
(c) Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
CPD is defined5 as ‘the continuous maintenance, development and enhancement of the professional and personal knowledge
and skills which members of ACCA require throughout their working lives’.
All professional accountants need to maintain their competence and develop new skills to be effective in their current and
future employment. CPD helps keep accountants in practice employable and maintains their reputation with employers,
clients and the public. It also helps maintain the accounting profession’s reputation for producing and supporting high calibre
individuals. Therefore, CPD is something which professional accountants should take personal responsibility for, and be doing
as part of their everyday work.

Mandatory CPD for active members of IFAC member bodies (such as ACCA) was introduced with effect from 1 January 2005
onwards. ACCA has introduced CPD as a requirement for all active members, subject to the phasing-in dates (and waivers).
Tutorial note: IFAC issued International Education Standard (IES) 7, which requires the introduction of CPD for all active
members of IFAC member bodies.
ACCA practising certificate and insolvency licence holders are still required to participate in technical CPD training. All other
members will also be asked to state on their annual CPD return that they maintain competence in professional ethics.
The scheme is being introduced in phases:
■ phase 1 (2005) – members admitted since 1 January 2001, and all practising certificate and insolvency licence
■ phase 2 (2006) – members admitted between 1 January 1995 and 31 December 2000;
■ phase 3 (2007) – all remaining members.
Tutorial note: However, ACCA encouraged all members to adopt the scheme from 1 January 2005.
Affiliates join the CPD scheme on 1 January following their date of admittance to membership.
There are two routes to participation in ACCA’s CPD scheme:
(1) the unit scheme route (40 units approximate to 40 hours required each year); and
(2) the approved CPD employer route (i.e. where employers are recognised as effectively providing ACCA members with
Tutorial note: Alternatively, if an ACCA member is also a member of another IFAC accounting body and that CPD scheme
is compliant with IFAC’s CPD IES 7, they may choose to follow that body’ s route.

更多“(c) mandatory continuing professional development (CPD) requirements. (5 marks)”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (c) Discuss the ethical responsibility of the company accountant in ensuring that manipulation of the statement

    of cash flows, such as that suggested by the directors, does not occur. (5 marks)

    Note: requirements (b) and (c) include 2 professional marks in total for the quality of the discussion.

    (c) Companies can give the impression that they are generating more cash than they are, by manipulating cash flow. The way
    in which acquisitions, loans and, as in this case, the sale of assets, is shown in the statement of cash flows, can change the
    nature of operating cash flow and hence the impression given by the financial statements. The classification of cash flows
    can give useful information to users and operating cash flow is a key figure. The role of ethics in the training and professional
    lives of accountants is extremely important. Decision-makers expect the financial statements to be true and fair and fairly
    represent the underlying transactions.
    There is a fine line between deliberate misrepresentation and acceptable presentation of information. Pressures on
    management can result in the misrepresentation of information. Financial statements must comply with International
    Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the Framework and local legislation. Transparency, and full and accurate disclosure is
    important if the financial statements are not to be misleading. Accountants must possess a high degree of professional
    integrity and the profession’s reputation depends upon it. Ethics describe a set of moral principles taken as a reference point.
    These principles are outside the technical and practical application of accounting and require judgement in their application.
    Professional accountancy bodies set out ethical guidelines within which their members operate covering standards of
    behaviour, and acceptable practice. These regulations are supported by a number of codes, for example, on corporate
    governance which assist accountants in making ethical decisions. The accountant in Warrburt has a responsibility not to mask
    the true nature of the statement of cash flow. Showing the sale of assets as an operating cash flow would be misleading if
    the nature of the transaction was masked. Users of financial statements would not expect its inclusion in this heading and
    could be misled. The potential misrepresentation is unacceptable. The accountant should try and persuade the directors to
    follow acceptable accounting principles and comply with accounting standards. There are implications for the truth and
    fairness of the financial statements and the accountant should consider his position if the directors insist on the adjustments
    by pointing the inaccuracies out to the auditors.

  • 第2题:

    (iii) A statement on the importance of confidentiality in the financing of the early stage working capital needs

    and an explanation of how this conflicts with the duty of transparency in matters of corporate

    governance. (6 marks)

    Professional marks for layout, logical flow and persuasiveness of the statement. (4 marks)

    (iii) Importance of confidentiality in the financing of the project and the normal duty of transparency.
    I have been asked to include a statement in my remarks on the balance between our duty to be transparent whenever
    possible and the need for discretion and confidentiality in some situations. In the case of our initial working capital needs
    for the Giant Dam Project, the importance of confidentiality in financing is due to the potential for adverse publicity that
    may arise for the lender. It is important that R&M have the project adequately financed, especially in the early stages
    before the interim payments from the client become fully effective.
    In general, of course, we at R&M attempt to observe the highest standards of corporate governance and this involves
    adopting a default position of transparency rather than concealment wherever possible. We recognise that transparency
    is important to underpin investor confidence and to provide investors with the information they need to make fund
    allocation decisions.
    Whilst it is normal to disclose the amount of debt we carry at any given point (on the balance sheet), it is rarely normal
    practice to disclose the exact sources of those loans. In the case of the financing of initial working capital for the Giant
    Dam Project, I’m sure you will realise that in this unique situation, disclosure of the lender’s identity could threaten the
    progress of the project. For this reason we must resist any attempts to release this into the public domain. We are aware
    of one pressure group that is actively seeking to discover this information in order to disrupt the project’s progress and
    we shall be taking all internal measures necessary to ensure they do not obtain the information.
    Thank you for listening.

