问答题Passage 3  It was the district sports meeting. My foot still hadn’t healed (痊愈) from a(n) (1)______ injury. I had (2)______ whether or not I should attend the meeting. But there I was (3)______ for the 3,000-metre run.  “Ready set” The gun popped and w

Passage 3  It was the district sports meeting. My foot still hadn’t healed (痊愈) from a(n) (1)______ injury. I had (2)______ whether or not I should attend the meeting. But there I was (3)______ for the 3,000-metre run.  “Ready set” The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed (4)______ me. I felt (5)______ as I fell farther and farther behind.  “Hooray!” shouted the crowd. It was the loudest (6)______ I had ever heard at a meeting. The first-place runner was two laps (圈) ahead of me when she crossed the finish line.  “Maybe I should (7)______,” I thought as I moved on. (8)______, I decided to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran (9)______ and decided not to (10)______ in track next year. It wouldn’t be worth it, (11)______ my foot did heal.  When I finished, I heard a cheer (12)______ than the one I’d heard earlier. I turned around and (13)______, the boys were preparing for their race. “They must be cheering for the boys.”  I was leaving (14)______ several girls came up to me. “Wow, you’ve got courage!” one of them told me.  “Courage? I just (15)______ a race !” I thought.  “I would have given up on the first lap,” said another girl. “We were cheering for you. Did you hear us?”  Suddenly, I regained (16)______. I decided to (17)______ track next year. I realized strength and courage aren’t always (18)______ in medals and victories, but in the (19)______ we overcome (战胜). The strongest people are not always the people who win, (20)______ the people who don’t give up when they lose.1. A. slighter    B. worse      C. earlier     D. heavier2. A. expected    B. supposed     C. imagined    D. doubted3. A. late      B. eager      C. ready      D. thirsty4. A. from behind   B. ahead of     C. next to     D. close to5. A. ashamed     B. astonished    C. excited     D. frightened6. A. cheer      B. shout      C. cry       D. noise7. A. slow down    B. drop out     C. go on      D. speed up8. A. Therefore    B. Otherwise    C. Besides     D. However9. A. with delight  B. with fear    C. in pain     D. in advance10. A. play      B. arrive      C. race      D. attend11. A. even if    B. only if     C. unless     D. until12. A. weaker     B. longer      C. lower      D. louder13. A. well enough  B. sure enough   C. surprisingly enough D. strangely enough14. A. while     B. when       C. as       D. since15. A. finished    B. won       C. passed     D. lost16. A. cheer     B. hope       C. interest    D. experience17. A. hold on    B. turn to     C. begin with   D. stick with18. A. measured    B. praised     C. tested     D. increased19. A. sadness    B. struggles    C. diseases    D. tiredness20. A. or       B. nor       C. and       D. but


2.根据文章,回答 60~63 问题BIt was the first mow of winter -- an exciting day for every, child but not for most tether. Up until now, l had been able to dress myself for recess(课间休息), but today I would need some help. Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher at Princess Elizabeth School near Hamilton, Ontario, had been through first snow days ,tony times in her long career, but I think struggled still remember this one.I managed to get into my wool snow pants. But I straggled with my jacket because it didn’t fit well. It was a hand-me-down from my brother, and it made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes. At least my hat and matching scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots. In her calm, motherly voice she said, "By the end of winter, you will be able to put on own boots. “ I didn’t realize at the time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence.I handed her my boots and stuck out my foot. Like most children, I expected the adult to do an the work. After mush wiggling and pushing, she managed to get first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too.I announced,“They’re on the wrong feet.”With the grace that only experience can bring,she struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again.Then I said,“These aren’t my boots.you know.”As she pulled the offending boots from my feet,she still managed to look both helpful and interested.Once they were off.I said,“They are my brother’s boots.My mother makes me wear them,and I hate them!” Somehow,from long years of practice,she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl.She pushed and shoved.less gently this time,and the boots were returned to their proper place on my feet.With a great sigh of relief,seeing the end of her struggle with me,she asked,“Now,where are your gloves?’’I looked into her eyes and said.“I didn’t want to lose them.so I put them into the toes of my boots.”第5题:According to the passage,the little girl got from her brother.( )A.the wool snow pants and the jacketB.the jacket and the bootsC.the jacket and the hatD.the boots and the gloves

