更多“I will throw a birthday party to observe my 18th birthday.句中”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    What is happening when we give gifts? Most important, we are exchanging gifts. If someone gives me a gift for my birthday, I know that I am usually expected to give one on his or her next birthday. A gift builds up or confirms a social oblingation(义务).


  • 第2题:

    Welcome to my birthday party, but you needn't ______ any present.

    A. bring

    B. bringing

    C. brought

    D. have brought


        12.答案为D  测试needn't have done的用法,表示做了没有必要做的事。

  • 第3题:

    —Will you be able to come to my birthday party this Saturday?


    A. No, I'd like to.

    B. I believe I can't.

    C. I'm afraid.

    D. Yes, I'd love to.


  • 第4题:

    I have just got an iPod as my birthday gift.()A、 Good luckH、 That’s rightC、 Congratulat

    I have just got an iPod as my birthday gift.()

    A、 Good luck

    B、 That’s right

    C、 Congratulations


  • 第5题:

    It's my girlfriend's birthday party. She will be very upset if I don't().

    A、call up

    B、go away

    C、show up

    D、come up


  • 第6题:

    Jenny comes to my birthday party _____ a bottle of wine.






  • 第7题:

    Tom_ i ______Mary to his birthday party yesterday.

    39. invited

  • 第8题:


    11. Today is his______(第二十个)birthday. He asks us to come to his birthday party.

    11. twentieth 

  • 第9题:

    I recently went to a charity party. At the end of the visit our host told us that the following Monday was his birthday. He asked21, as a gift to him, we would do something kind for someone else on that day. I thought that was a terrible birthday 22 !
    The following Monday, I saw my neighbor, a new mother, in the garden with her baby, I went outside to say"hello" to her. During the talk, she told me, not in a complaining 23 but just as a matter of fact, about the sleeplessness and the challenges to get anything done with a baby followed by. I 24 the charity party host's request and said,"Hey!Why don't 25 watch your baby for an hour!I will just hang out with him here in the back garden 26 you go in and take an hour to yourself."
    She was so surprised that she almost cried."Are you 27 Would you be able to do that ""Of course! " I said. "I'd be happy to! " An hour later she came outside with a smile on her face."I have 28 so much done! " she told me, and I told her that I had sung every kid's song I knew and had a good time hanging out with the baby, too. And I was so happy to see her smiling like that.
    It was one of the best 29 I've ever given, and it has given me the desire to ask the same 30 all my friends this year. I know it will make me feel great to know my friends are out there sharing their wisdom and time with people who can really use it.
    I recently went to a charity party. At the end of the visit our host told us that the following Monday was his birthday. He asked21, as a gift to him, we would do something kind for someone else on that day. I thought that was a terrible birthday 22 !
    The following Monday, I saw my neighbor, a new mother, in the garden with her baby, I went outside to say"hello" to her. During the talk, she told me, not in a complaining 23 but just as a matter of fact, about the sleeplessness and the challenges to get anything done with a baby followed by. I 24 the charity party host's request and said,"Hey!Why don't 25 watch your baby for an hour!I will just hang out with him here in the back garden 26 you go in and take an hour to yourself."
    She was so surprised that she almost cried."Are you 27 Would you be able to do that ""Of course! " I said. "I'd be happy to! " An hour later she came outside with a smile on her face."I have 28 so much done! " she told me, and I told her that I had sung every kid's song I knew and had a good time hanging out with the baby, too. And I was so happy to see her smiling like that.
    It was one of the best 29 I've ever given, and it has given me the desire to ask the same 30 all my friends this year. I know it will make me feel great to know my friends are out there sharing their wisdom and time with people who can really use it.



  • 第10题:

    Would you like to come to my birthday party next? Oh, thanks a lot.()

    • A、Yes, please
    • B、Yes, I would
    • C、I'd love to
    • D、I've no idea


  • 第11题:

    I will throw a birthday party to observe my 18th birthday.句中observe一词的意思是()。

    • A、观察
    • B、听课
    • C、遵守
    • D、庆祝生日


  • 第12题:

    Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. Have you got any idea _____the party is to be held?








    正确答案: D

  • 第13题:

    Sunday was going to be the birthday for me and my other two classmates. As we were born in the (21) month,we decided to have a big party to (22) it.

    On that evening,we invited all of our classmates. We prepared a lot of food and drinks.After singing the birthday song,we (23) the delicious cake together. We sang more songs and played games. Then someone told funny stories,and (24) laughed. Three hours flew by quickly.Because we had to (25) before 11:00,we ended our party at 10:00. Before we left,our classmates gave' (26 )0f us a birthday card with their best wishes. ( 27) we took some pictures together. What a great time we had! At that moment,l felt love,happiness and friend- ship.

    Before the party,only my (28) could remember my birthday,and l had never had such a big party and so many friends wishes.(29) I wanted to say to my classmates,"Thank you,and I will (30) forget this evening,especially each of you!

    ( )21.






  • 第14题:


    I'm Joe. I-m twelve years old. I like September very much. September 9th is my birthday, and my father's birthday is in September,too.We have a birthday party ev-ery year. Teachers Day is in September, too. And I can play with all my teachers. So September is my favorite. What about you?

    ( )21.1t is Joe's________ birthday this year.

    A. twelve


    C. ninth

    D. nine


  • 第15题:

    Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. I want to buy _____for her.

    A. anything special

    B. something special

    C. special something


  • 第16题:

    I'd like to invite you to my birthday party on Saturday evening.().

    A. Thank you for your invitation.

    B. I don't want to join your party.

    C. I did not go to the party that night.


  • 第17题:

    They are making a cake_____Janet-it' sher birthday.


  • 第18题:

    It is the party for his _____ birthday.






  • 第19题:

    Simon: Are you coming to my birthday party tomorrow?

    Gary;______, but I have to finish my term paper first.


      60. H

  • 第20题:

    —Don't forget to come to my birthday party, Susan.


    A. No, I don't

    B. Yes, I can't

    C. No, I won't

    D. Yes, I'm sure


    19.答案为C  “苏珊,不要忘了参加我的生日聚会”。“好的,我不会忘”。回答简单疑问句根据事实来回答,不能根据汉语习惯。而且提问的是将来的情况,因此选C

  • 第21题:

    Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? --()

    • A、Excuse me,my friend sent me a flower
    • B、Fine,I never go to birthday parties
    • C、Well,I don’t like birthday parties
    • D、Sorry,but my wife had a car accident


  • 第22题:

    — When is your birthday? —()

    • A、It’s on the 18th of March
    • B、I don’t know how to celebrate it
    • C、It’s not easy tor emember it
    • D、I was born in a small village


  • 第23题:

    Would you like to come to my birthday party next? Oh, thanks a lot.()

    Yes, please


    Yes, I would


    I'd love to


    I've no idea

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析