  • 第3题:

    (iii) Whether or not you agree with the statement of the marketing director in note (9) above. (5 marks)

    Professional marks for appropriateness of format, style. and structure of the report. (4 marks)


    (iii) The marketing director is certainly correct in recognising that success is dependent on levels of service quality provided
    by HFG to its clients. However, whilst the number of complaints is an important performance measure, it needs to be
    used with caution. The nature of a complaint is, very often, far more indicative of the absence, or a lack, of service
    quality. For example, the fact that 50 clients complained about having to wait for a longer time than they expected to
    access gymnasium equipment is insignificant when compared to an accident arising from failure to maintain properly a
    piece of gymnasium equipment. Moreover, the marketing director ought to be aware that the absolute number of
    complaints may be misleading as much depends on the number of clients serviced during any given period. Thus, in
    comparing the number of complaints received by the three centres then a relative measure of complaints received per
    1,000 client days would be far more useful than the absolute number of complaints received.
    The marketing director should also be advised that the number of complaints can give a misleading picture of the quality
    of service provision since individuals have different levels of willingness to complain in similar situations.
    The marketing director seems to accept the current level of complaints but is unwilling to accept any increase above this
    level. This is not indicative of a quality-oriented organisation which would seek to reduce the number of complaints over
    time via a programme of ‘continuous improvement’.
    From the foregoing comments one can conclude that it would be myopic to focus on the number of client complaints
    as being the only performance measure necessary to measure the quality of service provision. Other performance
    measures which may indicate the level of service quality provided to clients by HFG are as follows:
    – Staff responsiveness assumes critical significance in service industries. Hence the time taken to resolve client
    queries by health centre staff is an important indicator of the level of service quality provided to clients.
    – Staff appearance may be viewed as reflecting the image of the centres.
    – The comfort of bedrooms and public rooms including facilities such as air-conditioning, tea/coffee-making and cold
    drinks facilities, and office facilities such as e-mail, facsimile and photocopying.
    – The availability of services such as the time taken to gain an appointment with a dietician or fitness consultant.
    – The cleanliness of all areas within the centres will enhance the reputation of HFG. Conversely, unclean areas will
    potentially deter clients from making repeat visits and/or recommendations to friends, colleagues etc.
    – The presence of safety measures and the frequency of inspections made regarding gymnasium equipment within
    the centres and compliance with legislation are of paramount importance in businesses like that of HFG.
    – The achievement of target reductions in weight that have been agreed between centre consultants and clients.
    (Other relevant measures would be acceptable.)

  • 第4题:

    (c) Briefly describe the principal audit work to be performed in respect of the carrying amount of the following

    items in the balance sheet:

    (i) development expenditure on the Fox model; (3 marks)

    (c) Principal audit work
    (i) Development expenditure on the Fox model
    ■ Agree opening balance, $6·3 million, to prior year working papers.
    ■ Physically inspect assembly plant/factory where the Fox is being developed and any vehicles so far manufactured
    (e.g. for testing).
    ■ Substantiate costs incurred during the year, for example:
    – goods (e.g. components) and services (e.g. consultants) to purchase invoices;
    – labour (e.g. design engineers/technicians, mechanics, test drivers) to the payroll analysis;
    – overheads (e.g. depreciation of development buildings and equipment, power, consumables) to
    management’s calculation of overhead absorption and underlying cost accounts.
    ■ Review of internal trials/test drive results (e.g. in reports to management and video recordings of events).
    ■ Reperform. management’s impairment test of development expenditure. In particular recalculate value in use.
    Tutorial note: It is highly unlikely that a reasonable estimate of fair value less costs to sell could be made for so
    unique an asset.
    ■ Substantiate the key assumptions made by management in calculating value in use. For example:
    – the level of sales expected when the car is launched to advance orders (this may have fallen with the delay
    in the launch);
    – the discount rate used to Pavia’s cost of capital;
    – projected growth in sales to actual sales growth seen last time a new model was launched.

  • 第5题:

    6 Certain practices have developed that threaten to damage the integrity and objectivity of professional accountants and

    the reputation of the accounting profession.