正确答案: 1.C 根据语境,应知是此次运动会之前的脚伤未痊愈,earlier“之前的,较早的”。
2.D 句意:“我”的脚受伤了,对于是否参加比赛有些犹豫不决。doubt“怀疑,迟疑”。故本题选D。
3.C 考查短语be ready for “准备好做某事”。
4.B 考查短语意思。from behind从后面。ahead of超过…。next to接着…。close to紧挨着…。由下文I fell farther and farther behind可知选B。
5.A 由句意知,“我”落在了别人后面,因此很羞愧,ashamed“羞愧的”符合题意,故本题选A。
6.A 考查近义词辨析。cheer表示人群的欢呼声或为运动员加油的喊声。shout呼喊,喊叫声。cry哭声。noise噪声。根据语境可知选A。
7.B 由上文可知,“我”比第一名慢了两圈,觉得很丢脸,想中途放弃。drop out“放弃,退出。speed up加速。
8.D 考查连词意思。therefore所以。otherwise否则。besides除了。however表示转折关系。drop out和keep going构成转折关系。故本题选D。
9.C 句意:因为“我”有脚伤,因此跑得很痛苦。in pain在痛苦之中。故本题选C。
10.C 考查动词词义。play“玩耍。arrive到达。race“赛跑”,是不及物动词。attend是及物动词,后应加宾语。综上,答案选C。
11.A 考查短语意思。even if即使。only if只有。unless除非,如果不。until直到;在……之前。根据句意,“我”决定,即使以后脚好了,也不参加田径比赛了,故本题选A。
12.D 由后文可知,人们是为“我”坚强的毅力而欢呼的,因此在“我”跑完比赛时,欢呼声应比之前的更大,louder“(声音)更大的。故本题选D。
13.B sure enough“足以确信”,由下句They must be cheering for the boys中的must可知,此时“我”确信人们是在为即将开赛的男孩子们欢呼。
14.B be doing sth., when…表示“正要……时,……”,故答案选B。
15.D finish“完成。win赢。pass通过。lose输。由上文可知“我”输了比赛。
16.B cheer欢呼。hope希望。interest兴趣。experience经历,经验。由于别人的鼓励,“我”心中又有了希望。故本题选B。
17.D 考查短语意思。hole on握住。turn to求助于。begin with以……为开端。stick with“继续,坚持。由于别人的鼓励,“我”决定继续参加明年的比赛。故答案选D。
18.A 句意:勇气和力量不总是用奖牌和胜利来衡量。measure衡量。praise表扬。test测量。increase增加。故本题选A。
19.B 考查名词词义。此句表示在斗争中取胜。sadness悲伤。struggle斗争,奋斗。disease疾病。tiredness辛苦,劳累。
20.D 考查连词意思。此处选but,与上半句的not连用,not…but意为“不是…而是…。
解析: 暂无解析
更多“问答题Passage 3  It was the district sports meeting. My foot still hadn’t healed (痊愈) from a(n) (1)______ injury. I had (2)______ whether or not I should attend the meeting. But there I was (3)______ for the 3,000-metre run.  “Ready set” The gun popped and w”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    I spoke with my manager ()the meeting.

    A、prior to

    B、in front of

    C、in advance



  • 第2题:

    下列程序段的执行结果为______。 Dim M(10), N(10) I=3 For T = 1 To 5 M(T) = T N(I) = 2 * I + T Next T Print N(I); M(I)

    A. 3 11

    B.3 15

    C.11 3

    D.15 3


  • 第3题:

    you had some trouble finding where i live, ______?

