填空题Buying a car 2 years old, you only have to pay two thirds of its original price.____

Buying a car 2 years old, you only have to pay two thirds of its original price.____

正确答案: E
由题干关键词“Buying a car 2 years old”可定位到E段。本段讲到新车在两年内会失去三分之一的价值,因此买两年车龄的二手车只用花费原价的三分之二,故匹配段落为E段。
更多“填空题Buying a car 2 years old, you only have to pay two thirds of its original price.____”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    The money I have saved is ____ for buying a car.






  • 第2题:

    We can infer from Dr Myers and Dr. Worm’s paper that

    A. the stock of large predators in some old fisheries has reduced by 90%. B. there are only half as many fisheries as there were 15 years ago. C. the catch sizes in new fisheries are only 20% of the original amount. D. the number of larger predators dropped faster in new fisheries than in the old.


  • 第3题:

    22..What kind of car does Mrs Hill have?

    A. A fast and new car.

    B. A fast but old car.

    C. A slow and old car.

    D. A fast but small car.

    22.A【解析】从文中第二段最后两句“Her car is new. It's very large,and it can g0 200 kilometers an hour!”可知Mrs Hill的车非常新,而且很快。

  • 第4题:

    资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets. Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone at Best Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a local store?Consumers will only be willing to pay more, like at the Apple stores, if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere.
    While scales of economy have allowed big China stores in America to offer cheaper prices than niche players, local retailers in China are able to undercut prices because they pay less in salaries, benefits, rent, and electricity. Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers.
    Apart from failing to differentiate its product lines, Best Buy also made the mistake of focusing on building large flagship stores, like in the U.S, rather than smaller, conveniently located retail outlets. China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its perennial traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. A government ban on free shopping bags have also resulted in consumers shopping more often, but buying less each time, further fueling the popularity of neighborhood stores.

    Which of the following statement is not true?

    A.Chinese market needs more regulations.
    B.Western retailers cannot succeed in Chinese market.
    C.In China owing a car does not necessarily mean efficient travel.
    D.To start a successful business, a better understanding of consumer preference is important.

    【关键词】following statement; not true
    【主题句】第2自然段 Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers.中国猖獗的盗版行为也意味着,当地的电脑商店愿意在产品中安装盗版软件,这使其对消费者更有吸引力。
    第3自然段 China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its Perennial
    traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. 中国可能是世界上汽车使用率最高的国家之一,但其常年的交通拥堵和停车位不足意味着消费者往往更喜欢在离家较近的地方购物。

  • 第5题:

    资料:“Our cars are for people who want something different.”
    This has been the slogan for over 50 years of Suprema Cars, a manufacturer of an English sports car. The car is mostly handmade in the company's factory in northern England. Suprema Car produces approximately 500 cars a year. About 5 years ago, the company began to lose sales and market share, and in the last two years, it has made a loss.
    Recently, there have been problems with the labor force. The factory workers have demand higher wages and better working conditions. They are also unhappy because the management is insisting that they increase production, but the workers think this will have a bad effect on the quality of the cars.
    The company still has many loyal customers. People buy Suprema sports cars because they are handmade and have an image of quality and craftsmanship.

    Why do some customers still stick to Suprema Cars?

    A.Because its products are handmade and qualified.
    B.Because its name represents luxury.
    C.Because the company is famous.
    D.Because its products are cheap.


  • 第6题:

    How long have you worked here?()

    • A、Since about two years.
    • B、I do not know.
    • C、For about two years.
    • D、Who knows.


  • 第7题:

    You have two NTP servers & and want to configure a router to use as its NTP server before falling back to Which command will you use?

    正确答案: Ntp server
    Ntp server prefer
    (notice the answer with the word “prefer”)

  • 第8题:

    You completed the development of a new application and want to create a new domain in a new environment for functional testing. You want to have the same settings for your new domain as your old domain, with the option of changing the configuration in the new target environment. Which two actions should you execute?()

    • A、Use the introspect () command in WLST to gather the configuration information from the  original domain.
    • B、Use pack/unpack to transfer the domain from one machine to another.
    • C、Create a domain template from the original domain using the Domain Template Builder and use  the Configuration Wizard to create a new domain from the template.
    • D、Use the Admin Console of the original domain to create a domain template from the original  domain and use the Configuration Wizard to create a new domain from the template.