    Explain the following practices and associated ethical risks and discuss whether current ethical guidance is


    (a) ‘lowballing’; (5 marks)

    Tutorial note: The answer which follows is indicative of the range of points which might be made. Other relevant material will
    be given suitable credit.
    (a) ‘Lowballing’
    Explanation of term
    ‘Lowballing’ is the ‘loss-leading’ practice in which auditors compete for clients by reducing their fees for statutory audits.
    Lower audit fees are then compensated by the auditor carrying out more lucrative non-audit work (e.g. consultancy and tax
    advice). Audits may even be offered for free.
    Such ‘predatory pricing’ may undercut an incumbent auditor to secure an appointment into which higher price consultancy
    services may be sold.
    Ethical risks
    There is a risk of incompetence if the non-audit work does not materialise and the lowballing firm comes under pressure to
    cut corners or resort to irregular practices (e.g. the falsification of audit working papers) in order to ‘keep within budget’.
    However, a lack of audit quality may only be discovered if the situation arises that the company collapses and the auditors
    are charged with negligence.
    If, rather than comprise the quality of the audit, an audit firm substantially increases audit fees, a fee dispute could arise. In
    this case the client might refuse to pay the higher fee. It could be difficult then for the firm to take the matter to arbitration
    if the client was misled. Thus an advocacy threat may arise.
    Financial dependence is a direct incentive that threatens independence. A self-interest threat therefore arises when, having
    secured the audit, the audit firm needs the client to retain its services in order to recoup any losses initially incurred.
    The provision of many other services gives rise to a self-review threat (as well as a self-interest threat).
    Sufficiency of current ethical guidance
    In current ethical guidance, the fact that an accountancy firm quotes a lower fee than other tendering firms is not improper,
    providing that the prospective client is not misled about:
    – the precise range of services that the quoted fee is intended to cover; and
    – the likely level of fees for any other work undertaken.
    This is clearly insufficient to prevent the practice of lowballing.
    Legal prohibitions on the provision of many non-audit services (e.g. bookkeeping, financial information systems design and
    implementation, valuation services, actuarial services, internal audit (outsourced), human resource services for executive
    positions, investment and legal services) should make lowballing a riskier pricing strategy. This may curb the tendency to
    Lowballing could be eliminated if, for example, auditors were required to act ‘exclusively as auditors’. Although regulatory
    environments have moved towards this there is not a total prohibition on non-audit services.

  • 第6题:

    5 (a) ‘In the case of an assurance engagement it is in the public interest and, therefore, required by this Code of Ethics,

    that members of assurance teams … be independent of assurance clients’.

    IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants


    Define the term ‘assurance team’. (3 marks)

    (a) ‘Assurance team’
    ■ All members of the engagement team (for the assurance engagement);
    ■ All others within a firm who can directly influence the outcome of the assurance engagement, for example:
    – those who recommend the compensation of, or who provide direct supervisory, management or other oversight of
    the assurance engagement partner in connection with the performance of the assurance engagement;
    – those who provide consultation regarding technical or industry specific issues, transactions or events for the
    assurance engagement; and
    – those who provide quality control for the assurance.

  • 第7题:

    (ii) Describe the evidence you would seek to support the assertion that development costs are technically

    feasible. (3 marks)

    (ii) Evidence supporting the assertion that development costs are technically feasible would include the following:
    – Review the results of scientific tests performed on the products, for example, the results of animal or human testing
    of the products.
    – Discuss any detrimental results of these tests, e.g. harmful side effects, with the scientists working on the project
    to determine what corrective action is being taken.
    – Enquire whether any licences necessary for continued development and/or commercial production have been
    granted by the appropriate regulatory body.
    – Compare expected to actual development costs incurred per product being developed. Where actual costs are in
    excess of expected costs investigate whether the extra costs have been incurred in order to make good any problems
    identified in the development process.
    – Review board minutes for relevant discussion of the product development taking place during the year.

  • 第8题:

    (b) With reference to CF Co, explain the ethical and other professional issues raised. (9 marks)