    A、didn’t you

    B、hadn’t you

    C、do I



  • 第4题:

    以下程序的输出结果是 main() { int b[3][3]={0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2},i,j,t=1; for(i=0;i<3;i++) for(j=i;j<=i;j++)t=t+b[i][b[j][j]]; printf(“%d\n”,t); }






  • 第5题:

    下列程序段的执行结果为( )。 Dim m(10),n(10) I=3 For I=1 to 5 M(t)=t N(I)=2*I+t Next t Print n(I);m(I)

    A.3 11

    B.3 15

    C.11 3

    D.15 3


  • 第6题:

    III.阅读理解. (20分)


    Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer.One day ,my dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and asked me to sit in a chair to rest for a while. I tried to say something ,but my mouth was full of cotton-wool(药棉). He knew I collected stamps and asked me whether I got any new recently. He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job.

    As I could not speak ,l either nodded or made strange noises to answer these questions. At the same time ,l tr;ed hard to use my tonguec舌头) to find the hole(洞) in the place of my bad tooth. Suddenly I felt very worried because the bad tooth was still there ,but I could not say any- thing. At last the dentist pulled the cotton-wool out of my mouth ,and I was able to tell lum that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.

    ( )21. Why did the dentist ask me to rest for a while?

    A. I felt tired.

    B. I felt painful.

    C. I just had a tooth pulled out.


  • 第7题:

    discovered that my baggage had been lost. I didn’t have any choice but to wait at the airport for five
    hours while your employees tried to trace the whereabouts of my baggage. I left the airport without my
    belongings as I had an important meeting to attend.
    It has been one week, and I have not been contacted regarding my baggage. For this reason, I strongly
    feel that I should be compensated for the items that were lost. I hope to hear from your office ( )the week.
    Sincerely yours,



  • 第8题:

    I had just posted the letter when I remembered that hadn’t( )the cheque。



  • 第9题:

    Given table T1 has column I1 containing the following data: I1 1 2 3 4 If the following sequence of SQL statements is applied within a single unit of work: UPDATE t1 SET i1 = 3 WHERE i1 = 2; S AVEPOINT s1 ON ROLLBACK RETAIN CURSORS; UPDATE t1 SET i1 = 5 WHERE i1 = 3; SAVEPOINT s2 ON ROLLBACK RETAIN CURSORS;INSERT INTO t1 (i1) VALUES (6); ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s1; UPDATE t1 SET i1 = 2 WHERE i1 = 4; COMMIT; What is the expected sequence of values returned from?() SELECT i1 FROM t1 ORDER BY i1

    • A、1, 2, 3, 3
    • B、1, 2, 2, 4
    • C、1, 2, 3, 3, 6
    • D、1, 2, 2, 5, 6


  • 第10题:

    Given table T1 has column I1 containing the following data: I1 1 2 3 4 If the following sequence of SQL statements is applied within a single unit of work: UPDATE t1 SET i1 = 3 WHERE i1 = 2; S AVEPOINT s1 ON ROLLBACK RETAIN CURSORS; UPDATE t1 SET i1 = 5 WHERE i1 = 3; SAVEPOINT s2 ON ROLLBACK RETAIN CURSORS;INSERT INTO t1 (i1) VALUES (6); ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s1; UPDATE t1 SET i1 = 2 WHERE i1 = 4; COMMIT; What is the expected sequence of values returned from?() SELECT i1 FROM t1 ORDER BY i1

