单句理解听力原文:For one full year when the full principal plus interest is paid together, compound interest and simple interest yield the same dollar amount.(1)A.If the time period of the loan is one year, the simple interest and compound interest are the same.B



听力原文:For one full year when the full principal plus interest is paid together, compound interest and simple interest yield the same dollar amount.


A.If the time period of the loan is one year, the simple interest and compound interest are the same.

B.If the time period of the loan is the same, the simple interest and compound interest are the same.

C.When the full principal plus interest is paid together, compound interest and simple interest are of the same dollar amount.

D.When the full principal plus interest is paid together, compound interest and simple interest are not of the same dollar amount.

更多“单句理解听力原文:For one full year when the full principal plus interest is paid together, compound interest and simple interest yield the same dollar amount.(1)A.If the time period of the loan is one year, the simple interest and compound interest are the same.B”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    听力原文:Each month the cardholder receives a statement from the bank, which lists the details of all the transactions in the month, together with the total amount outstanding.


    A.Each month the cardholder receives a statement and the amount of all the transactions.

    B.Each month the bank gives the cardholder a statement showing the total amount outstanding.

    C.Each month the bank gives the cardholder a statement showing the compound interest.

    D.Each month the bank gives the cardholder a statement showing any minimum amount that needs to be paid.

    解析:statement与the amount of all the transactions不是并列关系,而是包含关系,A项错误;C、D项未提及。

  • 第2题:

    Usually the borrowing firm of term loans promises to repay ______.

    A.the principal and interest until the end of the loan period

    B.the principal and interest at the end of the loan period

    C.the loan in a series of installments

    D.at any time when cash is more abundant ______.

    解析:第一段第二句后半句...and then pledges to meet the scheduled repayment in a series of installments(often payments are made every quarter or even monthly),意指借款企业向银行保证分期还款,通常是按月或者按季度分期还款。Installment分期还款。

  • 第3题:

    听力原文:The rate of interest on savings accounts is usually a little lower than that on deposit accounts.


    A.There is a higher rate of interest on deposit account.

    B.There is a higher rate of interest on savings account.

    C.The rate of interest on deposit accounts is always much higher than that on savings accounts.

    D.The rate of interest on deposit accounts is usually much lower than that on savings accounts.


  • 第4题:

    If the balance of the credit card is not fully settled, the cardholder will have to pay a compound interest on the outstanding amount.



    C.Doesn't say

    解析:从第三段第二句When the full balance is not settled each month, the cardholder is charged a compound interest" (say 0.05%) on the outstanding balance…可知。

  • 第5题:


    听力原文:W: When I want to borrow money from a hank, what should I do?

    M: You should create a contract with the bank, stipulating the rate of interest, the repayment date, the amount and timing of any periodic cash interest payments, and other terms of the agreement.

    Q: Which is not mentioned when creating a contract with the bank?


    A.Stipulating the rate of interest.

    B.Stipulating the repayment date.

    C.Stipulating the amount and timing of any periodic cash interest payments.

    D.Stipulating the financial sponsor.


  • 第6题:

    The rate of interest paid on a bank loan will depend () your firm’s standing with the bank and may be 2 per cent or 3 percent.






  • 第7题:

    The bank (56) borrowers enough interest to pay the expense of the bank and have something left over for (57) . The interest cannot be higher than the legal rate, which is established by state law and in most states is 6% per year. (58) big loans, the interest rate is much less, even as low as 2%. The rate depends on the money market, when there is plenty of money (59) to be borrowed, banks charge low rates of interest. A savings bank may pay its depositors 2% and lend the money at 3.5% or 4%. But when money is tight, interest rates go up, and a savings bank may try to (60) depositors by offering 4% or 4.5% or even more and lending the money at 5% or 6%.







  • 第8题:

    资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no brokerage, no fees or hidden costs. However, the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal action in connection with the CD. Look at our ‘Star CD’ plan below.
    High Interest: Higher on Large amount
    Our rates on certificate of deposits are among the best in the industry. The rate may vary on day-to day basis. For CD’s of above $250,000.00, the interest is simple i.e not compounded; therefore, annual percentage yield is same as annual interest rate. The interest is payable on the day of maturity of deposit. Interest paid during the year is reported to Internal Revenue Services. For today’s rates please refer to Current Rates of Interest on STAR CDs.
    Maturity Period: Flexible to your needs
    You may choose any maturity date with a minimum period of 7 days to a maximum period of 1 year to suit your needs. Your CD is automatically renewed for the same period in absence of any other instruction, at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal. There is no grace period for automatic renewal of deposits on maturity. For deposits issued for 1 year or more, we send maturity notices to the depositors 2 to 4 weeks before the due date.
    Minimum Amount: Easy to Start
    The minimum amount accepted is USD 2000
    Other Features:
    1.FDIC Insurance Up to $100,000
    2.Facility to Open Joint & Corporate Accounts
    Additional Deposits:
    Additional amounts deposited into an account will be treated as fresh deposits & separate certificates of deposits will be issued for such deposits.
    Early Withdrawal:
    Withdrawal of deposit before its date of maturity may be allowed at bank’s discretion. In that event, interest will be paid at the rate applicable for the period for which the deposit remained with the bank or the contracted rate, whichever is lower, as prevailing on the date of deposit, less one percent. However, no interest shall be paid on the deposit which runs for less than 30 days. There is no other penalty or charge on early withdrawal.

    The CD’s annual percentage yield is ( ) annual interest rate.

    A.more than
    B.less than
    C.the same as
    D.not comparable with

    【关键词】The CD’s annual percentage yield; annual interest rate
    第三段For CD’s of above $250,000.00, the interest is simple i.e not compounded; therefore, annual percentage yield is same as annual interest rate. 对于250,000美金以上的大额存单,利息是单利的,不是复利的;因此,其年收益与年利率相同。
    【解析】题目意为“大额存单年收益率与年利率______。” 选项A意为“多于”;选项B意为“少于”;选项C意为“一样”;选项D意为“不可比拟”。根据主题句,年收益与年利率相同,因此选项C正确。

  • 第9题:

    资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no brokerage, no fees or hidden costs. However, the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal action in connection with the CD. Look at our ‘Star CD’ plan below.
    High Interest: Higher on Large amount
    Our rates on certificate of deposits are among the best in the industry. The rate may vary on day-to day basis. For CD’s of above $250,000.00, the interest is simple i.e not compounded; therefore, annual percentage yield is same as annual interest rate. The interest is payable on the day of maturity of deposit. Interest paid during the year is reported to Internal Revenue Services. For today’s rates please refer to Current Rates of Interest on STAR CDs.
    Maturity Period: Flexible to your needs
    You may choose any maturity date with a minimum period of 7 days to a maximum period of 1 year to suit your needs. Your CD is automatically renewed for the same period in absence of any other instruction, at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal. There is no grace period for automatic renewal of deposits on maturity. For deposits issued for 1 year or more, we send maturity notices to the depositors 2 to 4 weeks before the due date.
    Minimum Amount: Easy to Start
    The minimum amount accepted is USD 2000
    Other Features:
    1.FDIC Insurance Up to $100,000
    2.Facility to Open Joint & Corporate Accounts
    Additional Deposits:
    Additional amounts deposited into an account will be treated as fresh deposits & separate certificates of deposits will be issued for such deposits.
    Early Withdrawal:
    Withdrawal of deposit before its date of maturity may be allowed at bank’s discretion. In that event, interest will be paid at the rate applicable for the period for which the deposit remained with the bank or the contracted rate, whichever is lower, as prevailing on the date of deposit, less one percent. However, no interest shall be paid on the deposit which runs for less than 30 days. There is no other penalty or charge on early withdrawal.

    Which of the following statements is true? ( )

    A.CD is automatically renewed for the same period unless having other instruction.
    B.CD isn’t automatically renewed for the same period at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal.
    C.CD is automatically renewed for the same period without any other instruction.
    D.CD is automatically renewed for the same period with permission of the bank manager.

    【关键词】the following statements; true
    第五段You may choose any maturity date with a minimum period of 7 days to a maximum period of 1 year to suit your needs. Your CD is automatically renewed for the same period in absence of any other instruction, at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal. 您可以选择任何到期日,最短期限为7天,最长期限为1年,以满足您的需求。在没有任何其他说明的情况下,您的大额存单按照续约日期的利率自动再续期同期。
    【解析】题目意为“以下哪个选项是正确的?” 选项A意为“除非有其他说明,大额存单才能自动续期同期”;选项B意为“大额存单不会按照续约日期的利率自动再续期同期”;选项C意为“大额存单会自动续期同等时间,无需任何其他说明”;选项D意为“只有经银行经理许可,大额存单方可自动续期同期”。根据主题句,选项C与题意相符,因此正确。