    (b) There are several issues that must be addressed as a matter of urgency:
    Extra work must be planned to discover the extent of the breakdown in internal controls that occurred during the year. It is
    important to decide whether the errors were isolated, or continued through the accounting period and whether similar errors
    have occurred in other areas e.g. cash receipts from existing customers or cash payments. A review of the working papers of
    the internal audit team should be carried out as soon as possible. The materiality of the errors should be documented.
    Errors discovered in the accounting systems will have serious implications for the planned audit approach of new customer
    deposits. Nate & Co must plan to expand audit testing on this area as control risk is high. Cash deposits will represent a
    significant class of transaction in CF Co. A more detailed substantive approach than used in prior year audits may be needed
    in this material area if limited reliance can be placed on internal controls.
    A combination of the time spent investigating the reasons for the errors, their materiality, and a detailed substantive audit on
    this area means that the audit is likely to take longer than previously anticipated. This may have cost and recoverability
    implications. Extra staff may need to be assigned to the audit team, and the deadline for completion of audit procedures may
    need to be extended. This will need to be discussed with CF Co.
    Due to the increased audit risk, Nate & Co should consider increasing review procedures throughout the audit. In addition CF
    Co is likely to be a highly regulated company as it operates in financial services, increasing possible attention focused on the
    audit opinion. These two factors indicate that a second partner review would be recommended.
    A separate issue is that of Jin Sayed offering advice to the internal audit team. The first problem raised is that of quality control.
    A new and junior member of the audit team should be subject to close direction and supervision which does not appear to
    have been the case during this assignment.
    Secondly, Jin Sayed should not have offered advice to the internal audit team. On being made aware of the errors, he should
    have alerted a senior member of the audit team, who then would have decided the action to be taken. This implies that he
    does not understand the limited extent of his responsibilities as a junior member of the audit team. Nate & Co may wish to
    review the training provided to new members of staff, as it should be made clear when matters should be reported to a senior,
    and when matters can be dealt with by the individual.
    Thirdly, Jin Sayed must be questioned to discover what exactly he advised the internal audit team to do. Despite his academic
    qualification, he has little practical experience in the financial information systems of CF Co. He may have given inappropriate
    advice, and it will be crucial to confirm that no action has been taken by the internal audit team.
    The audit partner should consider if Nate & Co are at risk because of the advice that has been provided by Jin Sayed. As he
    is a member of the audit team, his advice would be considered by the client as advice offered by Nate & Co, and the partner
    should ascertain by discussion with the client whether this advice has been acted upon.
    Finally Nate & Co should consider whether as a firm they could provide the review of the financial information technology
    system, as requested by CF Co. IFAC’s Code of Ethics, and ACCA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct places restrictions on the
    provision of non-audit services. Nate & Co must be clear in what exactly the ‘review’ will involve.
    Providing a summary of weaknesses in the system, with appropriate recommendations is considered part of normal audit
    procedures. However, given the errors that have arisen in the year, CF Co may require Nate & Co to design and implement
    changes to the system. This would constitute a self-review threat and should only be considered if significant safeguards are
    put in place, for example, using a separate team to provide the non-audit service and/or having a second partner review of
    the work.

  • 第9题:

    (c) Prepare briefing notes, to be used by an audit partner in your firm, assessing the professional, ethical and

    other issues to be considered in deciding whether to proceed with the appointment as auditor of Medix Co.

    Note: requirement (c) includes 2 professional marks. (12 marks)

    (c) Briefing notes
    To: Audit partner
    From: Audit manager
    Subject: Issues to consider regarding appointment as auditor of Medix Co
    Medix Co has recently invited our firm to become appointed as auditor. These briefing notes summarise the main issues we
    should consider in deciding whether to take the appointment a stage further. My comments are based on a discussion held
    with Ricardo Feller, finance director of Medix Co, a discussion with the current audit partner, and information provided in the
    local newspaper.
    Legal actions and investigations
    There are several indications that Medix Co has a history of non compliance with law and regulations. The former finance
    director is claiming unfair dismissal, and in the past the local authority has successfully taken legal action against the
    company and has a current case pending. In addition, there have been two tax investigations in recent years hinting at noncompliance
    with relevant tax regulations.
    There are two problems for us in taking on a client with a propensity for legal actions and investigations. Firstly, the reputation
    of the company must be considered. If we become associated with the company through being appointed as auditor, we could
    be ‘tarred with the same brush’ and our own reputation also tarnished.
    Secondly, we could become quickly exposed to an advocacy independence threat, which clearly should be avoided. Our
    ethical status should not be compromised for the sake of gaining a new audit client. Mick Evans only ‘believes’ that the tax
    matter has been resolved by the directors, and we should avoid taking on a new client which is involved in an on-going
    Public interest
    The problems noted above are compounded by the bad publicity which the company is currently receiving. The local press
    contained a recent article discussing Medix Co’s past and current breach of planning regulations. Given the current level of
    public interest in environmental issues, and emphasis on corporate responsibility, it would seem that Medix Co has a poor
    public perception, which we would not want to be associated with.
    Potential liability to lender
    The company is currently negotiating a significant bank loan, and the lender will be using the audited financial statements to
    make a decision on whether to advance a loan, and the terms of any finance that might be advanced to Medix Co. This means
    that our audit opinion for the forthcoming year end will be scrutinised by the lender, and our firm is exposed to a relatively
    high risk of liability to a third party. Given that this will be our first audit, and the limited time we have available (discussed
    below) our firm may feel that the risk of this audit engagement is too high. Should the appointment be accepted, disclaimers
    should be put in place to ensure that we could not be sued in the event of the bank suffering a financial loss as a result of
    their lending decision.
    Timeframe. and resources
    It is currently the last month of the financial year. If we are appointed as auditor we need to work quickly to develop a thorough
    understanding of the business, and to begin to plan the assignment. We need to consider whether our firm has sufficient
    resources to put together an audit team so quickly without detracting from other client work currently being conducted.
    To make this matter worse, Mick Evans states that Medix Co likes ‘a quick audit’, and we need to consider how to manage
    this expectation, as first year audit procedures such as systems documentation, and developing business understanding tend
    to take a long time. We must be careful that the client does not pressure us into a ‘quick audit’, which could compromise
    Medix Co operates in a reasonably specialist and highly regulated industry, so our firm should take care to ensure we have
    expertise in this industry.
    Potentially aggressive management style
    There are several indicators that the management may take a confrontational approach, such as the unfair dismissal claim
    brought against the company by the ex-finance director. In addition, the auditors prior to Mick Evans resigned following a
    disagreement with management. This history shows that we may find it difficult to establish a good working relationship with
    the management. As the company is owner managed the presence of a dominant managing director exacerbates this problem.
    Management bias
    There is incentive for the financial statements to be manipulated in order to secure bank finance. There is considerable risk
    of material misstatement which our firm may consider to be unacceptably high.
    Internal systems and controls
    The current auditors have found systems and controls to be poor, and management has not acted upon recommendations
    made by the auditors. Of course this does not mean that we should not take on the assignment – many companies have
    weak controls. However, if we did take on the appointment, we would not be able to rely on controls or use a controls based
    approach for the audit. We would need to take a substantive approach to the audit. One practical issue here is availability of
    staff to conduct the audit testing, as substantive procedures tend to be more time consuming than if we could have taken a
    systems based approach.
    Opening balances
    In all new audit assignments, work must be conducted to verify the opening balances. Given the possible fraud and poor
    controls described above, we would need to perform. detailed testing on the opening balances as there is a high risk of fraud
    and/or error in previous accounting periods. We may also wish to consider the competence of the previous auditors, who
    appeared to disregard potential fraud indicator (two cash books) and had only one audit client.
    Mick Evans has made it clear that Medix Co’s management likes to keep a tight control on costs, and it may put pressure on
    us to charge a low audit fee. We need to bear in mind the risks associated with this engagement, as discussed above, and
    only take on this high risk audit if the audit fee is high enough to compensate.
    We should also consider the cash flow problems being experienced by the company. As a business we need to ensure that
    we only take on clients with a good credit rating, and it seems that Medix Co, operating with an overdraft, may not be able
    to pay our invoices.
    Indication of fraud or money laundering
    Surely the most serious issue to consider is that Jon Tate, the managing director, has kept two cash books. We need further
    detail on this, but it clearly could indicate a fraud being perpetrated at the highest level of management. The fact that he has
    maintained two cash books could indicate money laundering activites taking place, especially when considered in the context
    of an owner-managed business with overseas operations. If this were the ONLY problem discovered it could be deemed
    serious enough to bring to an end our appointment process. It would be reckless for our firm to take on a client where the
    managing director is a fraudster.
    Further information is needed in many areas before a final decision is made. However, from the information we have gathered
    so far, it appears that Medix Co would represent a high risk client, and our firm must therefore be very careful to assess each
    problem noted above before deciding whether to proceed with the appointment.