    1, 2, 3, 3


    1, 2, 2, 4


    1, 2, 3, 3, 6


    1, 2, 2, 5, 6

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    Passage 3  It was the district sports meeting. My foot still hadn’t healed (痊愈) from a(n) (1)______ injury. I had (2)______ whether or not I should attend the meeting. But there I was (3)______ for the 3,000-metre run.  “Ready set” The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed (4)______ me. I felt (5)______ as I fell farther and farther behind.  “Hooray!” shouted the crowd. It was the loudest (6)______ I had ever heard at a meeting. The first-place runner was two laps (圈) ahead of me when she crossed the finish line.  “Maybe I should (7)______,” I thought as I moved on. (8)______, I decided to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran (9)______ and decided not to (10)______ in track next year. It wouldn’t be worth it, (11)______ my foot did heal.  When I finished, I heard a cheer (12)______ than the one I’d heard earlier. I turned around and (13)______, the boys were preparing for their race. “They must be cheering for the boys.”  I was leaving (14)______ several girls came up to me. “Wow, you’ve got courage!” one of them told me.  “Courage? I just (15)______ a race !” I thought.  “I would have given up on the first lap,” said another girl. “We were cheering for you. Did you hear us?”  Suddenly, I regained (16)______. I decided to (17)______ track next year. I realized strength and courage aren’t always (18)______ in medals and victories, but in the (19)______ we overcome (战胜). The strongest people are not always the people who win, (20)______ the people who don’t give up when they lose.1. A. slighter    B. worse      C. earlier     D. heavier2. A. expected    B. supposed     C. imagined    D. doubted3. A. late      B. eager      C. ready      D. thirsty4. A. from behind   B. ahead of     C. next to     D. close to5. A. ashamed     B. astonished    C. excited     D. frightened6. A. cheer      B. shout      C. cry       D. noise7. A. slow down    B. drop out     C. go on      D. speed up8. A. Therefore    B. Otherwise    C. Besides     D. However9. A. with delight  B. with fear    C. in pain     D. in advance10. A. play      B. arrive      C. race      D. attend11. A. even if    B. only if     C. unless     D. until12. A. weaker     B. longer      C. lower      D. louder13. A. well enough  B. sure enough   C. surprisingly enough D. strangely enough14. A. while     B. when       C. as       D. since15. A. finished    B. won       C. passed     D. lost16. A. cheer     B. hope       C. interest    D. experience17. A. hold on    B. turn to     C. begin with   D. stick with18. A. measured    B. praised     C. tested     D. increased19. A. sadness    B. struggles    C. diseases    D. tiredness20. A. or       B. nor       C. and       D. but

