更多“May I ask what the standard of your securities’ payment is?A.Each gets paid twenty Yuan pe ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    --- ___________?

    --- I’m a journalist.

    A. What’s your name

    B. What’s your job

    C. Where are you from


  • 第2题:

    听力原文:M: I'm leaving for America and still have some RMB with me. There is about 700 yuan left. Can I change it back into US dollars?

    W: Yes, we can convert your leftover RMB back into foreign money.

    Q: How much RMB yuan does the customer want to exchange for US dollars?


    A.700 yuan.

    B.600 yuan.

    C.650 yuan.

    D.750 yuan.

    解析:男士是想将人民币兑换外币,并说他还剩"700 yuan",所以A选项正确。

  • 第3题:

    From: Mary Unger [m_unger@pdc.com]
    To: Tina Barkley [t_barkley@pdc.com]
    Subject: Presentation
    Sent: May 4, 10:20:07 A.M.
    Dear Tina,
    I wanted to get back to you about the presentation on Thursday. As of now, 23 people have responded. I expect a few more people to show up at the last minute.
    We're still planning on holding the lecture in room 240B. I'll make sure we have at least 30 chairs set up. I was also planning to make photocopies of my presentation slides in case anyone would like a copy.
    Mary Unger
    Outreach Director
    Payton Daniels Corporation
    What does Tina Barkley find out regarding the presentation?

    A. Her presentation will be videotaped.

    B. A colleague will not be able to attend.

    C. Her presentation is the first one scheduled.

    D. Twenty-three people have said they will attend.


  • 第4题:

    What's ( )job? Are ( ) British?

    A. your, your

    B. you, your

    C. your, you


  • 第5题:

    I ____ the television set for 1,500 yuan.






  • 第6题:


    A“汇款最高金额是多少?”译成英文是:What's the maximum amount for the remittance?

    B“每笔交易5万元。”译成英文是:50,000 yuan for each transaction.

    C“汇款的手续费是多少?”译成英文是:What's the remittance fee?

    D“一般是汇款金额的1%,每笔汇款最低汇费为2元,最高汇费为50元。”译成英文是:1% of the amount you are going to send. The lowest fee is 2 yuan, and the highest is 50 yuan.