  • 第10题:

    public and private colleges and universities and community colleges offer().

    A"continuing education"programs of associate degrees

    Bgraduate studies professional training

    Cprofessional training

    DAll of the above


  • 第11题:

    public and private colleges and universities and community colleges offer().

    • A、"continuing education"programs of associate degrees
    • B、graduate studies professional training
    • C、professional training
    • D、All of the above


  • 第12题:

    In what sense does foreign language teaching methodology help you in your professional development?

    正确答案: A foreign language teacher has to not only make his students understand the language, namely the pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, etc., he must also develop their communicative competence so that they can use the language they have learned correctly, appropriately and expressively in real situations. In order to do well this complicated job, the teacher needs to know, apart from a comprehensive knowledge of the language and the ability to use it, as many teaching methods and techniques as possible, and understand the underlying theories and principles, therefore he not only knows what to teach and how to do it, but also why he should do it in a certain way and how to solve problems when they arise. In this way he will have full confidence in doing his job well.
    Foreign language teachers understand that knowing a language does not necessarily mean that you can teach the language well. Teaching is an art as well as a science. If you do not know the theories, principles, methods or techniques of teaching, you might be able to teach a foreign language based on your experience, but you cannot hope to achieve good results, nor can you give your or your colleagues’ teaching a rational evaluation or a critical appraisal. There are surely limitations in teaching by drawing only on experience, though experience is important. The theory you learnt from the methodology course can guide, support and conceptualize practice. New insights you get by sharing ideas of other people will bring you great benefit. As the old saying goes: “Travel broadens the mind”. In the same way learning Foreign Language Teaching Methodology will surely broaden the mind of teachers.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    (d) Corporate annual reports contain both mandatory and voluntary disclosures.


    (i) Distinguish, using examples, between mandatory and voluntary disclosures in the annual reports of

    public listed companies. (6 marks)

    (d) (i) Mandatory and voluntary disclosures
    Mandatory disclosures
    These are components of the annual report mandated by law, regulation or accounting standard.
    Examples include (in most jurisdictions) statement of comprehensive income (income or profit and loss statement),
    statement of financial position (balance sheet), cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity, operating segmental
    information, auditors’ report, corporate governance disclosure such as remuneration report and some items in the
    directors’ report (e.g. summary of operating position). In the UK, the business review is compulsory.
    Voluntary disclosures
    These are components of the annual report not mandated in law or regulation but disclosed nevertheless. They are
    typically mainly narrative rather than numerical in nature.
    Examples include (in most jurisdictions) risk information, operating review, social and environmental information, and
    the chief executive’s review.

