(位置)是否正确
  • C、检查封条及监考物品是否齐全、《考场情况记录表》的内容和相关材料
  • D、检查《考场情况记录表》、答题卡袋考场条形码是否按规定粘贴
  • E、检查清点试卷、答题卡份数(30),是从小号到大号理顺
  • F、缺考空考卷卡是否按规定收齐全



  • A、《考场情况记录表》
  • B、试卷袋
  • C、答题卡袋
  • D、答题卡



  • A、考生忘记携带或遗失准考证、居民身份证
  • B、发现考生本人与准考证、居民身份证或考场座次表的照片不符
  • C、发现试卷或答题卡袋口或密封有异常迹象
  • D、启封答题卡后,将答题卡袋内塞舌头裁断
  • E、启封后,发现部分试卷或答题卡混装、错装
  • F、考生向监考员报告,在答题卡上答错区域,或超出规定区域答题等。


2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号填写在试题卷和答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(B)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码粘贴在答题卡右上角条形码粘贴处。2作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试题卷上。3非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。4考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Not only can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that even cold, hard iron can_ to life with a little creativity.Abring backBbe brought backCbring out2、“_ theres still much work to be done, the peoples government will not let the people down.” Premier Li said on March 5 in Beijing.ABecauseBUnlessCIfDAlthough3、Tom often plays _ piano on Sunday, but he likes playing _ basketball.Athe, /B/, theCa, aDthe, a4、Lesson _ is so difficult that it will take them _ to learn it.ASixth; two and a half daysBSix; two days and halfCSixth; two and a half dayDSix; two days and a half5、- You lent me some money a few months ago.- ? I almost forgot it.ADid you BDid I CDo I DDo you6、Must I prepare for the trip today?No, you . You can do it tomorrow.AmustntBcantCneednt7、Why dont you join in _ discussion and tell _ about the latest film Green Book?Aours; usBours; oursCour; usDour; ours8、Could I make a call with your phone? I left mine at home._. Here you are.ANever mindBOf courseCYoud better notDIm afraid not9、He is taller than _ girl in his class.AanyBotherCany otherDanother10、Hi, mom, exciting news! I am the only one of the students who elected (当选) as president of the students union.Oh, you are so lucky to get the honor and then work hard!AwereBwasCare. 完形填空11、 I was in the fifth grade. One day, my dads car was broken into and all of the things inside were 1 , including my schoolbag. It had my binder(活页夹), my textbooks and my notebooks where I used to write stories. I was very 2 .So I went to school with 3 the next day.Miss Taylor, my 4 , was very kind to me. She gave me a new binder after I told her what had happened. She also 5 me some crayons and asked me if Id like to 6 the front of the binder. I was very thankful. 7 I never colored the new binder, because something even 8 happened later that day. Miss Taylor got a 9 from the office. After she hung up the phone, she said to me, “ 10 !Someone found your schoolbag!” I rushed to the 11 and got my schoolbag. When I 12 it, I saw that all my things were still inside, including my notebooks. The office secretary said, “A young lady found your 13 on the side of the road. She brought it to the school office because 14 found the address in your binder.”It turns out that there are lots of people out there who are 15 . There is no need to lose faith(信心) in society just because of one bad apple.1AboughtBchangedCfoundDstolen2AboredBhappyCinterestedDworried3AanythingBeverythingCnothingDsomething4AauntBmotherCdoctorDteacher5AhandedBmadeCpostedDsold6AcolorBreadCcopyDcover7AAndBButCOrDSo8AeasierBbetterCharderDworse9AbookBletterCnoteDcall10AIm sorryBGuess whatCMy pleasureDThank you11AofficeBlibraryCdining roomDplayground12AbrokeBclosedCopenedDpainted13AbasketballBcoatCschoolbagDwallet14AsheBtheyCheDI15AbeautifulBkindCoutgoingDthi. 语法填空12、V.阅读填空,在空白处填入适当的内容(填写1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Do you sometimes feel sad or worried? When youre feeling down, you may turn on some ice cream to eat even 1 youre already full. It means that you are experiencing emotional (情绪化的) eating. Emotional eating means that we are2 (use) the food to make yourself 3 (feel) better. In fact, it usually makes you feel much 4 (bad ) because you cant solve your problems, but youll feel sorry for overeating.Are you an emotional eater? Try to answer the following questions.5 your answers are “Yes”, you will be an emotional eater.Do you eat more when youre not 6 (success )?Do you eat to feel better when youre sad ,bored or worried?Does food make you feel safe? Do you feel that food is 7 a friend of you?Some scientists8 (study) the survey for two months. They have found that9 (eat) emotionally is bad for our health. In order to stop emotional eating, we should find other ways about how10 (encourage) ourselves when we feel down. 阅读理解A13、 WeChat, known as Weixin in China, is a mobile phone communication service which was developed after QQ by Tencent on January 21, 2011 in China. It has been the most popular in China.It is so easy to use WeChat. First, you can register WeChat with your phone number, and then add your friends numbers in your contact list. It works just like ta


  • A、将缺考考生的条形码粘贴在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域内
  • B、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡袋封面上填缺考准考证号及相关内容
  • C、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔在缺考答题卡上填写缺考考生姓名和准考证号
  • D、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域填写缺考考生姓名和准考证号
  • E、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔分别在缺考考生试卷、答题卡和尾考场的空白试卷、空白答题卡左上角空白处注明“缺考”或“空白”字样
  • F、用2B铅笔填涂缺考考生答题卡的缺考标记