  • 第10题:


    Saving Money

    Where you save your money often depends on what you are saving for.If you are
    saving to buy a dictionary or to go to a concert,then probably keep your money somewhere
    in your room.
    If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip,where would
    you save your money?
    One place to save money is the bank.Putting your money in a savings account will
    help your money earn more money.If you put your money in a piggy bank(猪形储蓄
    罐),one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in.If you put
    your money in a savings account,one year later,you'll have more money than you put
    When you keep your money in a bank,your money earns interest.Interest is the
    amount of money a bank pays you to use your money.The bank uses your money(and
    the money of other people,too)to loan money to people and businesses.
    The bank will send you a statement several times a year.A bank statement tells you
    how much money there is in your account.It also tells you how much interest you have
    earned.If you leave your money in the bank,you can watch it grow!
    Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD.If you have
    some money that you don't need to use for a long time,this is a good way to make your
    money grow.
    You can buy a CD at a bank.You agree not to use the money for a certain period of
    time.That period might be from six months to five years.You can't touch your money
    during that time.If you do,you must pay a penalty,or fee.
    Since the bank is using your money for that time period,it will pay you interest.You
    will earn more interest with a CD than in a savings account.Can you guess why?It's
    because you promise to leave your money in the bank for a certain period of time.Banks
    pay different rates of interest.So,you may want to compare rates in newspaper ads before
    buying a CD.

    The word"touch" in paragraph 7 could be best replaced by


  • 第11题:


    Saving Money

    Where you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are
    saving to buy a CD(光盘)or to go to a concert, then probably you would keep your
    money somewhere in your room.
    If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip,where would
    you save your money?
    One place to save money is the bank.Putting your money in a savings account will
    help your money earn more money. If you put your money in a piggy bank(猪形储蓄罐),
    one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in.If you put your money
    in a savings account,one year later,you'll have more money than you put in.Why?
    When you keep your money in a bank,your money earns interest.Interest is an
    amount of money a bank pays you to use your money.The bank uses your money(and
    the money of other people,too)to loan money to people and businesses.
    The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you
    how much money you have in your account.It also tells you how much interest you have
    earned.If you leave your money in the bank,you can watch it grow!
    Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD.If you have
    some money that you don't need to use for a long time,this is a good way to make your
    money grow.
    You can buy a CD at a bank.You agree not to use the money for a certain period of
    time.That period might be from six months to five years.You can't touch your money
    during that time.If you do,you must pay a penalty,or fee.

    A bank pays you interest for
    A:wasting your money.
    B:losing your money.
    C:using your money.
    D:decreasing your money.


  • 第12题:

    When a researcher reads an academic paper to see if it is relevant to his field of interest, which one of the reading skills is he using? _____







    Read in depth

    正确答案: D

  • 第13题:

    听力原文:M: What about the interest rate?

    W: Well, the discount rate is given in accordance with the terms of the bill, time of discount, the amount, the reputation of the drawee and the drawer.

    Q: What are they talking about?


    A.The interest rate of savings account.

    B.The discounting rate for drafts.

    C.The rediscounting rate.

    D.The interest rate for loans.


  • 第14题:


    听力原文:More common for lending transactions today is compound interest.


    A.Lending covenants now are often made at compound interest.

    B.Lending transactions now are often made at compound interest.

    C.Lending decisions now are often made at compound interest.

    D.Lending proposals now are often made at compound interest.

    解析:录音指“现今复利对于贷款交易更加常见”。lending transactions贷款交易。lending covenants贷款保证契约。lending decisions贷款决策。lending proposals贷款申请。

  • 第15题:


    听力原文:These time deposits earn higher interest rates, which may be fixed or floating, but no withdrawals are allowed until the term has ended.


    A.Sometimes the interest rates on time deposits are not fixed.

    B.People can draw these deposits at any time.

    C.The interest rates on time deposits are fixed.

    D.The interest rates on time deposits are floating.


  • 第16题:

    Why did the dollar rally at the beginning of the year?

    A.It was the beginning of the year.

    B.Traders' sentiment was changing greatly.

    C.People thought that the US economy would recover and German interest rate would ease soon.

    D.The present US-German interest rate differential would be unlikely to narrow.

    解析:文章第二段提到dollar rallied due to...German interest rate would ease soon。美元的回升是由于人们的乐观情绪。

  • 第17题:


    听力原文:Interest rate risk refers to the exposure of a bank's financial condition to adverse movements in interest rates.


