更多“Let's move from the general to the specific.This sentence means let’s talk about some particular and about some part, but not about the whole.”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    -Now shall we move on to the next question? - ________:

    AThank you for questions on the commodity inspection. ;

    BImporters must have the right to re-inspect goods upon arrival. ;

    CSure. Let’s talk about thetime of shipment and payment.


  • 第2题:

    The speaker talked about sports in general and about football

    A.in public

    B.in sequence

    C.in short

    D.in particular


  • 第3题:

    Today is too busy. Let's discuss it_______next week.


    B. some times

    C.some tlrne


  • 第4题:

    Today is too busy. Let's discuss it some times next week.()


  • 第5题:

    Teaching Aims:
    Knowledge aim: Students will master the sentence structure “We have great bags for only ¥12! we have....for only....; You can buy...for only .... ”.
    Ability aim: Students can use these sentence structures to apply in their daily life.
    Emotional aim: Students will improve their confidence of learning English and not afraid of speaking English in Class.
    Teaching Key Points:
    Students know the expressions about describing great sale and master the sentence structure.
    Teaching Difficult Points:
    Students can apply the expressions into daily communication.
    Teaching Methods:
    Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method.
    Teaching Aids:
    PPT, Blackboard and so on
    Teaching Procedures:
    Step 1: Warming up
    2.Play a video about an advertisement of Huawei phone and invite students to talk about the content of this video.Then the teacher leads in the topic of “Huaxing’s great sale.”
    Step 2: Pre-speaking
    1.Show two pictures about Huaxing store and its great sale advertisement.
    2.Let students listen to the tape and find out what things are at great sale.
    3.Ask students to listen to the tape again and collect the useful expressions about great sale.
    Step 3:While-speaking
    1. Ask students to read Huaxing’s store’s advertisement actively and vividly.
    2. Let students talk about the expressions of great sale.
    3. Role-play: students work in pairs to make conversation.Suppose there is a situation that you own a store. One student is shop assistant, the other students is customer. Teacher will give them 8 minutes to prepare it.
    Step 4: Post-speaking
    Share and evaluation: Invite some students to perform the conversation in the front.
    Step 5: Summary & Homework
    Summary: let them look at the blackboard and summarize this class.
    Homework: Ask students to design a poster of their own store’s great sale and share it next class.
    Blackboard design:


  • 第6题:

    资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.
    Some scary facts about retirement:
    More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.
    25% do not participate in their company's retirement plan.
    The average person spends 20 years in retirement.
    Here are some tips to help you plan correctly:
    1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, it's a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It's just like a doctor's visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.
    2. Save, save, and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can.
    3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner, or find an online retirement calculator.
    4. Take part in your employer's retirement plans. If your company offers one, it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options.
    5. Learn about pension plans. If you have an employer or government pension plan, learn all the details.
    6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don't make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.
    7. Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.
    8. Learn about your government's retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.
    9. Do your own research. Use the Internet, read the newspapers and magazines, talk to your friends, to find out as much as you can about retirement.

    Which of the following is NOT true about retirement?

    A.More than half of people don’t have enough finances for retirement.
    B.quarter of people don’t take part in their company’s retirement plan.
    C.No one can be financially secure in retirement.
    D.The average person will spend 20 years in retirement.

    【关键词】not true; retirement
    【主题句】第二自然段1.More than of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.超过的人没有足够的资金用于退休。2. do not participate in their company’s retirement plan.没有参与公司退休计划。3.The average person spends 20 years in retirement.一般人花费20年时间退休。

  • 第7题:

    Let’s have a run through.This sentence means let’s run from one side to another.



  • 第8题:

    We need some toothpaste.()

    • A、Let's go to the bookstore.
    • B、Let's get some.
    • C、Let's buy them.
    • D、Let's go. 


  • 第9题:

    Let's move from the general to the specific.This sentence means let’s talk about some particular and about some part, but not about the whole.


    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    ______ about the bookkeeper’s honesty, the company asked him to resign.

    There be some questions  


    There are some questions


    There have been some questions    


    There being some questions

    正确答案: B

  • 第11题:

    Let’s have a run through.This sentence means let’s run from one side to another.


    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    【参考范例七】PART 2Describe a person you live with or used to live with. You should say:  when you lived together  what is special about this person  whether you live together now  and explain why you choose this person to talk about.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

    正确答案: I’d like to talk about my grandfather who is a very caring and kind person. We have lived together for many years. My grandfather was a middle school teacher in his hometown. He managed to send all of his to school though his salary was very low. He thought education is very important through a person’s life. I was brought up at my grandfather’s home. He taught me a lot of knowledge and he was very kind and nice to me. I never forget the efforts he made to help me read. He was a patient person and taught me as much as he could. He spent much time helping me and teaching me the right way to read. At last, the way worked. I learned to read quickly. When I was to be in the middle school, I left grandfather’s home and I missed him very much and the lessons I learnt from my grandfather always kept in mind.

  • 第13题:

    Let’s add some wood ( ) the fire.






  • 第14题:

    I’ll begin by talking about our total sales last year, and then I’ll talk about our market share of our product in some major countries.Finally I’ll talk about our main customers and future plans.


  • 第15题:

    Ida:_______Where was I?

    Homer: You were talking about your trip to South Africa.

    A、What did I hear?

    B、Let's check in.

    C、Let's back up.

    D、What were you talking about?