  • 第14题:

    (b) Explain the major benefits of pursuing a policy of internal development. (4 marks)

    (b) The major benefits of pursuing a policy of internal development that may accrue to Taliesin Ltd are as follows:
    – By confining their activities to its internal environment the company avoids the need to manage the integration of
    businesses which is necessitated by an acquisition. Management teams, when considering the acquisition of another
    organisation, very often underestimate the costs of integration.
    – There is no need for the board of directors of Taliesin Ltd to familiarise itself with different organisational and national
    cultures, values etc, thereby avoiding many potential problems.
    – The board of directors of Taliesin Ltd is better able to control the activities of the business and the need for more complex
    supply chains and strategic alliances with foreign organisations is rendered unnecessary.
    – All investments are made at market price whereas if the board of directors was to attempt to grow the business
    acquisition then significant outlays would probably be made in respect of purchased goodwill.
    – As the organisation develops and expands, staff are provided with development and learning activities that may
    precipitate an increase in the level of their commitment to the organisation.

  • 第15题:

    6 The explosive growth of investing and raising capital in the global markets has put new emphasis on the development

    of international accounting, auditing and ethical standards. The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has

    been at the forefront of the development of the worldwide accountancy profession through its activities in ethics,

    auditing and education.


    Explain the developments in each of the following areas and indicate how they affect Chartered Certified


    (a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’; (5 marks)

    Tutorial note: The answer which follows is indicative of the range of points which might be made. Other relevant material will
    be given suitable credit.
    (a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’
    Since its issue in 1996, IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’ (‘The Code’) has undergone several revisions
    (1996, 1998, 2001, 2004 and 2005). IFAC holds the view that due to national differences (of culture, language, legal and
    social systems) the task of preparing detailed ethical requirements is primarily that of the member bodies in each country
    concerned (and that they also have the responsibility to implement and enforce such requirements).
    In recognizing the responsibilities of the accountancy profession, IFAC considers its own role to be in providing guidance and
    promoting harmonization. IFAC has established ‘The Code’ to provide a basis on which the ethical requirements for
    professional accountants in each country should be founded.
    IFAC’s conceptual approach is principles-based. It provides a route to convergence that emphasises the profession’s integrity.
    This approach may be summarised as:
    ■ identifying and evaluating circumstances and relationships that create threats (e.g. to independence); and
    ■ taking appropriate action to:
    – eliminate these threats; or
    – reduce them to an acceptable level by the application of safeguards.
    If no safeguards are available to reduce a threat to an acceptable level an assurance engagement must be refused or
    This approach was first introduced to Section 8 of The Code, on independence, and is applicable to assurance engagements
    when the assurance report is dated on or after 31 December 2004.
    Further to the cases of Enron, Worldcom and Parmalat, IFAC issued a revised Code in July 2005 that applies to all professional
    accountants, whether in public practice, business, industry or government2.
    A member body of IFAC may not apply less stringent standards than those stated in the Code. The Code is effective from
    30 June 2006.
    Practicing accountants and members in business must maintain the high standards of professional ethics that are expected
    by their professional bodies (such as ACCA). These developments codify current best practice in the wake of the
    aforementioned recent corporate scandals.
    The developments in The Code have wider application in that it:
    ■ applies to all assurance services (not just audit);
    ■ considers the standpoints of the firm and of the assurance team.
    Since ACCA is a member-body of IFAC the elevation of The Code to a standard will affect all Chartered Certified Accountants.

  • 第16题:

    5 (a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’ is divided into three parts:

    Part A – Applicable to All Professional Accountants

    Part B – Applicable to Professional Accountants in Public Practice

    Part C – Applicable to Employed Professional Accountants


    Distinguish between ‘Professional Accountants’, ‘Professional Accountants in Public Practice’ and ‘Employed

    Professional Accountants’. (3 marks)

    5 BOLEYN & CO
    (a) Professional Accountants
    ■ Professional Accountants are members of an IFAC member body. They may be:
    – in public practice or employed professionals;
    – a sole practitioner, partnership or corporate body.
    ■ Professional Accountants in Public Practice (‘practitioners’) are:
    – each partner (or person occupying a position similar to that of a partner); and
    – each employee in a practice providing professional services to a client irrespective of their functional classification
    (e.g. audit, tax or consulting); and
    – professional accountants in a practice having managerial responsibilities.
    This term is also used to refer to a firm of professional accountants in public practice.
    ■ Employed Professional Accountants are professional accountants employed in industry, commerce, the public sector or

  • 第17题:

    (d) Discuss the professional accountant’s liability for reporting on prospective financial information and the

    measures that the professional accountant might take to reduce that liability. (6 marks)