    A.Bank's financial condition is the cause of interest rate risk.

    B.Bank's financial condition has impact on interest rate risk.

    C.Interest rate risk occurs when interest rate moves against the bank's financial condition.

    D.Interest rate risk occurs when interest rate favours the bank's financial condition.

    解析:单句意思为“利率风险是指银行在不利的利率变动中暴露出的财务风险”。A项因果关 系颠倒,B项没有提及,D项“favour”一词与原句“adverse”相矛盾。

  • 第18题:

    One of the features of language use that is of interest to pragmatists is its appropriacy in relation to those who use it and those they address to.()


  • 第19题:

    资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no brokerage, no fees or hidden costs. However, the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal action in connection with the CD. Look at our ‘Star CD’ plan below.
    High Interest: Higher on Large amount
    Our rates on certificate of deposits are among the best in the industry. The rate may vary on day-to day basis. For CD’s of above $250,000.00, the interest is simple i.e not compounded; therefore, annual percentage yield is same as annual interest rate. The interest is payable on the day of maturity of deposit. Interest paid during the year is reported to Internal Revenue Services. For today’s rates please refer to Current Rates of Interest on STAR CDs.
    Maturity Period: Flexible to your needs
    You may choose any maturity date with a minimum period of 7 days to a maximum period of 1 year to suit your needs. Your CD is automatically renewed for the same period in absence of any other instruction, at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal. There is no grace period for automatic renewal of deposits on maturity. For deposits issued for 1 year or more, we send maturity notices to the depositors 2 to 4 weeks before the due date.
    Minimum Amount: Easy to Start
    The minimum amount accepted is USD 2000
    Other Features:
    1.FDIC Insurance Up to $100,000
    2.Facility to Open Joint & Corporate Accounts
    Additional Deposits:
    Additional amounts deposited into an account will be treated as fresh deposits & separate certificates of deposits will be issued for such deposits.
    Early Withdrawal:
    Withdrawal of deposit before its date of maturity may be allowed at bank’s discretion. In that event, interest will be paid at the rate applicable for the period for which the deposit remained with the bank or the contracted rate, whichever is lower, as prevailing on the date of deposit, less one percent. However, no interest shall be paid on the deposit which runs for less than 30 days. There is no other penalty or charge on early withdrawal.

    According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about Star CD? ( )

    A.The minimum amount to invest is USD 2000.
    B.You may choose any maturity date as you wish.
    C.The rates on certificate of deposits may vary day to day.
    D.Separate certificates of deposits will be issued for additional deposits.

    【关键词】not true; about Star CD
    第七段The minimum amount accepted is USD 2000. 最低投资金额为2000美元。
    第五段You may choose any maturity date with a minimum period of 7 days to a maximum period of 1 year to suit your needs. 您可以选择任何到期日,最短期限为7天,最长期限为1年,以满足您的需求。
    第三段The rate may vary on day-to day basis. 利率可能每天都有所不同。
    倒数第三段Additional amounts deposited into an account will be treated as fresh deposits & separate certificates of deposits will be issued for such deposits. 存入账户的额外金额将被视为新鲜存款,并将为此类存款发放单独的存款凭证。

  • 第20题:

    资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no brokerage, no fees or hidden costs. However, the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal action in connection with the CD. Look at our ‘Star CD’ plan below.
    High Interest: Higher on Large amount
    Our rates on certificate of deposits are among the best in the industry. The rate may vary on day-to day basis. For CD’s of above $250,000.00, the interest is simple i.e not compounded; therefore, annual percentage yield is same as annual interest rate. The interest is payable on the day of maturity of deposit. Interest paid during the year is reported to Internal Revenue Services. For today’s rates please refer to Current Rates of Interest on STAR CDs.
    Maturity Period: Flexible to your needs
    You may choose any maturity date with a minimum period of 7 days to a maximum period of 1 year to suit your needs. Your CD is automatically renewed for the same period in absence of any other instruction, at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal. There is no grace period for automatic renewal of deposits on maturity. For deposits issued for 1 year or more, we send maturity notices to the depositors 2 to 4 weeks before the due date.
    Minimum Amount: Easy to Start
    The minimum amount accepted is USD 2000
    Other Features:
    1.FDIC Insurance Up to $100,000
    2.Facility to Open Joint & Corporate Accounts
    Additional Deposits:
    Additional amounts deposited into an account will be treated as fresh deposits & separate certificates of deposits will be issued for such deposits.
    Early Withdrawal:
    Withdrawal of deposit before its date of maturity may be allowed at bank’s discretion. In that event, interest will be paid at the rate applicable for the period for which the deposit remained with the bank or the contracted rate, whichever is lower, as prevailing on the date of deposit, less one percent. However, no interest shall be paid on the deposit which runs for less than 30 days. There is no other penalty or charge on early withdrawal.