  • 第16题:

    Teaching Aims:
    Knowledge aim: By the end of the class, students will know some expressions of advice and the format of a letter, which includes: an appellation, a body part, a complimentary close and a signature.
    Ability aim: Students’ writing ability of letter can be improved by the end of the class.
    Emotional aim: Students will be aware of the importance of writing English letter.
    Students' interest of learning English can be inspired.
    Teaching Key Points:
    Students know the format of an English letter and how to make a suggestion.
    Teaching Difficult Points:
    Students can apply expressions of advice and the format of English letter into their own life.
    Teaching Methods:
    Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method.
    Teaching Aids:
    PPT, Blackboard and so on
    Teaching Procedures:
    Step 1: Warming up
    2.Sing an English song We don’t talk anymore, invite the whole students to clap when singing together and lead to the topic.
    Step 2: Pre-writing
    1.Free talk: Let students talk about the importance of communication in our daily life in group of four, 3 minutes later invite some groups to show their ideas.
    2.Set up situation: Let's say our friend Li Ming is very upset recently, because he has a problem in the aspect of communicating with others, we should write a letter to give him some advice.
    3.Format: Guide and teach students the format of English letters, which includes: an appellation, a body part, a complimentary close and a signature.
    4.Content: Teach students the key sentence structures about how to make a suggestion.(eg: I suggest that you...)
    5.Brainstorming: Let students share their ideas about how to communicate with others with their partners, and decide which are the best ideas, make a list of those ideas, then put those ideas into a map so that students can easily see them when they write.
    Step 3: While-wirting
    Give students some guidance, such as: pay attention to the punctuation, sentence structure, tenses and format. 15 minutes would be given to them to complete their letter within 100 words individually.
    Step 4: Post-writing
    1.Self-editing: Ask students to check their letter according to the format and sentence structures on the blackboard.
    2.Peer editing: Ask students to check and edit their partners’ letter and give them some suggestions.
    3.Share: Invite some students to share their letter in front of the class and teacher gives them some comments.
    Step 5: Summary & Homework
    Summary : Invite a little teacher sum up what we have learned today.
    Homework: Let students search more information about how to communicate with others.


  • 第17题:


    Teaching Aims:
    Knowledge aim: Students will master the sentence structure “We have great bags for only ¥12! we have....for only....; You can buy...for only .... ”.
    Ability aim: Students can use these sentence structures to apply in their daily life.
    Emotional aim: Students will improve their confidence of learning English and not afraid of speaking English in Class.
    Teaching Key Points:
    Students know the expressions about describing great sale and master the sentence structure.
    Teaching Difficult Points:题目来源于考生回忆
    Students can apply the expressions into daily communication.
    Teaching Methods:
    Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method.
    Teaching Aids:
    PPT, Blackboard and so on
    Teaching Procedures:
    Step 1: Warming up
    2.Play a video about an advertisement of Huawei phone and invite students to talk about the content of this video.Then the teacher leads in the topic of “Huaxing’s great sale.”
    Step 2: Pre-speaking
    1.Show two pictures about Huaxing store and its great sale advertisement.
    2.Let students listen to the tape and find out what things are at great sale.
    3.Ask students to listen to the tape again and collect the useful expressions about great sale.
    Step 3:While-speaking
    1. Ask students to read Huaxing’s store’s advertisement actively and vividly.
    2. Let students talk about the expressions of great sale.题目来源于考生回忆
    3. Role-play: students work in pairs to make conversation.Suppose there is a situation that you own a store. One student is shop assistant, the other students is customer. Teacher will give them 8 minutes to prepare it.
    Step 4: Post-speaking
    Share and evaluation: Invite some students to perform the conversation in the front.
    Step 5: Summary & Homework
    Summary: let them look at the blackboard and summarize this class.
    Homework: Ask students to design a poster of their own store’s great sale and share it next class.
    Blackboard design:


  • 第18题:

    Let's postulate that she is a lawyer,then what's her opinion about it?


    本句话的意思是:“我们假定她是一位律师,她会如何看待这个问题?" postulate:假定、假设。challenge:挑战、考验,例如:The job doesn't really challenge him.这项工作不能真正地考验他。assume:以为、假设,例如:It is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar.关于这两块大陆相似的假设是一种误解。deduct:演绎、扣除,例如:You can deduct the twenty-five cents out of my allowance.你可在我的零用钱里扣去二角五分。 decree:命令、颁布,例如:The UN Security Council has decreed that the election must be held by May.联合国安理会已通过决议,规定选举必须在5月前举行。

  • 第19题:

    Let’s have a run through.This sentence means let’s run from one side to another.


  • 第20题:

    There's a new cafeteria at the corner. How about going there for supper? ()

    • A、Fine. But it‘s my treat this time.
    • B、It‘s newly decorated.
    • C、Let‘s look at the menu first.
    • D、I have no idea about what to order.


  • 第21题:

    Every lawyer knows that it is difficult to prove culpability in technically complicated lawsuits if there is a lack of some expert to testify about the complicated technical aspects.

    if there is a lack of some expert to testify


    unless there will be an expert who might testify


    should there be no testimony from an expert


    without an expert’s testimony


    lacking some expert to testify

    正确答案: B

  • 第22题:

    _____ about the bookkeeper’s honesty, the company asked him to resign.

    There be some questions


    There are some questions


    There have been some questions


    There being some questions

    正确答案: A

  • 第23题:

    【参考范例一】PART 2Describe a child you like. You should say:  what the child’s name is   how old the child is  what the child likes or dislikes  and explain why you like this child.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

    正确答案: The child is my nephew, his name is Li Yiming which means being special and impressive. His parents chose this name for their son because they think he is the most beautiful baby in the world. .Now he is 5 years old. He seems to be quite a shy boy when you are not familiar with him. However, you’ll find him very talkative once you get to know him. He is a little ambitious and he likes to be the winner, but he will never bully other children. He is very funny and loves to play games with me so I love him very much. We really get along well with each other and when I think of him I am very delighted.