新人教PEP六年级上英语Unit5《 what does he do》课时训练(含答案) (1)

Wu Bin considered________ (take) part in the long jump.

43. taking

Only last week I called at ( ).

A、mine aunt’s

B、mine aunt

C、my aunt's

D、my aunt


John was left to the()of his aunt after his parents’ divorce. ()









论坛推广、博客推广 、网址导航 、搜索引擎 、名片宣传、图片的病毒式营销 、电子邮件推广方法 、qq群发信息 、广告交换

下面是个人总结的一些方法,和大家一起交流进步!1.淘宝直通车直通车,肯定是有效的推广,但太烧钱。2.阿里推广阿里推网站,淘宝界的好123,掌握了切入口,便掌握了关键流量。很多推广位都极俱投放价值。一元推广位就更超值,一年的推广费用才365元.日均50多万的页面浏览量,足以秒杀任何帮派的。而一天仅一元钱,也是绝对可以接受的。3关键词推广一定要做好,关键词一定要精准常用符合大家的搜索习惯。  4.淘宝社区推广 以经验分享类最好,直接的广告不太容易被接受  5.利用淘宝客推广  一般淘宝客会选择销量好,信誉好,佣金高的产品或者店铺做推广,所以千万不要舍不得钱,只有让别人赚到更多的钱,别人才会更加卖力地帮你赚钱。6群发推广 这个最好适当适量,乱发必反。  7.其他获取流量的方式。  人人网开心网51网等一些社区都是高流量的地方,只要你有自己的一套流量获取方法,自然也可以做推广,关键还是思路问题。

Why was the young woman who had lost her wallet invited to dinner?

A.She was familiar with the writer"s aunt.

B.She was familiar with the writer"s uncle.

C.She happened to be invited so as to amount to 4 persons for dinner.

D.She was friend of writer"s uncle and aunt.


喜子的商铺(淘宝店): 微店:Part ALets read. 根据课文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()1. Wu Yifans aunt is beautiful.()2. Wu Yifans aunt is a doctor.()3. His uncle is a writer.()4. His uncle writes the TV show for her aunt.()5. His aunt goes to Hong Kong by plane. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My father is a _(clean)2. Mikes mother is a _(teach)3. What does your sister _(do)?4. Im going to _(learn) kongfu this weekend.5. The _(drive) is driving a big bus.重点难点,一网打尽。. 单项选择。()1. _ does your mother do? She is a teacher. A. What B. Where C. How()2. _ works in a car factory? My father. A. What B. WhoC. Where()3. _does your uncle work? In a school. A. What B. Where C. How()4. _does your uncle go to work? By bike. A. How B. Where C. What()5. My mother is _ cleaner. A. a B. an C. the . 给问句选择合适的答句。. 按要求改写句子,填入所缺的词。1. Shes my aunt(就画线部分提问) is the woman?2. She goes to Hong Kong by plane(就划线部分提问) ?3. My father is a worker.(就划线部分提问) your father do?4. My sister works in a factory.(就划线部分提问) does your sister work?5He cleans streets.(改写同义句)He is a .举一反三,应用创新,方能一显身手!. 任务型阅读。I am Amy. I live in America. I like drawing pictures. I go to school by bus. My mom is a singer. She likes singing pop songs. My father is an accountant. They like listening to music. I often play the violin and write emails on the weekend. Do you want to be my pen pal?A. 判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。()1. Amy lives in Australia.()2. Amys mother likes pop songs.()3. Amys parents like drawing pictures.()4. Amy goes to school on foot.()5. Amy likes playing the violin.B. 你想成为Amy 的笔友吗?赶紧写一封回信,介绍一下你的情况吧!Dear Amy,_Yours,_Part ALets read. 1. T2. F3. T4. T5. T. 1. cleaner2. teacher3. do4. learn5. driver. 15A B B A A. 1. b2. a3. e4. c5. d. 1. Who 2. How does she go to Hong Kong 3. What does 4. Where 5. cleaner . A. 15 F T F F TB. 略

Aunt Li gets up early in the morning.(变为否定句)

Aunt Li_______ _______up early in the morning.

42.doesn't get


正确答案:同一时刻桩顶力减去速度与广义波阻抗的乘积后除以2便构成了所谓的上行波曲线0)一1 / 2 CF (t) —Z • V (t)),根据一维应力波理论,当桩身某位置有缩颈类缺陷时,将产生一上升的拉伸波,亦即出现同向的速度反射和反向的力反射;当出现扩颈类“缺陷”时产生一上升压缩波,亦即出现反向的速度反射和同向的力反射;当桩侧遇到土阻力时,同样产生上升的压缩波(速度反向,力同向);对于摩擦桩而言,桩端阻力较小,应力波传播到桩底后自然产生向上的拉伸波,而端承桩,除因沉渣引起的小幅度拉伸波外,基本上产生一向上的压缩波。


正确答案:同一时刻桩顶力减去速度与广义波阻抗的乘积后除以2便构成了所谓的上行波曲线0)一1 / 2 CF (t) —Z • V (t)),根据一维应力波理论,当桩身某位置有缩颈类缺陷时,将产生一上升的拉伸波,亦即出现同向的速度反射和反向的力反射;当出现扩颈类“缺陷”时产生一上升压缩波,亦即出现反向的速度反射和同向的力反射;当桩侧遇到土阻力时,同样产生上升的压缩波(速度反向,力同向);对于摩擦桩而言,桩端阻力较小,应力波传播到桩底后自然产生向上的拉伸波,而端承桩,除因沉渣引起的小幅度拉伸波外,基本上产生一向上的压缩波。




  • A、微店比淘宝更符合社会需求
  • B、微店代表了更高生产力水平
  • C、科技进步可以促进大众创业
  • D、企业微型化是未来发展趋势


更多 “新人教PEP六年级上英语Unit5《 what does he do》课时训练(含答案) (1)” 相关考题
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考题 “亲,你也可以开店哦。”微店作为科技时代新产物,只需手机号码即可开通。如果说淘宝像商场,大而全,微店就像路边小店,胜在方便,它们各有市场。微店的兴起表明()A、微店比淘宝更符合社会需求B、微店代表了更高生产力水平C、科技进步可以促进大众创业D、企业微型化是未来发展趋势正确答案:C

考题 单选题The selection is mainly about .A how the narrator’s father diedB the inner feelings of the narrator as he visits his dying fatherC the narrator’s childhood memories of his fatherD the narrator’s relationship with his aunt正确答案:C解析:本文主要讲作者见弥留的父亲时的内心感受。

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考题 单选题The selection is mainly about .A how the narrator’s father diedB the inner feelings of the narrator as he visits his dying fatherC the narrator’s childhood memories of his fatherD the narrator’s relationship with his aunt正确答案:B解析:本文主要讲作者见弥留的父亲时的内心感受。

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