    For deposit running for more than 30 days, early withdrawal may be ( ), ( ) penalty or charge.

    A.allowed, without
    B.banned, with
    C.allowed, with
    D.banned, without

    【关键词】deposit running for more than 30 days; early withdrawal; penalty or charge.
    最后一段Withdrawal of deposit before its date of maturity may be allowed at bank’s discretion. There is no other penalty or charge on early withdrawal. However, no interest shall be paid on the deposit which runs for less than 30 days. 在其到期日之前撤回存款可由银行酌情决定。提前退出时没有其他处罚或收费。但是,对于运行时间少于30天不应支付利息。

  • 第21题:


    Saving Money

    Where you save your money often depends on what you are saving for.If you are
    saving to buy a dictionary or to go to a concert,then probably keep your money somewhere
    in your room.
    If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip,where would
    you save your money?
    One place to save money is the bank.Putting your money in a savings account will
    help your money earn more money.If you put your money in a piggy bank(猪形储蓄
    罐),one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in.If you put
    your money in a savings account,one year later,you'll have more money than you put
    When you keep your money in a bank,your money earns interest.Interest is the
    amount of money a bank pays you to use your money.The bank uses your money(and
    the money of other people,too)to loan money to people and businesses.
    The bank will send you a statement several times a year.A bank statement tells you
    how much money there is in your account.It also tells you how much interest you have
    earned.If you leave your money in the bank,you can watch it grow!
    Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD.If you have
    some money that you don't need to use for a long time,this is a good way to make your
    money grow.
    You can buy a CD at a bank.You agree not to use the money for a certain period of
    time.That period might be from six months to five years.You can't touch your money
    during that time.If you do,you must pay a penalty,or fee.
    Since the bank is using your money for that time period,it will pay you interest.You
    will earn more interest with a CD than in a savings account.Can you guess why?It's
    because you promise to leave your money in the bank for a certain period of time.Banks
    pay different rates of interest.So,you may want to compare rates in newspaper ads before
    buying a CD.

    If you draw your money before it is due,
    A:you have to pay interest to the bank.
    B:you have to close your account.
    C:you have to open a new account.
    D:you have to pay a penalty or fee.


  • 第22题:


    Saving Money

    Where you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are
    saving to buy a CD(光盘)or to go to a concert, then probably you would keep your
    money somewhere in your room.
    If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip,where would
    you save your money?
    One place to save money is the bank.Putting your money in a savings account will
    help your money earn more money. If you put your money in a piggy bank(猪形储蓄罐),
    one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in.If you put your money
    in a savings account,one year later,you'll have more money than you put in.Why?
    When you keep your money in a bank,your money earns interest.Interest is an
    amount of money a bank pays you to use your money.The bank uses your money(and
    the money of other people,too)to loan money to people and businesses.
    The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you
    how much money you have in your account.It also tells you how much interest you have
    earned.If you leave your money in the bank,you can watch it grow!
    Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD.If you have
    some money that you don't need to use for a long time,this is a good way to make your
    money grow.
    You can buy a CD at a bank.You agree not to use the money for a certain period of
    time.That period might be from six months to five years.You can't touch your money
    during that time.If you do,you must pay a penalty,or fee.

    Among other things,a bank statement tells you
    A:the amount of money you have in the bank.
    B:the current rates of interest.
    C:the current rates of exchange.
    D:the best way to save your money.


  • 第23题:

    My father believes that interest, as well as prospects, _____ important when one looks for a job.








    正确答案: C
    句意:我父亲认为,在一个人找工作的时候,工作前景很重要,兴趣也很重要。主谓一致。当主语中含有由with、together with、like、except、but、no less than、as well as等词或词组构成的短语时,谓语动词与该短语前面的主语部分一致。例如,The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.(教师和一些学生在参观工厂。)本题中空格处为that引导的宾语从句的谓语,其主语是interest,因此谓语应当用单数形式。