    (d) Professional accountant’s liability
    Liability for reporting on PFI
    Independent accountants may be required to report on PFI for many reasons (e.g. to help secure a bank loan). Such forecasts
    and projections are inherently unreliable. If the forecast or projection does not materialise, and the client or lenders (or
    investors) consequently sustain financial loss, the accountant may face lawsuits claiming financial loss.
    Courts in different jurisdictions use various criteria to define the group of persons to whom independent accountants may be
    held liable for providing a report on an inaccurate forecast or projection. The most common of these are that an accountant
    is liable to persons with whom there is proximity:
    (i) only (i.e. the client who engaged the independent accountant);
    (ii) or whose relationship with the accountant sufficiently approaches privity;
    (iii) and to persons or members of a limited group of persons for whose benefit and guidance the accountant supplied the
    information or knew that the recipient of the information intended to supply it;
    (iv) and to persons who reasonably can be foreseen to rely on the information.
    Measures to reduce liability
    As significant assumptions will be essential to a reader’s understanding of a financial forecast, the independent accountant
    should ensure that they are adequately disclosed and clearly stated to be the management’s responsibility. Hypothetical
    assumptions should be clearly distinguished from best estimates.
    The introduction to any forecast (and/or report thereon) should include a caveat that the prospective results may not be
    attained. Specific and extensive warnings (‘the actual results … will vary’) and disclaimers (‘we do not express an opinion’)
    may be effective in protecting an independent accountant sued for inaccuracies in forecasts or projections that they have
    reported on.
    Any report to a third party should state:
    ■ for whom it is prepared, who is entitled to rely on it (if anyone) and for what purpose;
    ■ that the engagement was undertaken in accordance with the engagement terms;
    ■ the work performed and the findings.
    An independent accountant’s report should avoid inappropriate and open-ended wording, for example, ‘we certify …’ and ‘we
    obtained all the explanations we considered necessary’.
    Engagement terms to report on PFI should include an appropriate liability cap that is reasonable given the specific
    circumstances of the engagement.
    The independent accountant may be able to obtain indemnity from a client in respect of claims from third parties. Such ‘hold
    harmless’ clauses obligate the client to indemnify the independent accountant from third party claims.

  • 第18题:

    (b) (i) Explain the matters you should consider to determine whether capitalised development costs are

    appropriately recognised; and (5 marks)

    (b) (i) Materiality
    The net book value of capitalised development costs represent 7% of total assets in 2007 (2006 – 7·7%), and is
    therefore material. The net book value has increased by 13%, a significant trend.
    The costs capitalised during the year amount to $750,000. If it was found that the development cost had been
    inappropriately capitalised, the cost should instead have been expensed. This would reduce profit before tax by
    $750,000, representing 42% of the year’s profit. This is highly material. It is therefore essential to gather sufficient
    evidence to support the assertion that development costs should be recognised as an asset.
    In 2007, $750,000 capitalised development costs have been incurred, when added to $160,000 research costs
    expensed, total research and development costs are $910,000 which represents 20·2% of total revenue, again
    indicating a high level of materiality for this class of transaction.
    Relevant accounting standard
    Development costs should only be capitalised as an intangible asset if the recognition criteria of IAS 38 Intangible Assets
    have been demonstrated in full:
    – Intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it
    – Technical feasibility and ability to use or sell
    – Ability to generate future economic benefit
    – Availability of technical, financial and other resources to complete
    – Ability to measure the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset.
    Research costs must be expensed, as should development costs which do not comply with the above criteria. The
    auditors must consider how Sci-Tech Co differentiates between research and development costs.
    There is risk that not all of the criteria have been demonstrated, especially due to the subjective nature of the
    development itself:
    – Pharmaceutical development is highly regulated. If the government does not license the product then the product
    cannot be sold, and economic benefits will therefore not be received.
    – Market research should justify the commercial viability of the product. The launch of a rival product to Flortex
    means that market share is likely to be much lower than anticipated, and the ability to sell Flortex is reduced. This
    could mean that Flortex will not generate an overall economic benefit if future sales will not recover the research
    and development costs already suffered, and yet to be suffered, prior to launch. The existence of the rival product
    could indicate that Flortex is no longer commercially viable, in which case the capitalised development costs
    relating to Flortex should be immediately expensed.
    – The funding on which development is dependent may be withdrawn, indicating that there are not adequate
    resources to complete the development of the products. Sci-Tech has failed to meet one of its required key
    performance indicators (KPI) in the year ended 30 November 2007, as products valued at 0·8% revenue have
    been donated to charity, whereas the required KPI is 1% revenue.
    Given that there is currently a breach of the target KPIs, this is likely to result in funding equivalent to 25% of
    research and development expenditure being withdrawn. If Sci-Tech Co is unable to source alternative means of
    finance, then it would seem that adequate resources may not be available to complete the development of new

  • 第19题:

    (c) Describe the audit procedures you should perform. to determine the validity of the amortisation rate of five

    years being applied to development costs in relation to Plummet. (5 marks)