    正确答案: 1.C 根据语境,应知是此次运动会之前的脚伤未痊愈,earlier“之前的,较早的”。
    2.D 句意:“我”的脚受伤了,对于是否参加比赛有些犹豫不决。doubt“怀疑,迟疑”。故本题选D。
    3.C 考查短语be ready for “准备好做某事”。
    4.B 考查短语意思。from behind从后面。ahead of超过…。next to接着…。close to紧挨着…。由下文I fell farther and farther behind可知选B。
    5.A 由句意知,“我”落在了别人后面,因此很羞愧,ashamed“羞愧的”符合题意,故本题选A。
    6.A 考查近义词辨析。cheer表示人群的欢呼声或为运动员加油的喊声。shout呼喊,喊叫声。cry哭声。noise噪声。根据语境可知选A。
    7.B 由上文可知,“我”比第一名慢了两圈,觉得很丢脸,想中途放弃。drop out“放弃,退出。speed up加速。
    8.D 考查连词意思。therefore所以。otherwise否则。besides除了。however表示转折关系。drop out和keep going构成转折关系。故本题选D。
    9.C 句意:因为“我”有脚伤,因此跑得很痛苦。in pain在痛苦之中。故本题选C。
    10.C 考查动词词义。play“玩耍。arrive到达。race“赛跑”,是不及物动词。attend是及物动词,后应加宾语。综上,答案选C。
    11.A 考查短语意思。even if即使。only if只有。unless除非,如果不。until直到;在……之前。根据句意,“我”决定,即使以后脚好了,也不参加田径比赛了,故本题选A。
    12.D 由后文可知,人们是为“我”坚强的毅力而欢呼的,因此在“我”跑完比赛时,欢呼声应比之前的更大,louder“(声音)更大的。故本题选D。
    13.B sure enough“足以确信”,由下句They must be cheering for the boys中的must可知,此时“我”确信人们是在为即将开赛的男孩子们欢呼。
    14.B be doing sth., when…表示“正要……时,……”,故答案选B。
    15.D finish“完成。win赢。pass通过。lose输。由上文可知“我”输了比赛。
    16.B cheer欢呼。hope希望。interest兴趣。experience经历,经验。由于别人的鼓励,“我”心中又有了希望。故本题选B。
    17.D 考查短语意思。hole on握住。turn to求助于。begin with以……为开端。stick with“继续,坚持。由于别人的鼓励,“我”决定继续参加明年的比赛。故答案选D。
    18.A 句意:勇气和力量不总是用奖牌和胜利来衡量。measure衡量。praise表扬。test测量。increase增加。故本题选A。
    19.B 考查名词词义。此句表示在斗争中取胜。sadness悲伤。struggle斗争,奋斗。disease疾病。tiredness辛苦,劳累。
    20.D 考查连词意思。此处选but,与上半句的not连用,not…but意为“不是…而是…。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Passage 4  Shortly after I began a career in business, I learned that Carl Weatherup, president of PepsiCo(百事可乐公司), was speaking at the University of Colorado. I tracked down the person handling his, schedule and managed to get myself an appointment. (1) ______  So there I was sitting outside the university’s auditorium, waiting for the president of PepsiCo. I could hear him talking to the students…and talking, and talking. (2)______ He was now five minutes over, which dropped my time with him down to 10 minutes. Decision time.  I wrote a note on the back of my business card, reminding him that he had a meeting. “You have a meeting with Jeff Hoye at 2:30 pm.”I took a deep breath, pushed open the doors of the auditorium and walked straight up the middle aisle(过道) toward him as he talked. Mr. Weatherup stopped. (3)______ Just before I reached the door, I heard him tell the group that he was running late. He thanked them for their attention, wished them luck and walked out to where 1 was now sitting, holding my breath.  He looked at the card and then at me. “Let me guess.” he said. “You’re Jeff.” He smiled. (4)______ He spent the next 30 minutes offering me his time, some wonderful stories that I still use, and an invitation to visit him and his group in New York. But what he gave me that I value the most was the encouragement to continue to do as I had done. (5)______ When things need to happen, you either have the nerve to act or you don’t.[A] I began breathing again and we grabbed(霸占) an office right there at school and closed the door.[B] As I sat listening to him, I knew that I could trust him, and that he deserved every bit of loyalty I could give to him.[C] I became alarmed:his talk wasn’t ending when it should have.[D] He said that it took nerve for me to interrupt him, and that nerve was the key to success in the business world.[E] I was told, however, that he was on a tight schedule and only had 15 minutes available after his talk to the business class.[F] I handed him the card then I turned and walked out the way I came.[G] I gradually lost my patience and thought that maybe I should give up.