  • 第9题:

    Practice 20  Card-holders of Holiday Sunshine Hotel automatically become registered members of its Reservation(预定) Network. They are able to enjoy the services offered by its member hotels. We encourage card-holders to use the card as often as possible, and they will be awarded with prizes when their marks(积分)reach a certain amount.  Before checking into a hotel, please always reserve your room first. When you check out, you will only have to pay the member price.

      ②registered members注册会员。
      ③be able to能够……。
      ④as... as possible尽可能的……。
      ⑤check out结账。

  • 第10题:

    In which scenario will you perform a cancel-based recovery?()

     when a tablespace is dropped and you have only RMAN-based backup of the database


     when a table is dropped and stored in the Recycle Bin


     when you are required to recover an existing table to its previous state


     when a tablespace is dropped and you have only a user-managed full backup of the database

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    Have you ever heard of the upside-down catfish, the only kind that _____ swims on its back?








    正确答案: C

  • 第12题:

    How long have you worked here?()

    Since about two years.


    I do not know.


    For about two years.


    Who knows.

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    Erna Hart _______ a good swimmer; she swam across the English Channel when she was only fourteen years old!

    A、must be

    B、must have been

    C、could be

    D、should have been


  • 第14题:



    There are many different kinds of cars in the world. My uncle thinks this is because cars are like their drivers. He says: "Rich people have expensive cars,big people have large cars,and old people drive old cars. "But I don-t agree with him.

    My neighbor,Mrs Hill,is 82 years old. She drives only to the bank on Tuesdays. She never drives more than 30 kilometers an hour. Do you think Mrs Hill has a very old and small car? No! Her car is new.lt-s very large,and it can g0 200 kilometers an hour!

    My friend Mike is an artist. He draws beautiful pictures with lots of colors. But his car is black! Mrs Bates has a very,very old car.lt often has engine trouble. Does she drive that kind of car because she is poor? No,she has four factories and two million dollars in the bank. My aunt Mary has a very small car. Every Sunday,she.drives to the country with her husband,her three children,her mother and their dog.

    Now,you have read about some people and their cars. Do you agree with my uncle? Maybe your family have cars. Do you want to say something about them?'

    ( )21. What does the writer-s uncle think of cars and their drivers?

    A. Big people drive small cars.

    B. Old people drive new cars.

    C. Poor people have expensive cars.

    D. Rich people have dear cars.

    Ⅲ.21.D【解析】从文中第一段第三句作者叔叔说的话中“...Rich people have expensive cars”可知答案.

  • 第15题:

    资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets. Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone at Best Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a local store?Consumers will only be willing to pay more, like at the Apple stores, if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere.
    While scales of economy have allowed big China stores in America to offer cheaper prices than niche players, local retailers in China are able to undercut prices because they pay less in salaries, benefits, rent, and electricity. Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers.
    Apart from failing to differentiate its product lines, Best Buy also made the mistake of focusing on building large flagship stores, like in the U.S, rather than smaller, conveniently located retail outlets. China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its perennial traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. A government ban on free shopping bags have also resulted in consumers shopping more often, but buying less each time, further fueling the popularity of neighborhood stores.

    The underlined part in the second paragraph means.


    【关键词】underlined part;second paragraph;mean
    【主题句】第2自然段 Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers.中国猖獗的盗版行为也意味着,当地的电脑商店愿意在产品中安装盗版软件,这使其对消费者更有吸引力。

  • 第16题:

    资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets. Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone at Best Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a local store?Consumers will only be willing to pay more, like at the Apple stores, if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere.
    While scales of economy have allowed big China stores in America to offer cheaper prices than niche players, local retailers in China are able to undercut prices because they pay less in salaries, benefits, rent, and electricity. Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers.
    Apart from failing to differentiate its product lines, Best Buy also made the mistake of focusing on building large flagship stores, like in the U.S, rather than smaller, conveniently located retail outlets. China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its perennial traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. A government ban on free shopping bags have also resulted in consumers shopping more often, but buying less each time, further fueling the popularity of neighborhood stores.