  • A、在答题卡右上角注明“缺考”字样
  • B、在答题卡上填涂缺考标记
  • C、在答题卡指定位置填写姓名、准考证号
  • D、在答题卡指定位置粘贴准考证条形码
  • E、在答题卡左上角注明“缺考”字样



  • A、姓名
  • B、座位号
  • C、准考证号
  • D、考籍号
  • E、考生号



  • A、分发草稿纸
  • B、粘贴缺考考生条形码
  • C、粘贴《考场情况记录表》的考场条形码
  • D、粘贴已到考生条形码
  • E、分发答题卡
  • F、答题卡袋上考场条形码



  • A、答题卡袋右上角的考场条形码
  • B、《考场情况记录表》右上角的考场条形码
  • C、试卷袋条码右上角的条形码
  • D、缺考考生条形码
  • E、实考考生条形码
  • F、空考条形码


更多 “湖北省武汉市武昌区南湖中学20222023学年中考英语全真模拟试题(含解析)” 相关考题
考题 英语开考20分钟,听力考试结束后,监考员甲在前面监考,监考员乙持考场座次表,逐个认真核对如下内容()。A、考生本人与准考证、身份证上的照片是否相符B、用0.7毫米黑色墨水签字笔分别在缺考、空白试卷和答题卡左上角注明“缺考”、“空白”字样C、座位标签与准考证上姓名、准考证号是否一致D、考生在答题卡(小语种为答题纸)上填写的姓名和准考证号与所持准考证上相应内容是否一致正确答案:A,C,D

考题 在分发答题卡后,一名监考员开始粘贴()A、实考考生条形码B、空考条形码C、答题卡袋右上角的考场条形码D、《考场情况记录表》右上角的考场条形码E、试卷袋条码右上角的条形码F、缺考考生条形码正确答案:A,B,C,D,E,F

考题 关于答题卡填涂、书写要求正确的做法是()。A、用2B铅笔作答非选择题B、用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填涂试卷A/B类型C、缺考考生答题卡不用填写考生号、姓名、考场号、座位号D、作答非选择题时,只能使用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔正确答案:D

考题 关于答题卡填涂、书写要求正确的做法是()。A、用2B铅笔作答非选择题B、用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填涂试卷A/B类型C、缺考考生答题卡不用填写考生号、姓名、考场号、座位号D、作答非选择题时,只能使用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔正确答案:D

考题 考试结束,对考生的规定动作描述正确的是()。A、考生可继续答卷B、将试卷和答题卡反扣放在桌面上,双手垂下坐等候监考员收卷C、考生将试卷和答题卡拿到讲台上交给监考员D、考生将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸放在桌面上就可离场正确答案:B

考题 英语开考20分钟,听力考试结束后,监考员甲在前面监考,监考员乙持考场座次表,逐个认真核对如下内容()。A、考生本人与准考证、身份证上的照片是否相符B、用0.7毫米黑色墨水签字笔分别在缺考、空白试卷和答题卡左上角注明“缺考”、“空白”字样C、座位标签与准考证上姓名、准考证号是否一致D、考生在答题卡(小语种为答题纸)上填写的姓名和准考证号与所持准考证上相应内容是否一致正确答案:A,C,D

考题 对缺考考生,在点名卡、答题卡上操作正确的是()。A、无须填写该考生的姓名、考号、考场号、座位号B、用2B铅笔在点名卡该考生的缺考标记“□”涂满涂黑,以示缺考C、用红笔在选择题答题区域内写上“缺考”两字D、答题卡上不用粘贴条形码正确答案:B

考题 考生领到答题卡后,监考员指导考生须做如下()。A、要认真检查所发A、B卡类型是否有误(语文、数学答题卡Ⅰ、Ⅱ均不分A、B卡)B、B、仔细查看答题卡正反面,如出现字迹模糊、行列歪斜或缺印以及B卡错发等现象要立即向监考员报告C、在答题卡规定的位置写上自己的姓名和准考证号D、要认真核对条形码上打印的姓名和准考证号是否与本人相符,如有错误应立即向监考员报告E、保持卡面清洁,不要将答题卡折叠、弄破,严禁在答题卡的条形码和图象定位点(黑方块)周围做任何涂写和标记,亦不得在答题卡上任意涂画或作标记正确答案:A,B,C,D,E

考题 开考后(英语科除外)监考员甲在前面监考,监考员乙持考场座次表,逐个认真核对如下内容()。A、考生本人与准考证、身份证上的照片是否相符B、座位标签与准考证上的姓名、准考证号是否一致C、考生在答题卡上填写的姓名和准考证号与所持准考证上相应内容是否一致D、考生条形码与考生准考证和所填写姓名、号码是否一致正确答案:A,B,D

考题 语文、数学及选测科开考前15分钟,监考员启封答题卡袋,检查答题卡印刷是否有歪斜、空白、污损后,须操作是()。A、分发答题卡(含答题卡Ⅱ)B、分发草稿纸C、粘贴已到考生条形码D、粘贴答题卡袋上考场条形码E、粘贴《考场情况记录表》的考场条形码F、粘贴缺考考生条形码正确答案:A,B,C,D,E