    正确答案: 1.E 空格前面讲到,得知百事公司的老总要在科罗拉多大学讲学后,“我”设法得到了约见他的机会。根据逻辑分析,接下来也应该是与这次约见有关的信息。E选项说“但是他的时间安排很紧张,他作完演讲之后却只有15分钟的时间可以见我”,这也就是第二段提到的“我”在大学礼堂外面等候的原因。因此,E选项填在此处与前后文语意连贯。故选E。
    2.C 空格前面是在描述“我”在礼堂外面等候的情况。空格后面说到,他已经超过了五分钟了,使我与他见面的时间只剩下了10分钟。C选项说“我大为吃惊,他的演讲没有在规定的时间内结束”,可见,C选项填在此处与前后文语意连贯。故选C。
    3.F 空格前面讲到,“我”在名片后面写了个便条提醒他还有个约会,并推开门,向他走去。根据逻辑分析,接下来就应该是把名片递给他并走回来。因此,F选项填在此处最合适。故选F。
    4.A 空格前面说到,百事老总看了看名片,又看了看我,并说出了“我”的名字。由此可推知,他同意和我谈话。因此,接下来理应是介绍他们谈话的相关内容。A选项说“我们在学校的一间办公室见面并关上了门”,天在此处语意连贯。故选A。
    5.D 空格前面的句子说到,“我”最珍视的他给与我的就是他鼓励“我”继续按照“我”的做法去做。而根据前文可知,“我”所做的就是有胆量打断一个总裁的演讲。D选项说的就是总裁对“我”所作鼓励的具体内容,填在此处语意连贯,符合逻辑。故选D。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    I used to think education was the most important thing in my life. Recently my attitude has begun to change, although I still hold that it is essential for everyone in the world today. As a top junior student in my college, I was asked to make a speech on how to learn English well. Standing in front of the audience and facing so many freshmen, I was trembling. I didn't remember any word that I had prepared. I ran out of the conference room without finishing my speech, leaving everyone puzzled. I cried that night in my room, feeling that I was a loser. Studying takes up so much of my time that I feel unable to really develop myself. I am just storing knowledge, yet I fail to communicate with others. I have received many awards in school, but they don't necessarily reflect anything about me. I don't know how to socialize. When I leave school I fear I will be of no use to society.

    I realize that everyone has his own way of living. I want to change my lifestyle. Of course I will keep studying. Yet I plan to look for a part-time job, which might turn out to be a good chance to get to know society. I still believe that working my hardest makes me happy. I will still stay on in college. But I will not allow it to shelter me from the real world.

    1. From the passage, we know that the author _____.

    A. does not think education is a most important thing in her life any more

    B. thinks that communication with other people is more important than education

    C. realizes that it is more important to develop oneself than just to store knowledge

    2. By saying that she is “a junior student” in her college, the author means that she is ___.

    A. a student in her third year in college

    B. a very young college student

    C. younger than most students in college

    3. The author thinks the awards she has received _____.

    A. show that she is a top student

    B. show how much time she has spent in learning

    C. don't necessarily reflect her real self

    4. The author fears that she will be of no use to society mainly because _____.

    A. she feels she is a loser

    B. she does not know how to communicate with others

    C. studying takes too much of her time

    5. Which of following statements is NOT true according to the passage, when the author say that she wants to find a part-time job?

    A. The job might enable her to get to know society.

    B. She wants to change her lifestyle.

    C. She wants to get some shelter from the real world.


  • 第14题:

    – Hurry up! Or you’ll be late for the meeting. --___________.

    A、OK. I know.

    B、Excuse me?

    C、It’s my pleasure.

    D、That’s wonderful.


  • 第15题:

    以下程序的输出结果是 ( ) main( ) {int b[3][3]={0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2},i,i,t=1; for(i=0:i<3;i + +) for(j=j;j<=i;j + +)t=t+b[i][j] printf("%d\n",t); }






  • 第16题:

    以下程序的输出结果是 main() { int b[3][3]={0,1,2,O,l,2,0,1,2},i,j,t=1; for(i=0;i<3;i++) for(j=i;j<=i;j++) t=t+b[i][b[j][j]]; printf("%d\n",t); }






  • 第17题:


    It was the first mow of winter -- an exciting day for every, child but not for most tether. Up until now, l had been able to dress myself for recess(课间休息), but today I would need some help. Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher at Princess Elizabeth School near Hamilton, Ontario, had been through first snow days ,many times in her long career, but I think struggled still remember this one.

    I managed to get into my wool snow pants. But I straggled with my jacket because it didn’t fit well. It was a hand-me-down from my brother, and it made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes. At least my hat and matching scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots. In her calm, motherly voice she said, “By the end of winter, you will be able to put on own boots. ” I didn’t realize at the time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence.

