更多“5 (a) Compare and contrast the responsibilities of management, and of auditors, in relatio ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    ________ with flying, taking the train is safer.


    B、To compare




  • 第2题:

    Whichtwostatementsaboutthebgpdeterministic-medandbgpalways-compare-medcommandsare true?()

    A.Thebgpdeterministic-medcommandisusedtoinfluencetheBGProuteselectionprocesstocausethe MEDattributetohavehigherprecedenceovertheASpathlength

    B.Thebgpalways-comparecommandisusedtoinfluencetheBGProuteselectionprocesstocausethe MEDattributetohavehigherprecedenceovertheASpathsystem

    C.Enablingthebgpdeterministic-medcommandensuresthecomparisonoftheMEDvariablewhen choosingroutesadvertisedbydifferentpeersinthesameautonomoussystem.

    D.Enablingthebgpalways-compare-medcommandensuresthecomparisonoftheMEDvariablefor pathsfromneighborsindifferentautonomoussystems.


    参考答案:C, D

  • 第3题:


    It is not recommended that any person shall be allowed on the bridge or in the pilot house except the pilot and other representative of the canal,and master and such officers and other members of the crew of the vessel as may be necessary for its navigation and control,management,operation and safety.

    Navigational aids are difficult to maintain and are reported to be unreliable in this waters.A considerable amount of shipping uses the canal and,in addition,many local fishing craft with nets may be encountered in the area. Since passage through the canal entails a run of more than 250 miles,long periods of considerable vigilance are necessary in order to maintain safe standards of navigation.


    PILOT HOUSE is referred to ________ in this passage.

    A.the cabin in which the pilot stays

    B.the space which the rudder is located

    C.the bridge of vessels

    D.the cabin which is prepared for the pilot

    SHIPPING is referred ________ in this passage.A.the operations of transportation of GOODs by sea

    B.the procedures of marine transportation business

    C.the management of marine transportation business

    D.the vessels and ships

    The person on the bridge or in the pilot house shall be those ________.A.who are recommended

    B.who are familiar with the navigation.management.Operation and safety control

    C.who are directly involved in the navigation,management,operation and safety control

    D.who have nothing to do with the navigation,management,operation and safety control

    The author implies that ________.A.even by making use of modern instrument it is difficult to maintain safety in this area

    B.mariners should take it easy when navigating in this area

    C.modern instrument should be used to control the safety of navigation in this area

    D.it is dangerous when navigating in this area


    问题 1 答案解析:C

    问题 2 答案解析:D

    问题 3 答案解析:C

    问题 4 答案解析:D

  • 第4题:

    Refer to Topic TestKing.com in iPAD document.What happens to the network when TestKingX is reconnected and a trunk exists between the two switches?()

    A. All VLANs except the default VLAN will be removed from all switches.

    B. All existing switches will have the students, admin, faculty, Servers, Management,Production, and no-where VLANs.

    C. The VLANs Servers, Management, Production, and no-where will replace the VLANs on SwX.

    D. The VLANs Servers, Management, Production, and no-where will be removed from existing switches.


  • 第5题:

    材料:Navigation in the canal

    It is not recommended that any person shall be allowed on the bridge or in the pilot house except the pilot and other representative of the Canal,and Master and such officers and other members of the crew of the vessel as may be necessary for its navigation and control,management,operation and safety.

    Navigational aids are difficult to maintain and are reported to be unreliable in this waters.A considerable amount of shipping uses the canal and,in addition,many local fishing craft with nets may be encountered in the area.Since passage through the canal entails a run of more than 250 miles,long periods of considerable vigilance are necessary in order to maintain safe standards of navigation.

    问题:PILOT HOUSE is referred to ______ in this passage.

    A.the cabin in which the pilot stays

    B.the space in which the rudder is located

    C.the bridge of vessels

    D.the cabin which is prepared for the pilot

    SHIPPING is referred to ______ in this passage.A.he operations of transportation of goods by sea

    B.the procedures of marine transportation business

    C.the management of marine transportation business

    D.the vessels and ships

    The author implies that ______ .A.even by making use of modern instrument it is difficult to maintain safety in this area

    B.mariners should take it easy when navigating in this area

    C.modern instrument should be used to control the safety of navigation in this area

    D.it is dangerous when navigating in this area

    The person on the bridge or in the pilot house shall be those ______ .A.who are recommended

    B.who are familiar with the navigation,management,operation and safety control

    C.who are directly involved in the navigation,management,operation and safety control

    D.who have nothing to do with the navigation,management,operation and safety control


    问题 1 答案解析:C

    问题 2 答案解析:D

    问题 3 答案解析:D

    问题 4 答案解析:C

  • 第6题:

    Hunter is a brilliant professor but has his limitations as a government leader.


    本句意思是:汉特是一位非常优秀的教授,但他作为一位政府领导人有他的缺点。句中limitation意为“缺点”,例如:He knows his limitations.他知道自己的能力有限。四个选项中:capacity意为“能力”,例如:China's grain production capacity has improved.中国的粮食生产能力提高了。weakness意为“缺点”,例如:There is an inherent weakness in the design.这设计本身存在缺点。advantage意为“优点”,例如:It is an advantage if you know how to type.如果你会打字,这就是一种优势。responsibility意为“责任”,例如:You can't retreat from the responsibility in this affair.你不能回避在这一事件中的责任。只有选项B同句中画线单词含义接近。