    (c) Audit procedures to determine the validity of the amortisation rate of five years being applied to development costs in relation
    to the product Plummet would include the following:
    – Obtain the papers documenting market research carried out on Plummet. Review and ascertain that the market research
    supports a product life span of five years.
    – Review actual sales patterns since the launch of Plummet and compare to the predicted sales per the market research
    Tutorial note: this will help to demonstrate the accuracy of the predicted sales forecast of Plummet.
    – Read the assumptions underpinning the market research sales projections, and consider whether these assumptions
    agree with the auditors’ understanding of the business.
    – Discuss sales trends with the sales/marketing directors and ascertain whether sales are in line with management’s
    – Read correspondence with retail outlets to ensure there is continued support for selling Plummet.
    – Obtain marketing/advertising budgets and ascertain enough expenditure is continuing on Plummet to support continued

  • 第20题:

    (c) Identify and discuss the ethical and professional matters raised at the inventory count of LA Shots Co.

    (6 marks)

    (c) There are several ethical and professional issues raised in relation to the inventory count of LA Shots Co.
    Firstly, it was inappropriate of Brenda Mangle to offer the incentive to the audit juniors. As she is a new manager, it may be
    that she didn’t realise how the incentive would be perceived. Brenda should be informed that her actions could have serious
    The offer could be viewed as a bribe of the audit juniors, and could be perceived as a self-interest independence threat as
    there is a financial benefit offered to members of the audit team.
    The value of the ten bottles of ‘Super Juice’ should be considered, as it is only appropriate for a member of the audit team to
    accept any goods or hospitality from the audit client if the value is ‘clearly insignificant’. Ultimately it would be the decision
    of the audit partner as to whether the value is clearly insignificant. It is likely that this does not constitute a significant threat
    to independence, however the offer should still be referred to the audit partner.
    Also, if the juniors took ten bottles of ‘Super Juice’, this could interfere with the physical count of goods and/or with cut off
    details obtained at the count. The juniors should therefore have declined the offer and informed a senior member of the audit
    team of the situation.
    There may be a need to adequately train new members of staff on ethical matters if the juniors were unsure of how to react
    to the offer.
    The work performed by the juniors at the inventory count must be reviewed. The audit procedures were performed very
    quickly compared to last year and therefore sufficient evidence may not have been gathered. In an extreme situation the whole
    inventory count may have to be reperformed if it is found that the procedures performed cannot be relied upon.
    In addition, the juniors should not have attended the audit client’s office party without the permission of the audit manager.
    The party appears to have taken place during work time, when the juniors should have been completing the inventory count
    procedures. The two juniors have not acted with due professional consideration, and could be considered to lack integrity.
    The actions of the juniors should be discussed with them, possibly with a view to disciplinary action.
    There may also be questions over whether the direction and supervision of the juniors was adequate. As the two juniors are
    both recent recruits, this is likely to be the first inventory count that they have attended. It appears that they may not have
    been adequately briefed as to the importance of the inventory count as a source of audit evidence, or that they have
    disregarded any such briefing that was provided to them. In either case possibly a more senior auditor should have
    accompanied them to the inventory count and supervised their actions.

  • 第21题:

    the most important and most difficult part of the making of a good language teacher is ____________________.

    A. the development of professional competence

    B. the development of integrated skills

    C. the development of English knowledge

    D. the development of language skill


  • 第22题:

    In what sense does foreign language teaching methodology help you in your professional development?
    A foreign language teacher has to not only make his students understand the language, namely the pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, etc., he must also develop their communicative competence so that they can use the language they have learned correctly, appropriately and expressively in real situations. In order to do well this complicated job, the teacher needs to know, apart from a comprehensive knowledge of the language and the ability to use it, as many teaching methods and techniques as possible, and understand the underlying theories and principles, therefore he not only knows what to teach and how to do it, but also why he should do it in a certain way and how to solve problems when they arise. In this way he will have full confidence in doing his job well.
    Foreign language teachers understand that knowing a language does not necessarily mean that you can teach the language well. Teaching is an art as well as a science. If you do not know the theories, principles, methods or techniques of teaching, you might be able to teach a foreign language based on your experience, but you cannot hope to achieve good results, nor can you give your or your colleagues’ teaching a rational evaluation or a critical appraisal. There are surely limitations in teaching by drawing only on experience, though experience is important. The theory you learnt from the methodology course can guide, support and conceptualize practice. New insights you get by sharing ideas of other people will bring you great benefit. As the old saying goes: “Travel broadens the mind”. In the same way learning Foreign Language Teaching Methodology will surely broaden the mind of teachers.

  • 第23题:

    It can be concluded from the passage that the author’s major concern is ______.

    the continuing social progress and prosperity


    the development of western philosophy


    corporate, civic and personal responsibilities


    general well-being of the society

    正确答案: D
    本文首先指出在经济发展、社会财富大增时,人们却感到空虚,缺少归属感和幸福感,接着作者便谈到politics of happiness,社会上每个人都应发挥自己的作用,这样自己最终也会收获幸福。文章最后强调“That is why focusing on general well-being could be the big, defining political concept of the 21st century”。可见作者关注的重点是社会整体幸福感。