    I handed her my boots and stuck out my foot. Like most children, I expected the adult to do an the work. After mush wiggling and pushing, she managed to get first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too.

    I announced,“They’re on the wrong feet. ”With the grace that only experience can bring,she struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again. Then I said,“These aren’t my boots. you know. ”As she pulled the offending boots from my feet,she still managed to look both helpful and interested. Once they were off. I said,“They are my brother’s boots. My mother makes me wear them,and I hate them!” Somehow,from long years of practice,she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl. She pushed and shoved. less gently this time,and the boots were returned to their proper place on my feet. With a great sigh of relief,seeing the end of her struggle with me,she asked,“Now,where are your gloves?’’

    I looked into her eyes and said. “I didn’t want to lose them. so I put them into the toes of my boots. ”

    60. According to the passage,the little girl got from her brother.

    A. the wool snow pants and the jacket B. the jacket and the boots

    C. the jacket and the hat D. the boots and the gloves


  • 第18题:

    --I was disappointed that you didn't come to my party last night.
    --I wish_________occupied then.

    A.I'm not
    B.I wasn't
    C.I haven't been
    D.I hadn't been


  • 第19题:

    I didn't attend the conference,but I wish I__there.

    A.had been
    D.would be


  • 第20题:

    已知以下程序段的运行结果为“654321”,则下划线所在位置应填入的代码是() #define N 6 int a[N]={1,2,3,4,5,6},i,t; for(i=0;i<________;i++){t=a[i];a[i]=a[N-i-1];a[N-i-1]=t;} for(i=0;i

    • A、N/2
    • B、N
    • C、N/2+1
    • D、N+1


  • 第21题:

    I had a (1) d____ time last year with my health. For several months I suffered from periodic headaches and almost constant nausea (恶心). I made several visits to my doctor, who attributed my headaches to migraine (偏头疼) and (2) pro____ me with medication. When this failed to work he (3) f____ on my nausea as the root cause of my problems, and (4)____(blame) my headaches on the nausea. I took five blood tests, (5)____of which revealed anything significant. I discussed my diet with the doctor at length, and we tried eliminating certain foods from my diet. He suggested, for example, I might (6)____be from a low-fiber diet. But still the symptoms persisted, and I started to resign myself to (7)____(feel) ill for the rest of my life. I was understandably concerned about the possibility of the illness (8)____(be) something serious, even a brain tumor (肿块), but the doctor said that my anxiety was a result of nervous tension and stress. After six months I was referred to a consultant at the hospital, who (9) spe____ in stomach disorders. She said that, even allowing for my age and stressful lifestyle, it was still (10)____(normal) to experience symptoms like mine for so long. She elaborated on all the possible causes of nausea in detail, and suggested that in my case the nausea night be the result of a liver disorder.

    正确答案: 1.difficult/dreadful dreadful可怕的。后面提到去年有几个月作者遭受周期性头痛和经常性恶心,所以那段时间应该是艰难的或可怕的。
    2.provided provide sb with sth这里指医生给他进行了药物治疗。
    3.focused focus on集中。医生一开始认为头痛是由于偏头疼,在治疗无效之后,又认为恶心才是问题的根源,集中在这一块。
    4.blamed blame sth on sb/sth把…归咎于…。医生认为头痛是由恶心引起的。
    5.none none一个也没有,通常指三个或三个以上一个也没有。这里指5次血液测试都没测出什么重要结果来。
    6.benefit benefit from受益于。低纤维食物可能对他有益。
    7.feeling resign oneself to听任(某种影响);只好(做某事)。这里的to是介词,后面接名词或动名词。作者都要听天由命了,认为自己以后将永远在病痛中度过。
    8.being  be concerned about后面接名词或名词词组,所以这里要采用be的动名词形式。
    9.specialized specialize in专攻。这里指专门治疗胃病。
    10.abnormal normal的反义词。这里是说,即使考虑到我的年龄以及充满压力的生活方式,这么长时间出现像我这样的症状仍然是不正常的。后面提到作者的那些症状是由肝病引起的。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    I’ll put forward my (suggest) ____ now so that he can have time to consider it before the meeting.