    What Western retailers can do to stay competitive?

    A.Localize their product selection.
    B.Better understand the evolving Chinese consumer preferences.
    C.Be aware of the importance of location choice.
    D.All above.

    【关键词】western retailer; stay competitive
    【主题句】第1自然段 According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets.根据我们的研究,中国的百思买被认为太贵了,他们的许多产品的价格都高于当地市场。
    第2自然段 Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install
    counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers.中国猖獗的盗版行为也意味着,当地的电脑商店愿意在产品中安装盗版软件,这使其对消费者更有吸引力。
    第3自然段 Apart from failing to differentiate its product lines, Best Buy also made the mistake
    of focusing on building large flagship stores, like in the U.S, rather than smaller, conveniently located retail outlets.除了未能对其产品线进行区分之外,百思买也犯了一个错误,即效仿美国专注于建设大型旗舰店,而不是打造更小巧、更便利的零售商店。
    第3自然段China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its perennial traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. A government ban on free shopping bags have also resulted in consumers shopping more often, but buying less each time, further fueling the popularity of neighborhood stores.

  • 第17题:

    How long have you worked here?()

    ASince about two years.

    BI do not know.

    CFor about two years.

    DWho knows.


  • 第18题:

    Half of your network uses RIPv2 and the other half runs OSPF. The networks do not communicate with each other. Which two of these factors describe the impact of activating EIGRP over each separate part? ()

    • A、EIGRP will not be accepted when configured on the actual RIPv2 routers.
    • B、OSPF will no longer be used in the routing table, because you only have EIGRP internal routes running.
    • C、OSPF will no longer be used in the routing table, because you only have EIGRP external routes running.
    • D、RIPv2 will populate its RIP database but not its routing table, because you only have EIGRP external routes running.
    • E、RIPv2 will populate its RIP database but not its routing table, because you only have EIGRP internal routes running.
    • F、OSPF database will have RIPv2 routes.


  • 第19题:

    In which scenario will you perform a cancel-based recovery?()

    • A、 when a tablespace is dropped and you have only RMAN-based backup of the database
    • B、 when a table is dropped and stored in the Recycle Bin
    • C、 when you are required to recover an existing table to its previous state
    • D、 when a tablespace is dropped and you have only a user-managed full backup of the database


  • 第20题:

    You have a customized image of Windows 7 Professional. You mount the image and modify the contents ofthe image. You need to restore the image to its original state.  Which tool should you use?()








    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    The sentence “We have people... down the road” (Line 3, Paragraph 2) probably means ______.

    we have people calling us for parking space two years ahead of time


    people called us for permission to use the places two years ago


    we received calls from people down the road two years ago


    people called us for school vacancies two years in advance

    正确答案: B
    词句理解题。理解本句的关键是看Marilyn是在什么样的情况下说这句话的,即要看此句的前一句——申请者过多,而拒收率也更高。因此,直接引语肯定是补充说明或进一步阐述这种情况的。另外,本句中的two years down the road指的是从现在开始的两年后,含有“提前”之意。而本文的主旨是入学问题,故spots是指能入学的名额。故D项为正确答案吧。A项中的parking space意为“停车位”。B项中的use of the place意为“使用这个地方”,都曲解了引语中spots的意思。而B、C两项中的two years ago则曲解了这一句中的two years down the road一处。

  • 第22题:

    How much will you pay for your second child if you take two children along?____

    正确答案: half price
    细节题。定位到文中倒数第二段Special features部分“More than one child per adult is half price”每一个家长带的孩子超过一个,需要买半价票。此处填写half price。

  • 第23题:

    TRANSFER:To transfer from one training program to another, you must notify The Grantsmanship Center at least five working days before the original program. There is a $50 fee per transfer, and no more than two transfers will be accepted.

    There is no fee for the first transfer.


    You have to pay for the transfer.


    More money is charged for the second transfer.

    正确答案: C
    “如果变更须付费。”根据原文中提到的关于费用问题,即“There is a$50 fee per transfer”,可以推断每次变更培训项目都是需要付费的,所以B项正确,而文中未提及A、C项。