    正确答案: suggestion

  • 第23题:

    In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. For Questions 1 to 5, please read the passage carefully and complete each space in the summary using a maximum of three words from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Acupuncture—it worked for me  Pam, 25, woke up one Monday morning with an incredibly painful arm and shoulder. “I hadn’t done anything to it, I just must have slept awkwardly,” she says. “I couldn’t move it more than four inches up or to the side.” Her doctor suggested it might be fluid on the bone and gave her anti-inflammatory tablets and pain-killers. He said if the pain did not go away she would probably need injections into the joint and physiotherapy. Pam says, “The pain-killers were so strong that they made me dozy and sick, so I stopped taking them. By Friday morning I had a severe headache, the shoulder pain and a feeling like a really bad hangover. A neighbour happened to be anacupuncturist and I went to ask advice. I wasn’t happy with the idea of injections when my doctor wasn’t even sure what the problem was.”  The acupuncturist treated Pam immediately. “She put a needle in my shin. I didn’t look—I was afraid. I felt a small prick. She asked me to move my arm and I couldn’t. She twisted the needle and I felt a dull ache, and suddenly I could move my arm. The pain just completely went away,” says Pam.  The acupuncturist then inserted needles between Pam’s thumb and forefinger and in the bend of her elbow, and connected them to an electrical box to provide pulsating stimulation. Pam has had no problems since “I would recommend it to anyone,” she says.Summary:  One Monday morning, Pam  1 in her arm and shoulder because she had slept awkwardly. Although her doctor  2 what the problem was, he suggested that she would need  3 if the pain didn’t go away. However, Pam was not happy because the pain-killers the doctor gave her made her  4 . Then, she went to an acupuncturist  5 . The acupuncturist treated her differently from the doctor. Pam hasn’t had any pain in her arm and shoulder since the treatment.

    1.felt some pain / had a pain / woke with pain 一天早上Pam醒来的时候,感到手臂和肩膀疼。“感到疼痛”可以用“feel some pain”,”have a pain”来表达。
    2.wasn’t sure 文章第一段中间部分提到医生说”if the pain did not go away she would probably need injections into the joint and physiotherapy”,最后一句又提到”I wasn’t happy with the idea of injections when my doctor wasn’t even sure what the problem was.”。由此可知答案为wasn’t sure。
    3.injections and physiotherapy 第一段明确提到He said if the pain did not go away she would probably need injections into the joint and physiotherapy。
    4.dozy and sick 文章第一段提到Pam says,”The pain-killers were so strong that they made me dozy and sick”,止痛药药性太强了,让他感到困乏和恶心。
    5.for advice 文章第一段倒数第二句话提到A neighbour happened to be an acupuncturist and I went to ask advice.即他去咨询针灸医生了。acupuncturist针灸医生,针疗医生。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第24题:

    Given table T1 has column I1 containing the following data: I1 1 2 3 4 If the following sequence of SQL statements is applied within a single unit of work: UPDATE t1 SET i1 = 3 WHERE i1 = 2; S AVEPOINT s1 ON ROLLBACK RETAIN CURSORS; UPDATE t1 SET i1 = 5 WHERE i1 = 3; SAVEPOINT s2 ON ROLLBACK RETAIN CURSORS;INSERT INTO t1 (i1) VALUES (6); ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s1; UPDATE t1 SET i1 = 2 WHERE i1 = 4; COMMIT; What is the expected sequence of values returned from?() SELECT i1 FROM t1 ORDER BY i1

    1, 2, 3, 3


    1, 2, 2, 4


    1, 2, 3, 3, 6


    1, 2, 2, 5, 6

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析